
" Damn it." Sam groaned as the alarm clock produced a loud beeping noise, reminding her that she needed to wake her lazy ass and get to work.

She tossed in annoyance as she reached for the clock which was placed on the bedside table. She switched it off with a sigh.

" You need to wake up, lazy girl." 

She scolded herself as she nestled in her warm sheets which were screaming her name.

Ignoring the urge to sleep. Samantha sat on the queen-sized bed and rested her back on the dashboard.

She slept late. It was not because she was working on something important, it was because of that asshole called Alexander.

" Fuck you! Hernandez." She said through gritted teeth as she swung her legs out of the bed and slid in her fluffy sandals.

Sam grabbed her white bathrobe and towel on her way to the bathroom.