Meet the charachters <3


Hello everyone author here~✌️

Before I start to post my story I would like to introduce some of my main charachters to you. Tell you some information about them that will make your reading experience easier and better.

So let's start then~


Name: Rin

Last name: Miller

Age: 17

Info: Like's to draw, loves to spent her time with her friends or a dog. Is a one of a top

students in her class. Wants to open her own office in the future.

Name: Sara

Last name: Miller

Age: 44

Info: Rin's mother. Works like a nurse in a big city hospital. Loves her daughter. Very caring. Adores coffe and walks through forests.

Name: Felix

Last name: Garcia

Age: 19

Info: Likes to play Basketball. Doesn't really like to study but has very good grades. Likes to be alone but doesn't mind going out with his friends. Troublemaker 24/7. Very talented in playing guitar and a good singer.

Name: Sebastian

Last name: Garcia

Age: 47

Info: Felix's father. Works like a doctor in a big city hospital. Is very rich. Doesn't spend too much time with his son. Likes to read.

Name: Mia

Last name: Davis

Age: 18

Info: Rin's best friend. Very sweet person. Not too great at studying. Rin always helps her out. Likes to get in trouble. Staying in? A big no no. Adores going out and shoping.

Name: David

Last name: Jones

Age: 19

Info: Felix's best friend. Playboy alert! Even tho he is a pretty nice person when you meet him. Likes to go out. Bad at studying, almost drop out of school one time. In the future wants to be a profesionalni Basketball player.

Name: Lisa

Last name: Lopez

Age: 17

Info: Bitch alert! Has a BIG crush on Felix.

Probably the rudest person you will ever meet. Rich girl. Likes to spend her parents

money and adores shoping. Hates Rin for gods know what reason.


This is just some of the info.

Ofc there is going to be a lot more charachters but these are one of the main ones. Hope I made everything clear. The real story will soon start so get ready. Hope you will like it.

Also I allready published this story on MangaToon and there is 57 episodes and is still ongoing. So if you want you can go and read it there too.

It is called: "In Love with my stepbrother~"


Have a good day / night guys~❤️