Dear Adam : The rain stopped

A season of feelings that can never be completely released even though everything feels so very painful that it is heart-wrenching. Seeing all of this, it was very clear in both eyes of Khadijah. She couldn't at all look at the same world. She felt like everything was like a nightmare she'd ever had. But she must be sincere in every situation that exists.

The rain was so very heavy, like a feeling of sadness that burned in the heart as if it could never be released in a sad story. Everything works as if forced by a situation. Through a life that is no longer the same. Everything has changed in a destiny that Allah has written in the scenario. It was clear in Khadijah's eyes at that time

Behind the door, Rumi looked sadly at Khadijah. He could feel what it was like to lose a parent. He could feel what his position would be if he were like Khadijah.