Love Sparks

" This is my best cup of coffee, l swear." Edward nodded his head, agreeing with whatever he had said.

" Stop fluttering me, young man." Mrs Sarah waved his hand in dismissal.

 They talked about a lot of this. Edward smiled all along since he was enjoying the conversation.


" Wake up sleepy head." Sam grabbed the blankets and pulled them away from Skylar's body.

Skylar woke up instantly when he heard her sister's voice. He had missed her so much.

" Someone missed me, hmm." Sam hugged her brother tightly.

" I missed you, Sam." He pulled her into a more tight hug which explained how much she had missed her sister.

" How's school? Have you find new friends?" She asked.

" Yes." He nodded his head gently.

" That's great. I'm so happy to know that you have made some friends. You need to study smart so that you can have good grades, okay?"