
Samantha sat on the wooden chair opposite her father under the shade in the flower garden. She placed her hands on the table in Infront of her and leaned forward slightly.

" Yes. I'm a perfectly fine father." Her lips curved into a small smile as she nodded her head gently.

" How have you been?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

Mr Jason closed his eyes momentarily and heaved a sigh.

" I have been fine, I can't complain." He shrugged his shoulders and twisted his lips.

" There have been some ups and downs here and there though. I hope you know how tough the mafia job can get sometimes." He added.

" We all know that life is not a walk in the park. We need to keep on going no matter how hard things seem to be sometimes." The corner of his lips curled into a smile.

" What about you? How have you been?" He asked, eager to listen to whatever her daughter had to say.