Our place~

Rin - Not see me anymore? What are you saying Felix?

(Felix looked at Rin's confused face and just smiled.)

Felix - No, nothing. Forget I said that.

Rin - But…

Felix - Common. I think it is a time you see a place when I'm taking you to.

Rin - Oh, yes I supose.

(Felix started to walk carying Rin in his arms. People who were passing couldn't help but comment.)

[Random people]:

"Aaaww look at them. They look so cute."

"They must be newly couple."

"I wish I had a boyfriend like that."

"This girl is so lucky."

(Hearing that Rin felt even more shy. She puted her hands around Felix's neck and dug her face in his chest. She wanted to hide her red face at all cost.)

Rin's P.O.V.

"I can't to help but think…this is making me feel like something like this happened before."


Rin - Why are you holding me like this? There is people here!

(Felix pulled Rin closer to his face. Now their faces were just an inch apart.)

Felix - So what? *smirks*

(People who were passing by were all glancing at them.)

[Random people]:

"How adorable."

"It reminds me of my younger days."

"Ah, young love is so beutiful."

"Why am I single?!" *snif*

(As Rin was hearing al those people talking about them that way she became extra shy. She burried her red face in Felix's chest. Lightly hitting his chest with her free arm.)

Rin - I hate you so much.

Felix - I missed you too, girly~

[Present time]:

(In other hand while Rin was feeling shy, Felix couldn't help but smile. The whole time he was carying Rin he was smiling and hearing people say that made him even more happy. After some time of walking they reached their destiantion. Felix stoped and told Rin…)

Felix - You can look now. We are here.

Rin - Hm. Wow!🤩

(Once Rin turned her head her eyes sparkled. They wiev she just sow was amazing. They were at the city lake. In a dark, lake was suranded with lights and cherry trees. It was also the day people decided to let go of their shiny ballons. So many people laughing and being together made the atmosphere even more beautiful.)

Rin - This is so beautiful!

Felix - I'm glad you like it.

Rin - Felix?

Felix - Hm?

(Rin, still in Felix's arms, huged him tightly. Felix was shoked cause he didn't expect such a big reaction form her. While huging him Rin said…)

Rin - I know why you took me here. I'm grateful for it Felix.

Felix - Heh, so at the end you figured it out. Huh?!

(Rin looked Felix in his eyes and smilingly said…)

Rin - I did. I love it Felix, I truly do. And I'm glad that out of all people, you took me here.

Felix - Me too. *smiling*

(They were looking at eachother. None of then wanted to break the eyecontackt. For both of them this was such a precius moment. They didn't know how their relationship is going to progress. Will they ever be together? The only thing they knew was that they are going to become a familly. What next will happen, they couldn't even imagine.)


"If anyone is wondering what did Rin figure out. So basically, Felix took Rin to this place to make her feel at peace and to make a speacial memory with her. Rin was grateful for that cause he made her feel better and spending some time, alone, with him made her extra happy. Cause from now on things are going to be a lot different for both of them."