Chapter 233:Orc Invasion[3]

Lucas' swing passed through the 3-Star Orc quite easily, splitting it into two halves.

On the other side was a huge six feet man who had black hair wearing the best of chainmail turned back while slashing at the Orc.

"Quick! Let's get rid of these disgusting pieces of shit and move down quickly.

These assholes are trying to break through the gates." The man screamed at the top of his lungs as he heard the loud thumping sound of the banging of huge iron gates.

Every soldier who was fighting suddenly became weary on hearing the man's voice.

A 4-Star Orc tried to take the opening and dashed towards him.

"Stop getting in my way son of bitch!" He shouted and jumped towards him.

His hand tightly clasped the Orc face and raised the huge bulky Orc body with his strength. He slammed it on the ground which was made of stones.


The Orc groaned in pain and coughed blood. It felt as if his skull had been crushed brutally but this was not the end of it.