I love you

I'm stubborn because you're my happiness, Sam. I can't imagine you being away from my reach, isn't it clear to you Sam?"

Edward exhaled deeply, closing his eyes in frustration. He didn't know how to explain to her anymore. That's making his heart somewhat explosive with frustration.

 " Why are you being overprotective, Edward? my life is none of your business."

Samantha pointed her finger at him, gritting her teeth. And her feelings exasperated, groping for the right words to say, but not in the direction of hurting the man who was important to her, but just platonic friendship, but not the love she can see in his eyes. Not that kind of love, and can never be.

 " It's my business Samantha, whether you acknowledge it or not. I'm protective of you as a man protecting his beloved…"

 "What?" The only word came out of her lips. Her mind is screaming that it is not happening right now. Her brain is cluttered with what to say without hurting him.

 "Yes, I've fallen in love with you for quite some time now but I did not have the guts to open my heart to you until today...l love you, Sam. Very much, more than life itself."

Edward heaved a sigh after uttering the words that were stuck in his throat. His eyes are the words of love, staring at the woman flabbergasted from the first word of declaration of love. And that love was replaced with a gradual emotion of pain.

 Samantha was dumbstruck upon hearing Edward's confession, her eyes welled up while her mouth dropped open in surprise. She couldn't believe what she just heard, she tried to move her lips but she could barely utter a word. She knew it was coming because she was not entirely blind to how he cared for her.

 Meanwhile, Diana was about to enter the basement when she heard Edward's loud confession, her stomach twisted painfully while her knees became weak, her hand stretched further to seek support from any solid substance that her hand could grab. She held on to the cold concrete wall, hot tears flowed from her brown hazel eyes.

 " I love you, Sam." Those words echoed in her mind over and over again. It's like a dagger hit her heart and gasped painfully. With tears blinding her eyes, she took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. But the tears just kept flowing. 

 She muttered some angry words, raised her left arm to wipe the unstoppable tears from her eyes, and walked away lazily. Her steps became heavier with each step she took, she wanted to be alone at the moment.

 She continued walking further, passing through the university exit, her shoulders dropped and sobbing lightly. she didn't mind if she would reach the end of the world.

 Back inside the luxurious car, Alexander's closed eyes slid open when he heard Edwards's confession, his heart hammered inside his chest foolishly. He finds the word " love" strange because it's meaningless to him.

 What Alexander couldn't understand is...why he felt like killing Edward when he uttered those words to Samantha.

 Samantha leaned on the nearby car for support, she didn't know how to respond to Edwards's confession. She wanted to laugh out loud and cry bitterly, it was like time was moving in slow motion.

 " Don't make it hard for me, Edward. The last thing I want is to see you hurt with words coming from my own lips. We've been together for almost eight years and that is important to me to be ruined by your declaration of feelings. You never mentioned it to me, don't you dare fake your love for me."

A sarcastic smile plastered on Samantha's lips, she has to do this no matter how much she's hurting deep down.

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you, and never will. I love you, but as a dear friend and can't go beyond. So please, don't expect it from me. And never was time repeating it because you'll get the same reaction. Your stupid love won't stop me from working with Mafia, wake up snow white."

Samantha clicked her fingers before his face, raising her left eyebrow at him.

 "I was waiting for the right time to inform you about my feelings Sam, and now I'm ready to do anything just for you. Let me prove and show how much l love you, Sam...." 

 " Just shut the hell up Edward, whether you love me or not, that's none of my business." Samantha heaved a long sigh, resting her hands on her slim waist.

" Save your love quotes for someone else, I have never loved you and I'll never love you." Her lips curved into half a smile and bit her lower lips. Edward was dumbfounded, he stood there staring at her.

 " You should keep that in mind, from today and forever, I don't want to see your face nor smell your cologne." Samantha's voice was cold as an ice rock, she glared at Edward with piercing eyes that sent shivers down his spine.

 Edward didn't believe his eyes, since when did Samantha became this coldhearted? This is not the woman he used to know. This is someone else in disguise, a tear forming at the corner of his eyes. 

 He was rendered speechless by Samantha's outburst, his world crashed into a million pieces. He felt like the world revolved at a high speed, he couldn't stand on his two feet anymore, he leaned on the wall for support.

 Sam turned around angrily and walked away while Edward glanced at her back blankly.

" No, l won't let you walk in hellfire Sam." His mind jolted back to reality, he ran after her when reality hit him harder. Edward hugged Sam from behind, holding her more tightly.

"I'm not letting you go, Sam, it's okay if you don't love me back, but.... please don't go back to the mafia." Edward pleaded with her, burying his face on her neck. And tears flowed from his eyes, wetting Samantha's neck. 

 " Just let me go, Edward." She tried to get out of his hold but he was too strong, Samantha gave up wriggling and closed her eyes tightly. 

 The tears Samantha has been caging for hours flowed from her eyes, faint sobs escaped from her lips filling the quiet basement.

 " I said let me go." She whispered in between the sobs.

"No, I'm not letting you go Sam." Edward's grip on her tightened, the thought of losing her forever scared him to the core.

 "Alexander..." Samantha whispered helplessly. That was the first name that escaped her lips. She didn't know why she called his name but she needed his presence at the moment, although she recalled he didn't come with them.

 Alexander sauntered to Sam instantly when he heard her calling his name.

 " Let her go, now." His husky voice thundered inside the quiet basement, Edward and Sam raised their heads slowly to glance at Alexander, his face was dark and scary.

 Edward's grip around Samantha tightened, but seeing that shining eyes surveying the man interrupted them, he realized what was inside the woman's heart. Lifelessly, his grip on her loosened.

Sam ran towards instantly when Edward's grip loosened around her, she wrapped her slender hands around Alexander's wait, hugging him.

" Take me away from this place please, I don't want to stay here any longer." She pleaded, hugging Alexander more tightly.Edward glared at Alexander with animosity clearly in his eyes.

 " Don't you dare touch her with your filthy hands, such a bastard you are!" He exclaimed. He strode towards them and assaulted the man who was just waiting for him.

 Edward punched Alexander in the face, but he didn't flinch. Instead, a mocking smile curved at Alexander's lips.

 "Do you have a death wish, little boy?" Alexander's cold voice echoed, Samantha's eyes widened in surprise. She was thinking of what to do when Edward punched Alexander once again.

 " No!" Samantha shouted when Alexander grabbed Edward by the collar and pinned him on the wall.

Leonard who was taking a nap was woken up by a loud scream, the adrenaline kicked in when he noticed it was Samantha's voice.

 Samantha's parents and Skylar walked into the basement hurriedly, they were waiting outside the basement for their daughter to come out when they heard her screaming in pain.

 " Please, don't kill him, Alex." Samantha wrapped her hands around his waist.

Alexander closed his eyes tightly, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves down. His grip loosened on Edward's collar.

 Edward fell to the floor with a thud. He felt a strange power when Alexander was holding him. It's like he's not fully human, he possessed some strange power that has never existed in this universe.

 Alexander walked away immediately, he didn't want to spend more seconds around Edward, he might end up killing him. 

 " What did you do this time man? We're in school for heaven's sake." Leonard scolded Alexander when he bumped into him on his way to the scene.

 " You've no right to tell me what to do, get out of my way before you lose your head." Alexander snapped at him through gritted teeth,Leonard shook his head gently and stepped aside.

 " What's happening here?" Samantha's parents questioned when their eyes landed on Edward laying on the cold concrete floor.

" Ask him, l tried warning him but... he couldn't listen." Samantha wiped tears from her eyes, using the back of her hands.Edward stood from the ground and brushed the dust from his pants.

 " We need to get going Sam, we can't stay here any longer." Leonard pulled Sam's hand gently, leading her towards the car.

 " What! Wait, " Sam tried to protest but Leonard's grip was too tight on her wrist. People began to enter the basement to see what was going on.

 Edward couldn't believe Samantha left with those ruthless humans, his legs itched to follow her, he clenched his hand into a tight fist till his knuckles turned white.

 Samantha looked back to check on Edward, she wanted to make sure he was doing fine. Their eyes locked, more tears flowed from her eyes, making her vision foggy.

 Her lips curved into a bitter smile while Edward was still in trance. Salvador's family followed behind their daughter. It was like everything was moving in slow motion.

 " What's happening? Who was screaming in the basement? " The crowd questioned but there was no one to answer them.Edward almost fell on his knees but....he tried hard to remain in a straight posture.

 " I'll come for you Sam," Edward mumbled and approached his car, he pressed the key button and the door clicked open. Edward stepped inside his luxurious car, closed the door with a bang, and pulled off instantly.

 On the other side, Samantha entered the car, followed by her parents and Skylar. 

 " You made the right decision princess, don't feel bad about it." Mr. Jason tried to comfort his daughter.

" Your father is right dear, you had to do it so that you could protect them." Mrs. Sarah backed up her husband.

 Samantha didn't utter a word because she wasn't hearing what they were saying in the first place. Her mind was miles away from her body.

 Leonard's lips were glued together, he clutched the steering wheel, and the car pulled off. 

 Alexander's blood was boiling inside his veins, he punched the center of the steering wheel angrily, the cloud turned dark outside and the rain began to pour heavily. Alex's car pulled from the basement, following Leonard's car from afar.

" Damn it, that little boy punched me in the face?"