You’ve Already fell

Pitch Black with watery blurred orange was everything Claudius could see through his eyelids that he did not have enough energy and power to open.

He was struggling to breath properly for a couple of minutes after he gained his consciousness back. At first he got so confused, he had no clue about what was going around him and why he was too tired.

Augustine was silently watching the tea warming up on the fire which he started in the fireplace earlier but he instantly turned around when he heard light and low whimpers coming from behind him.

His majesty noticed how the crown prince was tightening his hand around his own clothes and how his eyebrows were furrowed.

Augustine hoped this means Claudius was waking up.

The first thing he did after this was rush to the glass of water that he placed earlier on the table to go right back to the couch where the crown prince was lying down unconsciously with new proper bandages wrapped around his strong chest.