I Want My Kiss Back

Claudius at this moment was not sure how he got that speed.He rushed toward the king's room like a thunderstorm.

When he opened the door he found Augustine sitting up and resting his back on the head board while resting both of his arms on his bandaged stomach.

Amelia was sitting next to him on the edge of the bed while stuffing him with food unbothered with his resistance.

The second Claudius entered the room, Augustine's gaze got diverted toward him as his eyes visibly started shining and the frown that was on his face which was caused by Amelia who was forcing him to eat, instantly vanished in thin air and was replaced by a tiny grin as his facial expressions softened.

Claudius silently examined the king's body before holding a quiet eye contact with the latter.

The sight made Amelia smirk and glance at Edgar who smirked back at her then gave her a sign that means they should leave the pair alone.