Stalker 2

Alexander walked inside the hospital after a few minutes.

" Good morning." He greeted the secretary lady who was busy going through some papers.

" Good...Oh, I'm sorry Mr Hernandez. I never knew you'd be coming to the hospital today." 

The secretary stuttered. All the colours drained from his face from all the shock and nervousness.

She didn't want to disappoint Alexander because he is one of the people who have large shares of the hospital. 

Therefore the secretary had to choose words carefully before they slipped from her lips. She was fully aware that she could lose her job in a heartbeat.

" I don't need permission to walk in this hospital." Alex said as he dipped his hands in his pockets.

" I'm sorry sir." She lowered her head gently to avoid eye contact with her boss. 

Everyone at the hospital, including other shareholders are scared of Alexander Hernandez because he is always serious even if someone cracks a funny joke.