
Samantha fluttered her long eyelashes softly to get rid of the foggy vision. However, she closed her eyes almost immediately when the bright sun rays assaulted her eyes.

She was about to move when she felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She knotted her eyebrows in confusion before she registered what was happening.

A warm smile flashed on her lips. Sam turned on the queen-sized bed slowly, making sure she didn't wake up the sleeping beast.

She stared at Alexander as his masculine chest rose and fell.

His raven black hair fell on his forehead which prevented Sam from seeing his whole face. He looked so peaceful while asleep.

It made Sam want to look at him for eternity. She closed her eyes slightly and a sigh escaped her lips.

The memories of how they ended up sharing a bed flooded her mind.

" You need to get some rest." He said, his voice was dangerously low and a small smile played on his face.