Dear Adam - Thesis Session - 1

A chapter, the end of a college story."


"This is not, the end of friendship, because friends never break."


"Perhaps, distance and time will separate us, but friendship will remain."



Adnan was finally released from prison on conditional terms. He must be a city prisoner. He is still under police surveillance. He also has to report every two days.

"Finally free too. Rumi said while looking at Adnan's face. He was very happy to see his father released from prison even though he was still on condition.

Rumi's attempt to ask Khadijah's family to withdraw his father's sentence. He will be responsible if anything happens to Khadijah's family. He was also willing to stay away from Khadijah for good.

A week before Adnan was released,

Rumi went to Khadijah's family house. He begged Khadijah's family to free his father.