It Started


5 years and 7 months have passed since that day.

And of course, MANY things happened, including the successfully acquired haoshoku no haki baby! And all techniques implemented and improved.

I also made new friends, they all grew up strong and healthy.

AND I HAVE THE PHYSICS OF A GOD!!! Well not really, just kidding hahaha aha, muscle development is limited due to my young age but my strength is much better than Luffy's.

My punches are a lot stronger now, with Fishman karate, Tekkai Kenpo, and advanced armament haki, all in one punch.

I never needed to implement haoshoku in my punches but it's always good to train them.

And I unlocked advanced kenbushoku, meaning I can see the future. And 2 years ago I got what I wanted most the "Voice of All Things"... Good memories it was amazing to hear the sound of... everything, I was just a little surprised that Ravi suddenly called me dad...

Ravi called me dad when he came home from the hunt and after he knew I heard him he went crazy and started licking my face.

Saying how much he loved me and was grateful.

'I was a bit embarrassed to be called a father...and...Iron told me a bit of his story...He said he didn't need comfort or anything like that, his parents despised him for being weak and the smallest of the bunch, until Iron ran away and a few years later he saw the devoured remains of his band.'Something hard to say, but he didn't say much about it, and their deaths didn't seem to affect him that much, perhaps they still haunt him about his weakness.

I'm sure Iron is much stronger than them now thanks to the training and I also have news about that. IT WORKED OUT!

They managed to learn Rokushiki... only a portion of them did... less than a handful... 12 to be exact including Iron and Ravi.

Iron managed to learn Tekkai.

Ravi managed to learn Rankyaku and Kami-e.

My lab was also completed, I built 2, one in Grandpa and Grandma's warehouse (Pa and Ma), a little basic, and one in the forest, very technologically advanced.

All thanks to the Gnomes, a round of applause for them, sure, it took a bit of pressure for them to help, but in exchange for their hard work, they got free food and my protection, which I can now guarantee even when I'm far away.

I also have news from Bill Cipher, yes he obviously realized that I'm not just anyone and because of my labs and inventions he noticed my intellect, there was no way to hide a MASSIVE lab building underground, and yes he contacted me in my dreams.

I'd say it was a fun encounter...


I looked around realizing that this dream was very lucid, it had been a long time since I had seen everything with my eyes.

"I must say I've seen a human with 6 fingers but never a human with a rubber body." Bill pulled both of Luffy's arms until he pulled them back.

'How does he know?' The only time he could have seen me stretching my body...!

My first punch!

'But if so shouldn't he know I'm not blind? How much does he know?...'

"Calm down, I just came to talk, no need to be cautious." He straightens his tie and the whole environment changes to the one where he found Ford.

"Want a cup of tea?" Bill asks with two cups materializing and a teapot pouring tea.

I sit up as the cup flies towards me.

"I'm Bill Cipher and you must be @%&*#%." Bill introduces himself and sips his tea.

I take a sip of tea, chamomile tea sweetened lightly with honey.

"And what do you need from me, Bill?" I drink tea calmly knowing the tricks of this incredible character.

"Direct, I like it, I need your help to fix a portal." Bill gets straight to the point without cheating and lying.

'Is he confident I'll take it? Why?...'

"What if I don't want to fix this portal?" I place my cup in the air containing no gravity in that space.

"Look, I won't make you do anything but know that if you help me you can get your eyesight back, brand new." Bill approaches me.

"Tell me you don't want to enjoy that view again?" Bill snaps his fingers and the scenery returns.

"All you have to do is shake my hand and the deal is done." Bill's hand starts to burn blue.

'So he doesn't know I'm not blind..."

"Bill, we have a deal." Luffy looks defeated, but in his subconscious, he couldn't be wearing a more evil smile than now.

The two clasp each other's hands with blue fire rising up "Luffy's" hand.

"Good choice, the portal is inside the Mystery Shack where you work, in the basement, good luck fixing the portal." Everything goes black and I wake up.

'HE FELL! HAHAHA, I'm not obligated to fix the portal since Bill won't be able to fulfill his part of the agreement, I can undo the deal. I won!' I get up and start stretching my body to go to work.

'I was already interested in helping Stanley with the portal for Ford's entrance to be safer and to see if Ford would really defeat Bill with that weapon. So I won.' The rest of the day Luffy whistled with his success over Bill.

*End Flashback*

It was definitely a nice date.

And, involving the city, I became practically friends with everyone there, except Gideon and that includes the Gleeful family.

'In the end, Gideon didn't heed my warning and took the diary but I expected that.' Luffy was on his way to the Mystery Shack.

Well, a lot has happened in that time, McGucket has gotten a little crazier and making less sense but he'll be fine, at least he can't lose his memory again.

And merging moves is a little more complex than I thought, and I also understood why Luffy only mixed gear second and gear third once and never did it again, it's something that consumes insanely more and takes more training and improvement technique to succeed.

And I have one last big news for you... The mystery twins are arriving TODAY. I am extremely excited about this, even though I met them in the time machine incident, it will be their first time meeting me, and it will be my first time meeting them with my own eyes.

' The plot will begin and I will finally be able to take off this blindfold that helped me enormously with my kenbushoku and for that, I will always be grateful for that.'

They arrive a little before the 1st of July which is the day Dipper found the diary, which is logical after all when it shows Mabel in the first episode flirting with the boys it shows her with different clothes and the same phase of the day.

Besides what Dipper himself said: "It seemed like the whole summer was going to be the same boring routine until one fateful day." Which means it had been at least a few days.

'They will arrive this afternoon, I'm very anxious.' I'm sitting on the couch, Stan cuts me off realizing I've been anxious since he said his nephews were coming over for the summer, as I've already done everything I need to he gives me a popsicle to calm me down and tells me to rest.

'My relationship with Stan has progressed a lot, we've helped each other a lot over the last 6 years. And with that, he also asked me to counterfeit money, and we know how much trust Stan has to have in me to ask that of me, he asked that of Dipper and Mabel at a family gathering, and he even asked me to join him in fishing.'

I was going to refuse because of the butterfly effect but I changed my mind and I didn't regret it, he told me his bad fishing jokes and tried to teach me how to fish.

I already knew how to fish but I enjoyed listening to Stanley explaining how to fish.

We ended that day after I caught one fish, a largemouth bass.

We took a photo to record the moment and I prepared the best meal possible with that fish, I seasoned the belly with a mixture of tomato, parsley, lemon, and black pepper, and the outside with salt and garlic with some onion rings around it of the fish to give it an aroma.

I returned to reality when I realized that I had finished the popsicle and only had the Popsicle stick in my mouth.

'Changing my focus from thoughts worked to calm my anxiety and I feel much calmer.' I imbued the Popsicle stick with invisible haki and threw it at the tree.


It may seem easy at first glance but this was one of the hardest parts of my training.

Imbuing something and throwing it causes the haki to dissipate upon losing contact with its source, but it has also been shown that with long enough contact and strong enough, a normal blade can transform into a black blade.

I couldn't do that because it requires a lot of time but in Amazon Lily, they shot arrows imbued with invisible haki which shows that even for a short time an object can "store" haki.

The rest was a matter of calculation and estimation for the haki to disappear exactly when it hits the target so as not to waste haki.

"Arthur get up and get ready my nephews will be arriving any minute."

"Ok" Yes my name from now on will be Arthur, after 2 months I was hired by Stan he asked me my name while we were watching TV, well I just listened, I was going to answer right away when I had a really good idea.


"I don't have a name if you want to give me one I don't care." I said that like I was focusing on the movie, but I was really excited to be given a Stanley Pines name.

Stan was silent for a moment looking at the boy sitting across from him.

"Did your parents have a last name?" He took a sip of peach soda.

"Augustus." I replied with my last name from my past life.

Stanley thought for a while and named me "Arthur".

Now Arthur, looked at Stanley.

"Well, Augustus means majestic, and one legend I know involving a King was King Arthur." Stanley drank some more of his soda and continued watching TV relaxed.

Arthur continued to stare at Stanley.

"What is it? Don't you like it?" Stan asked mildly irritated.

"No, it's just... You're smarter than I thought Mister Stan." Arthur had a huge smile on his face.

"Why you -!!!" Stanley slammed the newspaper down on Arthur's head.

"Ouch!" Arthur feigned pain and annoyance but if you look closely you will see a slight curve in his lips revealing a small smile.

"I must be taking it easy on you lately..." Stan said and got up to go to the bathroom.


"Mister Stan the Duck has solved the mystery." I warned him as he left just in time.

"Damn I always miss the best part!." Stan's voice echoed from the bathroom.

The next day Arthur told everyone his new name, with a huge smile on his face.

*End flashback*

'I'm looking forward to what my mere presence might change the course of the story, and my actions before it all began.' Arthur was brooding outside the hut.

"Hurry Arthur, everything ready?" Stan asked in his usual classic suit.

I gave it a thumbs up, Stan straightened his bow tie, and the bus arrived.

Just as Dipper and Mabel exit the bus and look into the Mystery Shack, Stanley appears with a smoke bomb.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack!" Stan introduces Mystery Shack while pulling his cane, (intro).

The difference this time is that the S in "Shack" didn't fall out this time, Arthur fixed that letter once and for all by screwing it firmly into the board.

And since we have more money than usual thanks to the takeout sale I did at the gift shop and a few extra attractions, Arthur likes to cook.

I asked Stan that since he wanted to play a house show for his nephews I wanted to play a song when he did that, Stan was going to refuse at first, but nothing a $100 bill couldn't fix.

So he accepted as long as it wasn't an annoying song and didn't have someone singing.

So I borrowed the electronic keyboard from Soos.

I increased the power of the little shop's sound box, which I improved, and started to play... a drum roll.


Gravity Falls theme.

A summer full of mysteries begins now.


Sorry for the delay guys December had me full of clients, and yes I got a job Yeahhh... ._.

You understand why I censored when Bill says the MC's name and why when I wrote Luffy I put quotes because his name had already been changed. Could I have given this news from the beginning, so I wouldn't have to? I could, but I was in such a hurry to deliver this chapter to you that I ended up forgetting that detail.

Anyway, you must be complaining about the short chapter and the delay and you are TOTALLY RIGHT after the customer is always right (in some cases maybe not.). So I apologize to all of you, I'm sorry.

Merry Christmas and new year to you! Wonderful people, I hope you all the best this year and I hope that from beginning to end it will be a show for you and another step in what we call life, I wish you good health and prosperity, and I also wish you to have strength in the face of difficulties and patience and wisdom in the face of adversity.

This was my Christmas and New Year's present for you I decided to give you this HUGE TIME-SKIP because I had a lot planned even before starting the drawing, I wanted to slowly unravel his relationship with the characters but I'll be content with flashbacks.

As you saw I also changed the name of the character, I decided that I really want to make this work "mine", even if the copyright does not allow it, Toei and Alex Hirsch, but I would like at least my character and the development around him to be mine. .. I don't know if you understand but that's it.

Also not sure if you liked the interaction between Bill and MC I asked 4 different friends who watched the whole show (they don't know each other) they all liked the interaction one said Bill is smarter than that and he's right, so I explained the circumstances and context of the story of why Bill was like that, due to the lack of information about the protagonist.

As everyone knows the MC, now Arthur, manages to feel observed and pretends to be weak, all of Bill's information about the protagonist is from third parties. My protagonist realized that even though he knew it was made of rubber, he actually didn't find out in the first punch, because that way he would know he wasn't blind and wouldn't have made that proposal or even be direct because he would know that it appeared in the forest out of nowhere and could be a potential danger.

He found out about his rubber body from his grandparents, after all, they talked about it and thought it was cute to pull his cheek. (Message to parents, grandparents, and uncles, don't do this we are not made of rubber and it really hurts if careless.)

With all that explained I finish with the part of the deal where I analyzed what would happen if he refused, accepted, or even if he made a counter-proposal, in the first one he would get Bill's attention, and in the last one, he would gain Bill's interest it wouldn't be hilarious refusing to get your sight back due to human greed?

And finally, accepting the proposal, and analyzing the design, you all remember that every time the deal was closed, the contractor or himself was unable to fulfill his part of the agreement.

(Dipper's case)

Dipper and Bill, in that case, there was a breach in the contract in terms of perspective Bill considered everyone in that reality as puppets for his plan, and after getting what he wanted he would have to tell Dipper the password even though he was a ghost right? Wrong, that's why, I think, he destroyed the computer, Dipper wanted a password to use on the computer, no computer no password.

Interesting view, isn't it? Well, once again I'm sorry, that you had a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year, and that this year has many things for you, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and this interaction, which I endeavored to do between work hours and slack. Thank you for reading this longer than the usual message, thank you for your IMMENSE of patience with me, and again, thank you for reading this chapter.

Thank you.