Is it that scary?

Rin - Yes, what is it?

Felix - …

(Felix let go of Rin's hand and said…)

Felix - Nothing, sorry about that. I wasn't thinking.

Rin - You sure it's nothing?

Felix - Yeaa, I'm sure.

Rin - Ok, as you say.

Felix - Common , let's go now. We don't want to keep them waiting.

Rin - Yes, you are right.

(Rin and Felix started walking to a living room. There they sow their parents cudling eachother on the couch.)

Sara - There you two are. What took you so long?

Rin - Oh, Haha sorry. We were just talking about something.

Sebastian - Allright.

Sara - Coome now and sit. Felix would you be a dear and start the movie you choosen.

Felix - Yes, ofc.

(Felix was starting a movie and Rin went to sit down on a couch.)

Felix - There, it is starting.

(After Felix was done he went and sat beside Rin on the couch.)

Sara - Oohh, it is a horor movie. Seems scary.

Sebastian - Don't worry it is just a movie, love.

Sara - Yes, I know dear.😊

(After some time the really scary parts of the movie came. Jump scares. What made it worse was that they were watching it in a complete darkness. Sudendly somebody jumped in a movie…)

Rin and Sara - AAAAHHH!

Sara - Gosh that was scary!

Sebastian - Hahah, calm down love.

Sara - Don't laugh at me. *pouting*

Sebastian - How could I not?! You are so adorable.

Sara - Oh, stop it.

Felix's P.O.V.

"How could I not?! You are so adorable."

"Oh, stop it."

"God, I think I'm going to get sick. They are ackting like a pair of horny teenegeres. I don't even wanna imagine what they are going to do later. Aahhh. Chills, literall chills."

(As Felix was thinking to himself he took a glimps at Rin. He got suprised once he sow Rin. She was siting like a fetus with her face dug into a pillow. Even tho it was dark he could see that her hands were shainkg a litle bit.)

Felix's P.O.V.

"Is she shaking?! God, I'm such a moron. I didn't think she would get this scared of a horor movie. I feel so bad."

Rin's P.O.V.

"I hate this, I hate this. Why did it had to be a horor movie?! I could have just said I don't wanna watch it. I hate my pride sometimes. God just please end this as fast as you can."

(Rin risen her haid a bit to take a peek. She looked just in a moment another Jump scare happened.)

Rin and Sara - AAAAHHH!

Sara - This movie is horrifiyng!

Sebastian - Common, it is not that bad. Don't you think so too Felix?

(Felix didn't hear what his father asked him. He was busy looking at Rin with his caring eyes once he sow she dug her face into a pillow again.)

Sebastian - Felix?!

Felix - Huh?

Sebastian - I asked you, do you think this movie is so scary as Sara says?

Felix - Oh, no. It's allright.

Sebastian - See, I told you.

Sara - But…

(As Sara and Sebastian continued to chat Felix came closer to Rin. He puted his one arm around her and lightly places her haid on his chest.)

Rin - Huh?!

Felix - Shhh, just be quet.