Dear Adam : Memories - Rania and Haqi

A cup of warm tea that accompanies this morning is full of love and affection. Everything went so very complicated when the love really greeted between Rania and Haqi. The gazes of their two eyes met at that very moment even love will never know when it will stop. Fighting destiny to fighting blessing that's what they both have felt to fight for a true love.

Rania initially does not believe in true love. Even she had to be betrayed by the figure of the man she believed to be her love at that time. But the man betrayed her love by having an affair with another woman. It made Rania quite hurt. Even she was already at the weak point of a woman.

The journey of love is not as easy as people say, even sometimes it is very difficult for people to find true love. Rania just stared at the ceiling of her room in the strains of serene music. She couldn't get rid of it all at once.

"What do you remember about our first meeting?"