Do you have a death wish!?

?? - Rin?!

(Once Rin sow who grabed her hand she quickly huged the man. She couldent help it so she started to cry.)

Rin - *crying* Felix, please help me!

Felix - *woried* Rin?! What's wrong? Rin look at me.

(Rin let go of Felix's shirt and looks him in the eys.)

Rin - Felix, please help me. They are going to do something to me. *crying*

Felix - Who is…

(Just as Felix was about to ask the question someone interupted him. Those were the boys that chased Rin. Their voices could have been heard from afar.)

Boy 2. - Hey! I think I see her!

Boy 3. - Really?

Boy 1. - Then go and get her! She is mine!

(Rin was startled. She tightly grabed Felix shirt again. Cryngly she said…)

Rin - Felix, please don't leave me.

(Felix looked at Rin. His eys couldn't stop looking at her. He never thought he will see her cyring. At the same time he was woryed about Rin and also furious. At the time Felix's friend, David, came.)

David - What is going on?

(Felix didn't answer his question. Instead he said…)

Felix - Rin, don't worry. I will help you. Go and hide. Me and David will handle this.

Rin - Are you sure? Will you be all..

Felix - We are going to be fine. Go now.

Rin - ….ok…

(With that Rin ran away and hide somwhere around park.)

David - Yo, Felix! What is the matter with you?

Felix - See those bastards. *pointing at them*

David - Yeaa.

Felix - They seem to have a death wish.

David - *smirks* Well then…How can we say no.

Felix - Let's go.

(They started to go closer to the boys. Boys were still busy looking around for Rin that they didn't even notice that someone came near to them.)

Boy 1. - Where is she!? You said you sow her!

Biy 2. - I did! She must have run away.

Boy 3. - Yeaa, don't worry we are going to find her.

Boy 1. - You better. When I find her she can't even imagine what am I going to do to her. *mad*

Felix - Oh, yeaa. Why don't you try and show me?

Boy 2. - What?

Boy 1. - Who the fuck are you two?

David - Ah, I feel hurt.🤧

Boy 3. - For what?

David - You don't recognize a person who is going to beat the shit out of you.🥺

Boy 3. - You litle…

(Before he could do something Boy 1. stoped him.)

Boy 1. - Look, I don't know who you two are and I don't care. This, what we are doing is none of your busines. So just leave before things get nasty.

Felix - *smirks* None of our busines, huh? And what are you morons even doing?

Boy 1. - As I said, none of your busin…

(Just as he was ready to say it, Felix sudendly punched him in the face. Boy 1. imidietly fell on the ground. )

Felix - Then I'm gonna make it my busines.

Boy 2. - Do you wish to die!?

Boy 3. - Let's get them!

Felix - Ready, David?

David - *smirks* I was born ready.

(With that all of the boys started to fight. After some minutes…)