Chapter 216:Boss Monster[2]

The Sonic Gorilla's Eyes was filled with emotions of disdain and anger.

If he could speak, it could say that"Sure enough weaklings like you can only rely on childish tricks."

Lucas looked at Sonic Gorilla and started to run back while it started to chase Lucas.

Lucas looked back to see Morgana had retreated to a safe distance but the Gorilla was coming closer to Lucas.

The Gorilla was already on his back but Lucas didn't look frightened and stomped the ground to jump at the branch of the tree.

The Gorilla jumped towards the tree and slammed its body on the tree, uprooting the whole tree and blowing it away.

Lucas jumped into the air and slashed many wind blades at the Gorilla from the sky and then created a block of ice and kicked it to garner the momentum to push its body to a safe distance.


A barrage of wind blades fell on the gorilla which slammed him down on the ground for a moment.
