Your number~

(After a while one hour past away. Rin's detention was going to be over soon. On the other side poor Felix still had two hours detention.)

Rin - Agh, finally~ *streching*

Rin - The end has come to this torture.🥳

Felix - Oh, common it isn't that bad.

Rin - It is super boring. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes and be here two more hours.

Felix - Ha-ha really funny.

Rin - I know right.😁

Felix - When did you become so funny?

Rin - I was allways funny. You just didn't notice it sooner.

Felix - Sure, girly~

Rin - Well I better go now. Have fun~

Felix - Hm…

Felix - Hey!

Rin - Yea?

Felix - Before you leave…

Rin - What? You need something?

Felix - …

Felix - *blushing* I was wondering if I could get your number.

Rin - 😳

Rin's P.O.V.

"What?! He want's my number. I geass that is fine… I mean we are friends after all. It is completly normal of him to ask me that. Why am I freaking out over such a small thing? Common Rin! Get a hold of yourself!"

Rin - *cough* O-Ofc you can.

Felix - Tnx.😊

(Felix gave Rin his phone and she typed her phone number in it. After she done that she gave his phone back to him.)

Rin - Here you go.

Felix - Mmh.

Rin - Well… I will be going now. By~👋🏻

Felix - Oke. By~👋🏻

(Rin left the clasroom leaving Felix. Felix was sittting. He put one hand on a table and other hand on his cheek almost covering his mouth. He was lookin out of the window.)

Felix's P.O.V.

" *blushing* I can't belive I really done it. I have her number. I can't stop smiling. I feel like such an idiot.😵‍💫"

(While thinking that Felix covered his face with both hands. It was the first time that Felix, the rumored bad boy and the player, goten shy because of someone. Even Felix, himself, was confused of why is he feeling so nerveous.)

(Soon after the next class of detention started. Felix was now REALLY bored cause now he was all alone. He sitted calmly playing with a pen.)

Felix's P.O.V.

" *sigh* I am so bored~ Hmm… Should I try and text Rin? I mean I need to make sure she gave me the right phone number. Yea! I better text her quick. I just need to make sure that idiot of a Teacher doesn't see me using my phone. I reall don't need more trouble. Well…Here goes nothing~"

(Rin was walking home listening to musik when she sudendly goten a notification. She stoped musik and looked at her phone.)

?? - Hey.

Rin - Who is this?

?? - You hav three geases, girly~

Rin - Oh, it is you Felix.

Felix - Ding, ding!

Rin - What you miss me alredy?!😂

Felix - Keep flatering yourself.🙄

Rin - I will. Soo~ you must be really bored to text me this fast.

Felix - Don't even ask me. I feel like dying.😵‍💫

Rin - Oh, poor you.😂

Felix - You are really eyjoing this too much, are you?😑

Rin - You can't even imagine.😂

Felix's P.O.V.

"Pff, dumy~"