Wedding In Pheridor

Augustine's heart was racing, he felt so euphoric at this moment.

Having Claudius in his arms after the latter confessed to him.

Everything is somehow perfect which although he was happy about it, he also could not help but get scared of the possibility of something goes wrong.

But when Claudius hugged him and told him how he was happy he made the right choice, his majesty received a strength and bravery boost just by knowing that Claudius is more than ready to fight for their love and will make sure that whatever happened to their fathers in the past would not happen to them.

"Come on." Mumbled the crown prince as he held Augustine's hand and gently pulled him along to walk out of the room since they still have a lot of things to do before leaving Deprekia.

While walking in hallways the both of them could feel stares coming from the servants and the guards but none of them dared to say anything, in fact they even lower their gaze instantly when Claudius glances at them.
