Chapter 5 |More Training|


Just more training and just pushing her powers more in this chapter so I can make rules for myself on her powers

You can skip it but you might get confused on some things she can do.

Also the guns here only count as constructs since she can still absorb them back.

If she made a weapon she wouldn't be able to absorb them back as quickly since weapons made have stats.

And are living.


(Jane POV)

Holding the Glock on my hand I grasped the handle then pulled the magazine.

'It's empty.' I thought as I formed bullets made of dark matter and made them into the material they're supposed to be made of.

I put them one by one as I was walking around and sent a pulse of soul power around and felt 1 react near me.

I was pretty far off of my original position from before so it was expected that the deeper I went in here the more danger beasts would appear.

Feeling it coming nearer I stopped and aimed the gun I loaded with bullets.

Then all of a sudden I felt something vibrate under me as I jumped out of the way.

The ground burst up from where I was before as a mole like creature came out I then aimed the gun on its eye as it missed.

'Well my aim is still horrible.' I thought as I made the glock disappear and absorbed the remaining soul power and made another gun this time.

This time I made a shotgun and aimed it toward where the mole was before. Only to notice that it wasn't there anymore.

Some dirt then start to emerged from the ground as it comes closer to me.

'It's burrowing its way toward me.' I thought as I made a plan quickly.

I rolled away from where I was before as the ground I was standing on then exploded inches away from me.

The action causes me to be launched backwards but I landed, and dragged my feet on the dirt to stop myself.

I then loaded the shotgun with bullets, but this time they were in their dark matter form.(Future me: Its Shells!!)

The mole was there looking for where its prey had gone too only to look a barrel 2 feet from it's body.

I fired it as the bullets were destroying the shotgun, so before that could happen I killed the mole.

The bullets tore through the mole easily as it slowly absorbed the flesh and blood of the mole and gravitated toward me.

I absorbed the bullets as I felt rejuvenated. The mole now being absolutely dead flopped to the ground with a thud as I felt a minor earthquake.

'This thing is heavy.' I deadpanned at the sight as I reabsorbed the shotgun regaining more energy.

"That was pretty cool though, I felt badass." I said smugly as I went closer to the mole as it's body was being destroyed one by one.

I looked at it closer as I saw orbs like from before.

"Ooohh.. More of those orbeez!." I said excitedly as I went to grab them.

But as soon as I touched them they became pixels that teleported somewhere.

'Seems like I can only access it through the system.' I thought wryly.

"Well waiting won't do any good fighting like this can improve my control and experience." I said loudly as I was a bit more confident this time.

So with that I continued on my way toward a general direction.

I wanted to make a compass but the pointy thing didn't point anywhere so I just stopped using it.

⟨1 Hour Later⟩

An hour since the system was put into its updating state I was still in the forest experimenting on my powers.

Using it to make stuff like guns, clothes, and vehicles.

I tried to make an airplane but I couldn't since it needed a massive amount of it so I just skipped on doing that and went back to cars to see my limit.

The best I could do with cars right now was a 6 sitter, which I thought was a pretty good limit since I would still need to use my power for lots of things and being able to shape something that large with my soul power made of dark matter.

Means I have tons of potential for improvement. Speaking of which I noticed that absorbing living things can increase the amount of soul power I had.

So I opted on mass destruction, on the trees that is since they technically contain life they counted as living beings.

But the addition is minimal at best so I just stopped on ruining the environment and opted on killing monsters near me.

'How long is this update.' I thought as I brought up the screen again.

⟨System Update 69% | Estimated Time of Completion : 30 minutes⟩

"It's been saying this shit for so long, and I'm starting to get a bit mad here." I mumbled angrily mad at the feeling of deception that comes from loading or downloading screens.

'I guess it'll always be like this I thought it would atleast be better since this is one of those systems from those novels.' I thought dissapointed.

'Well anyway I'll just practice more on my control and limits on my ability.' I thought as I tried to make more complex shapes such as a tesseract.

Which failed since I don't have knowledge necessary to put the shape into mind just what I saw from a picture.

This went on for a solid 5 minutes until I had the idea to transform my body to dark matter and shape it.

'But wouldn't that be kinda dangerous, what if I misplace an organ and get internal bleeding.' And with that thought I agreed that turning my self into dark matter and staying that way is safer than making shaping it into flesh.

So to put it into motion I went and made a clearing using dark matter to absorb some of the surroundings to clear space for the experiment.

"Well here goes nothing." I said as I started with my hands.

"Please don't blow up, please don't blow up, please don't blow up." I said repeatedly as half my are was now dark matter.

"Okay." I then moved tried to move it.

"Middle Finger." I said as I made a fuck you sign.

I then tried to add more dark matter and see if I could make my hand bigger.

"Again Don't Blow Up." I said whisper shouting.

My hand then increase in volume as the rest of it becomes 4 times larger than the rest of my arm.

'Okay now to transform it.' I then made the dark matter hand into a lobster claw.

The dark matter arm then slowly becomes a claw as I opened the pincer and it made a clacking sound.

'Feels weird to move it but it works.'

After that I then moved on to the rest of my body.

'Spread.' I thought as my whole entire body slowly turned into a dark figure which contrasted the bright scenery making me stand out to anyone who could see me. Luckily there was no one around except for me.

I opened my eyes only to see that everything was like before but my eyes got there resolution upgraded.

'Hahaha caught in 4K.' I thought jokingly as I went towards a nearby tree to see if it would absorb it.

Touching the bark I felt it slowly entering my body as I felt more a blood like substance entered my blood vessels.

So it does work I wonder if I can make it so that I don't destroy everything around me.

I then thought of a random fact I found back in my homeworld.

Nothing is ever truly touching the electrons on the atoms repel the ones that get close to them so it's more like your floating on where your standing or sitting.

If that is the case then the reason the dark matter destroys everything must mean that it can interfere with the electron bonds itself.

'Then I just have to make it not affect them right.' I then thought of ways to this.

'If I want to do that I should make it so that I have a tiny layer outside of it that is made of dark matter but doesn't affect normal matter.' I then thought of a silicon like substance 1 milimeter thick.

I then made it so that the substance can affect the outside by isolating it's electromagnetic field as it was the most likely reason.

"Yeah Science!." I said excitedly as I realized my voice was more echoey than before.

'Probably because of the transformation'

I went to a tree bark again and touched it and saw that it wasn't affected by me anymore.

"Okay that worked I won't have to worry about accidents for now but I should still be careful." I said as I opened the system prompt.

⟨System Update 99% | Estimated time of completion - 10 seconds⟩