
Alexander stared at Samantha when he heard her screaming at the top of her lungs. He closed his eyes tightly and started to go back to normal.

" What? Are you going to kill him?" She asked with creased eyebrows and clenched jaws.

" I'm tired of everything." A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she ran her slender fingers through her hair.

" You're tired of what?" He asked with a husky calm voice.

" Of everything!" She moved her hand in the hair.

" I...I fought with Edward because of you." She stammered, hot tears flowing from her eyes.

" What?" Alexander exclaimed and his eyes popped out. He couldn't believe that he was the reason why Samantha was crying.

He hated to make her cry. All he wanted to see was her beautiful smile and those ocean-blue eyes that were full of life.

The mafia leader pulled her into his embrace and squeezed her body slightly.