DEAR ADAM : The Father of Planetary Man

Khadijah woke up at 05.00 in the morning, she sat on the bed yawning.


Khadijah immediately took the cellphone on the table next to her bed, as usual she had to check incoming calls and chats.

Khadijah's eyes immediately bulged, she saw 100 missed calls from Pluto's boss. She also scratched hwr head, then guessed last night that the knocking on the door was Pluto man.

"Mampus dach, what if Pluto man knocked on the door last night?"

Khadijah immediately got out of bed, she showed her feet on the hotel room floor, then she walked to the door of her hotel room.

"Wow, if man was Pluto last night, how about he cut my salary?" Dumel Khadijah. "Oh, you're an alien human!"

Khadijah reached for the hotel room door cycle, then she glared at the person sleeping in front of her hotel door.

"ISH!!!!!! WAKE UPNNNNNN!!!!!" Khadija growled.
