[In Rin's bedroom]:
(Rin woke up from her nap and quickly
anwsered the phone call. She didn't expect this person calling her.)
?? - Hello, Rin.
Rin - Hi, dad!😁
Dad - How are you Rin?
Rin - I'm good, dad. You?
Dad - I'm fine too.
Rin - How so that you called me?
Dad - Well, ummm…
Rin - Is something the mater?
Dad - You know that we were suposed to meet on Sunday, right?
Rin - Yeaa, why?😕
Dad - Rin… *sigh* I can't come.
Rin - Oh, it's fine dad. We can allways meet next week.🤗
Dad - Rin, no we can't.
Rin - What? Why?
Dad - Listen Rin I wanted to say this to you a long time ago but I just couldn't.
I'm moving Rin.
Rin - Moving? What? Where?
Dad - I'm moving with my wife. She's pregnant. We thought it would be the best for our family to move somewhere els.
Rin - I-I…
Dad - Rin?
Rin - She's pregnant?
Dad - Yes. Klara is pregnant with a boy.
Rin - When are you moving?
Dad - Tomorow.
Rin - Where?
Dad - Paris.
Rin - ….
Dad - Rin I know that this is for you…
Rin - So you are just going to forget me?
Dad - What?
Rin - *with tears in her eyes* You are just
going to forget about me and go with your new family!
Dad - Rin I-…
Rin - No! I understand. It's alright!😄
Dad - I'm sorry, Rin.
Rin - It's fine dad. Enjoy your new life. Goodby.
Dad - …Goodby dear…
Rin - … *tears roled down her cheek*
(With that they both hunged up.
Rin was feeling broken. She really loves her dad, trully. She allways thought about her dad as a hero. Even when him and her's mom
broke up she was still happy that every week she could see him. Rin and her dad would
allways go on small trips. When they were
together Rin felt like her family is whole, again. She wasn't even mad when her dad remarried.
She was happy that he moved on.
But now…
Why did this happen?
He is just going to leave her like that.
Does he not love her anymore?
His daughter, his first chield.
Rin was feeling broken. She sat on her bed while huging a pillow. She cried her heart and soul out. She never thought that he would hurt her that bad. The feeling of betreyal and
lonlines is too much.
She cried for 2 hours straight. After that she calmed down. She sat on her bad in silence while milion of thoughts went trough her head.)
Rin's P.O.V.
"So that really happened. He is just going to leave me like that. Seems like his new family is more important to him.
I can't do anything about it now. Can I?!
Mom has her new boyfriend, dad new family.
I geass it's a geam over, ha?!
I need to get out of this house. Myb a walk with my dog is gonna calm me down.
That usually helps.
Yeaaa…let's try that."
(Rin got ready and took her dog Gina. They went out of the house to take a walk. They
walked all the way to school.
There Rin sow…)