Having fun

Alexander's heart fluttered when he heard Sam's questions. The feeling was out of this world, he couldn't wrap his finger on that foreign tickling sensation in the pit of his stomach.

He was willing to go with her anyway, even if it meant the end of the world. As long as they are going together, it's okay with him.

" Did you hear my question?" She frowned slightly when she noticed that far away look on his handsome features.

" Hmm....oh yes. What did you ask again? I'm sorry for spacing out, I was thinking of how to deal with a certain pest which won't leave my group alone." 

He exhaled slowly, he was frankly lying since he didn't want her to know whatever he was thinking of. Alexander is still afraid to let another person to know how he's feeling deep down.

" You need to keep your emotions to yourself son. Don't ever show it to the world, they will use it against you." 

He remembered his father's words when he was still a young boy.