Dear Adam : Regret - 1

Khadijah is still looking at a sky that will never be able to brighten again like it used to be. She was devastated when her parents died. She was still not ready to lose her father and mother figure.

Gaze at a sky. That's what Khadijah has done now when she feels she is powerless to handle a life.

Meanwhile, Rumi continued to watch Khadijah from afar. He could feel what it was like to be Lost.

Rumi started to move his feet. He slowly approached Khadijah who was dreaming while feeling the warmth of the morning sun. Then he began to wrap his arms around Khadijah's waist and rested his chin on Khadijah's right shoulder. Then he began to say in a little whisper, "Nothing will ever last forever in this world. Moreover, animate creatures will definitely return to their owners. Every time there is birth there will be death. That is real life in order to maintain a balance in an aging world. "