Graduation ball

Alexander who was busy exercising glared at his Rolex wristwatch, he shook his head gently in disbelief, glancing Sam who had pouted her lips.

" You need to exercise more, you have to adopt to exercising for a long time." Alexander backed up Leon, Sam heaved a frustrated sigh and continued jogging.

" You need to be strong Sam, you need to protect yourself and your family." She gained energy to exercise more, she recalled everything her father used to teach her.

Leon's lips curved into a broad smile when he saw her improving with each passing second.

" l knew you can do it, Sam. You're a smart girl and first learner." Leon praised her even more, he encouraged her to work harder.

" You're just flirting me, Leon." She rolled her eyes, glancing at him briefly. Leon chuckled upon hearing her words, " of course not, why would l." Leon chuckled once again, he sauntered to the far end of the room to exercise more

" You need to learn how to hold and use a gun properly. " Alexander heaved a long sigh, panting faintly. Sam turned her head gently to glare the man standing behind her.

" l know how to use a gun, you don't need to teach me." A stiff smile plastered on her lips, she wonders what the hell Alex is talking about, she isn't that naive for heaven's sake.

Sam glared at Leon at the far end of the room, he was doing some press-ups. She felt like running to him, she doesn't feel comfortable hanging around Alexander. There's a strong power he possesses, it's hard for Sam to solve the puzzle in her head.

Everything about Alexander is strange, she can't stop wondering if he belongs to this universe.

" You don't know how to hold a gun properly, Samantha. The day you entered the warehouse and directed the gun at me, you weren't holding it in a proper way."

Alexander chuckled softly when he saw the shock plastered on her face. He recalled the naive girl drenched since the rain was pouring heavily, her long silky hair was scattered on her face, she looked like a goddess of slaughter, thirsty for blood.

" Are you trying to intimidate me Alexander? for your information, I'm not intimidated by your compliments." Her lips curved into a half-smile, she glared him with piercing eyes.

" Not even a bit."

She glanced at him with deadly eyes, like a hungry lion targeting its prey.

" You can take it that way, that's if you think I'm trying to intimidate you." Alexander shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, curving his lips into a naughty smile.

" How will you protect your boss if you don't know how to hold a gun? " Alexander moved close to her, he whispered those words in her ear.

His warm breath brushed her sensitive neck, making her shiver slightly but she ignored the sensation completely. She exhaled sharply, clenching her hands into fists till her knuckles turned white.

She turned around angry to face him, unfortunately, she bumped into his hard chest. He wasn't wearing anything on the upper part of the body yet.

" What the hell!" Sam moved a few steps backwards, stroking her forehead soothingly. Alexander raised his eyebrows at her, letting out a throaty chuckle.

" How many times have l reminded you about watching whenever you're going? that's the first rule in my mafia group. l don't allow reckless people in my group."

He heaved a sigh, his face was more serious than ever. He doesn't encourage incompetence when it comes to his business, he always requires his employers to do a clean job.

He doesn't like to clear anyone's mistake, he kills whoever made a mistake because he won't allow them to make the same mistake again.

His piercing eyes send chills down Sam's spine, for the first time in her entire life, she felt so scared. She nodded her head involuntary. Alexander's lips curved into a wicked smile when he saw the terror on her face.

" Good girl, Let's go training now." Alexander led the way, Sam trolled behind him without uttering any word. Alexander stopped in the open field, he placed the bottles filled with soil on the top of a bench.

" You'll aim the bottles, l want you to have a clear target. You're supposed to work hard so that you can be among my best hitman, I'll a sign you to a task soon."

Alexander handed her the gun, Sam's heart hammered wildly when she heard his words. Her hands trembled slightly, grabbing the gun from his hands.

" You need to give it your best, Sam. You can do this girl, just think of your family, their life is relying on you, if you die, they die as well." Sam encouraged herself, since there is no one around to back her up, she'll do it herself.

She raised the gun aiming the middle bottle, she pulled the trigger and shot it mercilessly.

Alexander nodded his head when he saw her skills, she isn't that bad. She needs more training and skills so that she can become one of the best.Alexander sauntered to her.

" Let me show you a proper way of holding the gun." He stood behind her, he stretched his hand on the sides and held on to Sam's hand on the gun.

He raised her hands slightly at the front of her chest, Sam felt a burning sensation when his hand touched hers.

" That's the proper way of holding the gun." He stepped aside to let her continue with the training, Sam fired the gun multiple times. She was improving with each passing second.

" Here, drink some water." Alexander handed her the bottle when she was done training.

" Thank you." She gulped the ice-cold water down her throat greedily, as if she has been thirsty for years.

Samantha continued training day in day out, she kept on improving and working hard to become better. Alexander taught her many fighting skills and martial arts, Leon corrected her whenever she made a slight mistake.

Sam was more than happy to be friends with Leon because he turned the boring days into the happiest ones, Alex was still unpredictable. He's nice one minute, then cold the other minutes.


It was a fine chilly morning, the birds sang melodiously to welcome the new day. The day was promising indeed, it was time for individuals to wake up and try once again.

The bright sun rays shined brightly on Sam's angelic face, she turned on the bed lazily. She felt like sleeping a little more but....she had to wake up because she has been waiting for this day her whole life.

She flickered her eyelashes softly, getting rid of the blurry vision. She yawned and swung her legs out of the comfortable bed, she slid into her fluffy sandals and walked to the closet.

Her face lit up when her brown hazel eyes landed on her white gown, it was perfectly placed between Alexander's Armani suits. She stretched her hand, feeling the soft texture of the beautiful gown.

She can't wait to slide into the gown, she picked the white bathrobe and sauntered to the bathroom to have a long warm bath.

She filled the jacuzzi bathtub with warm water and mixed it with vanilla-scented soap. She slid into the tub, closing her eyes slightly.

Warm water was soothing on her flawless skin, she wanted to stay in the bathtub forever but, it was unfortunate because the water was turning cold.

She wants to make memories, it's the special day of her life. She aims to enjoy it to the fullest, she'll not allow anyone to destroy her special day.

She'd already called her parents yesterday and informed them that she'll be attending the graduation ball.

There's no way she could miss it, she wanted to say goodbye to her longtime friends. She feels bad because....they won't be able to accomplish their dreams together. They had set so many goals, they had many dreams too.

" You have to relax, Sam. It's too early to be stressed." Sam heaved a slow sigh, walking back into the room to get ready. She blow-dried her hair, letting it fall in waves.

She applied a moisturizer on her flawless skin, then slid into her gown and six-inch silver heels. Sam applied light makeup on her angelic face, enhancing her beauty.

She hooked a silver pair of earrings on her ear and applied a pink lipstick on her thin lips, making it deep pink.

She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, Sam blinked countless times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

" ls this you Sam? l never knew you're this beautiful." She touched her reflection on the mirror, winking her left eye to be sure her eyes weren't playing games with her.

She picked her silver purse from the bed and sauntered towards the wooden mahogany door, she was about to twist the metallic doorknob but halted halfway. She turned around, darting her eyes to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything.

She heaved a slow sigh when she stepped out of the room, she descended the grand staircase carefully to make sure she doesn't slid.

Leon was already waiting for her on the ground floor, Sam shoved her hair carefully onto her shoulders.