Dear Adam : The Threshold of Burning Sadness

A charm that has been presented in a faint smile from Retta. She really looks so beautiful. He even gave a strength to stay fine. All these feelings are becoming more and more united into one.

A canvas of life has painted his face. "Whatever happens, I will stay with you," whispered Bagas as he looked at Retta's face filled with shade in his soul. The feeling is so deep by inhaling slowly.

Restless in a happiness that is so deep. Sitting silently staring at a feeling that will no longer be the same for you. Can never be replaced at all. The threshold of our grief together.

"Retta," Bagas looked at Retta's beautiful face. She does look so beautiful. "Will we still be able to be together again, when the universe starts not on our side?" asked his heart.

Retta was still sleeping very soundly. She did look very weak. Even her face began to look there was a little visible light. She had to fight where the times were tough.