The lights started to fade... The cries and screams of my family as they begged me to keep my eyes open was the only thing I could hear as my final moments finally set upon me.
It hurt.
All of it did.
Getting hit by that damn truck. Listening to my family's cries and their constant begging...
'...Just stop.' I begged inwardly. I felt my eyes start to warm as it began to get blurry. I don't know whether it was because of my tears or because I was dying. Probably both.
"Son! Please! Stay with us, help's on the way!" My father screamed. His hand on my forehead, lifting up the hair that usually blocks my vision. The next in line to yell at me, to beg me to stay alive was my baby sister.
'...Please. Stop. I'm already dead.' I wish I could tell them this. I wanna tell them this, so bad. But I just couldn't open my mouth, the strength to speak had finally dispersed. Leaving me a limp corpse waiting for its soul to pass on through to the next life.
Or whatevers after death.
My thoughts ran dry as my life finally ended. The screaming of my family, the ringing of my ears. All of it ceased to exist as I breathed my last.
'Death is... Peaceful.' It felt like I was floating on a cloud. It was soft, soothing, something you'd want to keep coming back too. It was like bathing in the morning sun after being cold all day.
I opened my eyes for the first time since my death, and what I saw didn't exactly shock me. It was something I expected, or at least had thought about before and tried to imagine. I was in a void. Black in color, but bright colors shone like stars.
Pink, yellow, blue, red, green… You name it. It was like the whole color spectrum was here.
The lights weren;t blinding, nor were they big but they were close enough for me to touch. It was like messing with a cotton ball in zero gravity, except these balls glowed.
I played with them, I brought them together and pressed them into one another. I stared dumbfoundedly at the fact that the ball of light had gotten bigger. It was like you could combine them, though those of the same color would only get bigger and brighter while those of different colors would create an entirely new color.
It was a fun way to pass the time.
I played around with these balls of light for so long I failed to notice the presence of someone else… Or SOMETHING else.
"You seem to be quite interested in those lights. Want me to tell you their origin?" A sweet, honey like voice filled my ears. It was a woman. She sounded young too.
Startled, I jumped a little and the balls I was playing with ended up drifting away at speeds I couldn't catch.
Whipping to the voices direction, my previous agitated and annoyed feelings vanished instantly. A woman with long black hair that flowed from her head to the back of her knees, skin so white and clear it looked like a doll. And lastly, her eyes.
They were pink, a bright pink that shone warmly and brightly.
"I uh, yeah. They were pretty interesting… So, who are you?" After taking a moment to gather myself again, I just got straight to the point. Trying my best to hide how uncomfortable her presence makes me.
The woman just smiled with a light chuckle before replying, floating down to my level as she did so.
"Those lights are actually stars. This place you're in is somewhat of a domain… My domain that is. It was a good thing you were frightened to the point of pushing that star away. If it got any bigger it would've exploded. That wouldn't have been good for you." She explained, chuckling.
My eyes widened as I looked at the fluffy balls of light with a bit of fear now. Knowing that I could potentially end up killing myself again by an exploding star scared me a little. Sighing, I shook my head of those thoughts and focused back on the entity in front of me.
She said this place was a domain. What did she mean by that? Something like… a domain from Jujutsu Kaisen? I hope not, that would be terrible… Maybe the stars are the secret technique that's supposed to be the end of any who get trapped in here.
Chuckling lightly I shook that thought out of my mind. If it was truly something like that, I wouldn't be trapped in it as soon as I die. This is most likely a godly domain. Or something along those lines.
"Huh… You caught on quite fast. I must say, I'm impressed!" The woman exclaimed, her eyes brightening as she held her arms up in a welcoming manner. Doubting she wanted a hug, I just shrugged and spoke:
"Yeah well, it ain't wasn't that hard to figure out. After all, I'm dead." My answer must've amused her some more, her smile may have stayed the same but her eyebrows raised and the glint in her eyes changed, slightly though.
"Can we get to the point? I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to move onto whatever the afterlife has in store for me. That wouldn't be too much to ask for after getting hit by a big ass truck, would it?" I questioned. The more I was in this woman's presence the more comfortable I began to be around her.
Meaning my tone and attitude started to shift back to normal as well.
The woman kept her smile, her eyebrows lowered as her eyes stopped shining mysteriously.
"Sure, I don't see why not… Though, would the idea of starting a new life interest you?"
We stared dead into each others eyes as she deadpanned at me. I looked at her like I had no clue what was going on. Who would want to restart another life after just finishing one? One run at hell was enough for me, I damn sure don't want to retry.
"Ahem, what I was going to say before you so rudely cut me off– was, restarting life with a few abilities. Of course it will be your decision on your newly found abilities, but I will be the one to choose your world. After all, what fun would it be if you got to decide everything for yourself? There would be no surprise if you already knew everything."
Hearing what she said did interest me a little, not going to lie. Everyones had some imaginative thought of going to another world, saving the female lead, or whoever they had an eye for. Then falling madly in love with them all the while you used your cheat-like abilities to go on easy mode for life.
…Now that I think about it, that does sound tempting…
"...These wishes… Are there any limits? Like could I ask for Godhood immediately? Or something like Absolute Destruction?" I wanted to know the parameter first before I just started firing off ability choices.
Wouldn't wanna fuck around and choose something mediocre compared to Godhood.
"No, you can't wish for something like that. The option for choices on powers are there so you have a huge head start in a world like… Akame ga Kill, or Attack on Titan. Hell, even Dragon Ball." I nodded to her words, they did make sense.
"Having a world ending cheat wouldn't be very… enjoyable for yourself or I. So, I limit the power of wishes to something I seem reasonable for the world I have decided to choose for you. Now, if this interests you, please go ahead and tell me what you want. If you need to take your time, that is fine as well. I have all the time in the world." Finishing her statement off with a smile and a nod, I dove back into my thoughts.
If I take this route, there's really no demerate other than living again… With a different family. Not something I'm fond of but, it is what it is.
Another upside to this will be my own special abilities of my choosing. It could even be an already existing superhero ability which makes it pretty cool…
Guess I know what I'll take.
Turning back to the Goddess, I spoke with confidence.
"I'll do it."
She smiled in turn as she nodded and waved her hand. The once empty, star filled void was replaced by a sea of clouds, the bright blue sky being painted pink by the setting sun. I stood in awe as I took in the new place of scenery, it took till the Goddess fake coughed to gather my attention for me to finally snap out of my trance.
She motioned with her hand that I should follow her, and I did. Not forgetting to look around a bit as well.
"So, state your power. And if you like, a weapon as well." Nodding to her words, I sigh as she steps to the side revealing a storage room filled with nothing but weapons. Ranging from bows, to knives, to fucking shovels and axes.
Ho's, long swords, greatswords, warhammers… You name it and it was surely here.
"Well I uh, I don't need a weapon but I do wanna request something…" I trail off.
She nodded for me to continue.
"What is it?"
"Actually… I'll ask after I get my powers." I say, shaking my head. I was about to ask for something I didn't need just yet.
"Hmm, okay. That's fine. I assume you have a type of power in mind?" She questions, a knowing smile on her face. She probably already knows what I want, she's a God after all… I'll still tell her for the hell of it.
"I want to be bitten by a radioactive spider. One that you create with its own unique abilities in mind." I say this is a good idea. After all, it's still technically getting a power, but just like how Peter got his.
I eye the woman as she smiles brightly with a chuckle.
"I knew you would say that. That is why… I already had one created." She states as a white eight legged spider with a bright pink abdomen with blue glowing eyes. It sat in the palm of her hand, its plethora of eyes staring directly at me.
'Eugh.' It looks so creepy.
"Come come… The bite won't hurt that bad…" Her encouraging words don't really help my rising disgust and uncomfort with the spider… The only thing that let me get bit by this thing is the fact that it holds my abilities.
'Ah fuck it… I probably won't die again…' I stepped up to the Goddess with my right hand held out, palm faced down. Gulping down saliva, I shut my eyes and took another step closer, turning my head away from the radioactive demon.
"Ah. Hold on."
"Huh?" A feeling of… Warmth washed over me once more before a feeling of soft and gentleness took over. Through my shut eyelids I could visibly see the bright white light that overtook my figure.
After the light dissipated, I felt different. I don't know why, but I feel like I've regained something that I lost.
Opening my eyes, I looked at my arms and inspected the other parts of my body. I was confused. Nothing changed, nothing that I know of…
But that changed when a strand of pink hair fell in front of my eye. An eyebrow subconsciously raised in confusion.
'My hair was black, why the fuck is it pink now?' My thoughts on this were starting to hurt my brain, but then it clicked. Who else has the ability to suddenly change someones appearance?
My eyes shot to the Goddess and all I saw was her nonchalant eyes staring at me, waiting for me to either get bitten by the recently created spider, or ask my question.
"Haaah… I'm not even going to ask… Can you summon a mirror for me?" You ask and you shall receive. The Goddess flicked her finger and a mirror made of pure glass rose from the ground, its height being perfected to my height.
What stood in the mirror however, was me… But not me.
The hair was pink, the eyes a bright sky blue and skin white as the clouds. Clean and smooth. Soft even.
I had male features so I was sure I wasn't gender swapped, but damn… This is a drastic change in appearance. I wasn't the best looking in my last life, but now… I'm sure I could be the best looking thing in existence.
Beside the Goddess of course.
"Good, I'm glad you know your place." I heard the Goddess breath out with a little, 'hmph.' Chuckling, I shook my head as I once again made my way towards the spider. But something else was off, and it wasn't my looks this time.
My fear. Where was it?
"Oh, that? Don't worry about it. I removed it. It would only get in the way of your next request anyway, so I just decided to take it out completely. Fear won't get the best of you, and you wont feel it either."
She did what?
What the hell was she thinking? Fear is one of the most human relied emotions in existence! I know that it can be a hindrance but it could also save your damn life!
"Calm down. I know what I'm doing." Her voice sounded out like a thunder strike, annoyance lacing her every word. She's right. I do need to trust her. She's a God, surely she knows what she's doing.
Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time today. I just got it over with.
"Sorry about that… Let's just get this over with." Walking up to the Goddess, more so the spider. I reached out and let the woman place the spider on the back of my right hand and watched as it bit me.
At first it felt like a little prick, kind of like getting a shot. It was really underwhelming, so much so in fact I was tempted to ask, 'Is that it?'
But oh boy was I wrong… It was so much worse.
After the initial prick came a wave of unbearable heat rising within me causing me to start sweating like a fucking pig. My white robes were drenched within a couple minutes, my vision began to get blurry as my bones started to ache.
My insides felt like they were being torn out and the spot where I was bitten was the worse.
It was like my whole hand started to collapse upon itself. The pain that kept pulsing like a heart, the sharp stabbing pain within my bones… All of it hit me at once.
To make it all worse, a headache worse than a migraine hit me just as hard as the damn truck that killed me.
'F-fuck me.'
"Argh! W-what the hell!" I shouted, clutching my chest where my heart is. My veins started bulging as my breath became ragged. I tried to look at the Goddess, but my vision was worsening. What I did see though was her looking down at me, while I was on my knees. Her facial expression is that of nonchalance.
It was enraging.
But I couldn't do anything against her so I turned that anger into energy for me to keep myself conscious.
Not long after the head ache, my heart… It started hurting terribly too. My muscles following next… It was torture… Torture I had to go through in order to gain my powers.
'I-it's worth it, right?' I asked myself.
'Of course not! Why the hell would I want to hurt myself just for some damn power? I give up!' The other side of me argued back though. It had a point. Or I did… Whatever.
'A reward with no risk isn't a reward…'
'What is this? An anime? The hell do I need to go through all this pa-'
'So you can strive in your next life. Weakness got you killed by that truck, didn't it?'
'So what? This is worse than that damn truck!'
'Its worth it. Power granted by a God is something not many people get. If any at all. Stop fucking complaining and focus on survival. The after effects will be worth it…'
The Goddess stared at the writhing boy in front of her in curiosity. His mind was… Arguing with itself. One side wanted to give up while the other was more… Dominating, wanting power and nothing else. Even going through the pain she purposely set for him.
The boy's breathing began to get even worse, he started to sweat so much he could fill up a whole sink. His heart was beating so hard the Goddess could hear it from where she stood.
Watching the boy in front of her in pain didn't irk her a bit. After all, he's just a mortal and its the consequence of his want of power. He'll be fine. She wont let him die.
Meanwhile, while the Goddess was in her thoughts, she didn't notice that the boy had actually gone unconscious.
This was good.
The mutations would fully take place now.
And to its full potential…