Lisa - But what?
Rin - I bet you have reasons for that behavior.
Lisa - …
Rin - Besides… *coming closer to Lisa* I'm sorry to.
Lisa - For what are you sory?
Rin - For saying I'm going to tell eveyrone about your operations.
Lisa - Oh…Are you?
Rin - No. Do I need to?
Lisa - I beg you no.
Rin - Why tho?
Lisa - Hm?
Rin - Why did you even do all that?
Lisa - Operations?
Rin - No, not that. The scene that day.
Lisa - Ah, that~
Rin - Can you tell m-
Lisa - You know I'm rich, right?!
Rin - I do.
Lisa - Even tho I like al that glamour and all I just feel empty sometimes. The reason for operations is just my secret and you can't know it…but the reason for that day…
Rin - What was it?
Lisa - Honestly, I'm not even sure, myself.
Rin - Hm?
Lisa - I geass I was jelous of you.
Rin - Of me? Why?
Liss - Well of you and Felix to be corect.
Rin - But why?
Lisa - The way he looks at you…I just wish somebody would look at me the same way.
Rin - The way he looks at me?
Lisa - Myb you don't see it. But that look…once I sow it I understood everything.
Rin - I don't get it.
Lisa - You really are dumb.
Rin - Rude.
Lisa - Whatever. I'm not going to tell you anything no more. You need to find out the rest yourself.
(Just as Lisa was about to leave Rin asked her.)
Rin - Is that all?
Lisa - Pardon?
Rin - The things you did…you don't know why you did it?!
Lisa - …
Rin - That is no reason.
Lisa - Look-
Rin - Be honest, Lisa. Atleast this time.
Lisa - *shocked*
Rin - Why did you do all that?
Lisa - …
Lisa - Fine, there is no reason to hide it.
Rin - …
Lisa - I liked Felix but even if us two were together it wouldn't last long. I'm just that way. But the main reason I done all that was cause I was scared.
Rin - Scared of what?
Lisa - To be exposed. To be precise I was treathened.
Rin - Thretened?
Lisa - Yeaa~
Rin - Who done that?
Lisa - A girl.
Rin - Flora?
Lisa - No. She doesn't have guta to do all that. Besides that litle nerd left school and went aboard.
Rin - Then who?
Lisa - I can't tell you that yet…just…be careful.
Rin - Huh?
Lisa - Somebody is here Rin. A very bad person and she isn't going to stop unless she get's what she want's.
Rin - And what does she want so much?
Lisa - …
Lisa - Felix.
Rin - W-what?!
(After a minute of silence Rin finally spoken.)
Rin - Why him?
Lisa - I really don't know.
Rin - Her name?
Lisa - Don't know and if I knew I wouldn't tell. I don't need that bitch to ruin me.
Rin - I understand.
Lisa - Good. I'm going then.
Rin - Lisa.
Lisa - What?
Rin - Thank you.😊
Lisa - !
Lisa - I didn't do this for you. I don't want to have anything at my conscius.
Rin - Haha, oke~ Let's pretend that is the truth.
Lisa - …yeaa…
Lisa - I'm going now. I can't be cought talking with a loser like you.
Rin - Ofc, you can't. By, by Lisa~👋🏻
Lisa - *smiling*
Lisa's P.O.V.
"You aren't that bad, Rin. I hope it all ends good for you and me at the end."