
Sam grabbed the cup of hot steaming coffee and took a sip. Alexander peeked at her through his long eyelashes and a smile flashed on his handsome face.

She moaned when the delicious pancakes hit her taste buds. She's going to miss everything so much.

Her heart sank once again when she gave it a second thought. Samantha didn't know what the hell was happening to her.

All she knew was that she didn't feel like going away anymore. She wanted to stay a little longer.

" everything okay?" Alexander asked when he realised her face had changed subtly from happiness to sadness.

His husky voice brought her back to the real world.

" Hmm...yes, I'm perfectly fine." She nodded her head gently and sipped the coffee.

Samantha was supposed to be happy because she was walking away from this hell of a life. She has the chance to finish her dreams once again.