Chapter 212:Sorting Things Out[2]

Lucas stared at Layla's figure for a moment.

After cleaning up and wearing neat clothes her figure looked quite enchanting.

Her thin lips with gentle eyebrows and the shyness on her face make her look like a natural seducer.

'Did she also use honey traps on them?'Alex muttered inwardly while thinking about her stunning figure after a few years.

Seeing her current naive appearance Lucas found it hard to digest that she was going to be a huge pain in the ass in the future.

She looks like an innocent lamb that can't even kill a fly let alone commit the heinous deed of killing the humans.

"Take a seat," Lucas spoke.

Layla thought that this was his order and immediately sat on the floor.

Lucas blinked a couple of times and finally opened his mouth"Why are you sitting on the floor?"

Layla thought that his action might have displeased Lucas and she stood up immediately and bowed her head and spoke frantically"I made a mistake so please don't hit me."