DEAR ADAM : The deepest

London that afternoon, Gracia's feet stepped into a painting room. There was a man who was blowing his nose. The look in his eyes in a fiery rage.


Jordan was just nonchalant when Gracia came to him.

"Jor, what did I do wrong?" Gracia felt very confused. She felt like a book that was simply bought without being read. She came out of the man's drawing room.

Gracia suddenly heard the sound of something being thrown. She felt that Jordan usually did when she was angry. "Oh my! Jordan what are you doing again?" She asked in her heart. But she gave up her intention to go back there. She walked on.

Gracia's tears just fell. She began to rub very roughly. "Should I leave him?" She muttered as she ran outside.


In the rain Retta remembers about all that. She couldn't hold back her tears. She felt a part of her heart felt so very heavy. She could only enjoy the gaping wound.