Getting along

Edward materialised in Diana's house. He walked straight to the living room and he found she had already fallen asleep.

" Can't imagine how tough life is for you, dear. What kind of parents do you have?" Edward asked the quiet room while shaking his head.

" Parents, who value wealth more than your health and life?"

 Edward's lips curved into a bittersweet smile. He couldn't imagine how parents could do that to their flesh and blood

He has been witnessing Diana drawn in loneliness for the past eight years and that made his heart ache for her.

" You don't need to feel lonely anymore. We're always here if you ever need someone to talk to." 

Edward brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear carefully making sure that he doesn't wake her up.

He stood up and walked to Diana's room so that he could bring a blanket and cover her.