Rin’s backstory~


"What is there to say. I was a happy kid just like any other. When I started school I was a pretty shy chield but with time that shines went away. I never had troubles with my studies. I was allways one of the top students and I liked that very much. But I geass some people from my class didn't really liked that. I must say everything was fine. Then one day my parents told me that they are going to divorce. At first I was really shoked and ofc sad. But with time pain went away. I didn't hate my parents or anything like that. But I allways felt alone even tho I never showed that. My life was good.


When I started to go to 7th grade everything changed. My so called "friends" left me. I was left with only one friend. That friend is very dear to me even today. I started to get bulied. They would tell me how ugly I am, too skiny, that I am a nerd cause I allways get a good grades etc… It hurted me hearing those words. But I never showed it that hurted. It has goten worse… In 8th grade, girls from my class started to hate me. Reason was pretty stupid from my point of view. All the boys started to like me. Hah, stupid isn't it!? Most of the girls would love that but I….I hated every minute of that. Boys started to touch me. They would whisper things in my ear during class, slap my butt and other disgusting things. I can't even tell you how many times I cried on my way home but I didn't tell my mom. I would wipe my tears before coming home so that my mom couldn't see that I was sad. I thought of myself as a pathetick person. I almost comited suicied. But then I thought… Why should I die? Why should I end my life? I didn't do anything wrong. They hurted me. I am not going to let them win. If I die that means they won… I'm gonna live for me, my mom and other people close to me. I'm gonna be successful and kill them with that…I'm gonna live! I adore myself for that, not gonna lie. But then, everything changed…

I started to go to Higschool. I meet so many nice people that I'm still hanging out with them. They help me, support me…love me. I couldn't be happier with them. I'm not leaving them, never, cause they are allways going to be with me. And I am going to be with them. I'm doing great know. I won some amazing awards and been to amazing places. I have to think… If I kiled myself that day never of this would ever happen. Life may be very hard at some times but it can also be so beautiful. We decide our own destiny. I know what I want from the future and I know I must work hard to reach that goal but… I know I will make it and that is the most important thing.

My passion, my goal, my decision.