
Rin - How can you be pregnant?!

Megy - Do you think I wanted this?! *crying*

Rin - When did you find out you were pregnant?

Megy - Yesterday. *snif*

Rin - How long are you pregnant?

Megy - I'm not too sure. I didn't go to doctor yet. Rin I'm so scared~ *crying*

Rin - Shhh~ calm down. Breath. Does your ex boyfriend knows he is going to become a father?

Megy - No! I don't even want him to know. He doesn't deserve to know!

Rin - How can you say that? He is THE FATHER of the baby!

Megy - That bastard who cheated on me doesn't deserve to be called a father!

Rin - Megy now is too late to say that. IT HAPPENED! That chield didn't do anything wrong!

Megy - And I did?!

Rin - I didn't say that…

Megy - Now this all is my fault. I did everything wrong it seems! *jelling*

Rin - You both did! God Damn it! If you didn't want this to happen you could have been careful. For fuck sake didn't you use protection?! Are you that stupid?! *angry*

Megy - Why are you being angry now?!

Rin - How could I not be angry?! Why the hell are you jelling at me like this all was my fault. I'm here…trying to make you feel better and all you do is being a bitch! Being pregnant doesn't give you right to yell at me and ackt like that! Get a hold of yourself!

Megy - How could I not ackt like this?! I'm FUCKING PREGNANT at 18!

Rin - Well then why weren't you more FUCKING CAREFULL! What? Were you thinking it won't happen! Well it facking did!

Megy - AHH FUCK IT!!!

Rin - …

Megy - …

Rin - …

Megy - *crying*

Rin - I…

Megy - I-I'm s-sorry. *crying*

Rin - I'm sorry too. I went to far…

Megy - No, everything you said was true…I should have been more careful than that… Oh, God~ *crying*

Rin - Megy I-I can't bear to hear this anymore…I'm so sorry this happened to you… *crying*

Megy - Please, Rin don't cry. If I hear you cry I will lose it. Please be strong, for me.

Rin - *wiping her tears of* I will. I promise. *sniff*

Megy - Thank you.

Rin - Megy are you going to abort the baby?

Megy - I don't really know. As you said, the baby didn't do anything wrong.

Rin - Megy…

Megy - I need to get my self together and think about this. Haha~ I have never thought I will become a teen mom.

Rin - If you decide to keep it you know you can count on me, right?!

Megy - Ofc, I know that. *smile*

Megy - *sigh*

Megy - Rin, what the hell did I get myself into?!

Rin - Something very hard. But that doesn't mean we can't concure it.

Megy - Yes, you are right. I just need time and everything will come right to a place. Atleast I hope so.

Rin - It will. Don't stop beliving in that.

Megy - Yes…

Rin - Can I ask you something?

Megy - Sure.

Rin - Who is the father of the baby?

Megy - The father of the baby…

Rin - Yes. Do I know him?

Megy - Myb you even do.

Rin - Really?! Then who is it?

Megy - Somebody I wish I have never met.