As I opened my eyes I saw myself in a large and spacious room. I got up, still feeling groggy started wandering about, I found the room peculiar as even though it had many expensive looking things they all seemed to look like something which would look like antiques in the modern world.

Confused I head to the bathroom which is sparkling white with a gold lining on the bathtub and basin. Then I look into a large mirror with intricate gold designs on its edges and corners but when I look into the mirror-


I let out a terrified scream after not recognizing the person in the mirror. I almost fell down and then all my memories just before my death rushed into my mind.

'I-I am supposed t-to be d-dead r-ight?'

Just as I was trying to understand what had happened a man who was dressed like a butler rushed into the room.

"Young Master Leon are you all right?" He asked very worried. He was panting which gave the impression that he ran here as quickly as he could.

"I am alright James there is no need to worry. I would like to be alone for some time, I will call you if I need something." I said as I put a hand on my head and let out a long sigh.

The butler, James looked at him and after hesitating for a while leaves the room leaving me alone.

After James left various questions started coming to mind

'Who is James? Who is Leon? Who am I? How did I know his name? What about my team?' thinking about my team I sat on one of the chairs in my bedroom. A tear fell from my eye and then another and before I knew it I was sobbing uncontrollably.

After a while I calmed down and started to think about what was happening.

'I am either in the afterlife or I am having a dream.' I thought after a while but discarded the latter as it felt too real, too detailed for a dream.

I leaned over and picked up a book on the table in front of me and read the title, 'Knights and Magic'. I didn't recognize the author's name but it still felt similar. After I read a page of the book I read another, then another, until it dawned on me this was not my world!

Even though it was completely different from my world it was not completely unknown either as I realized after reading many books that it was the world of the novel '...'. 

The name is not that important it seems as I can't seem to remember it.

It was a book that I often read just before missions or to kill time. I read it because it helped me calm myself not because of the story, the story was just... okay, middle of the pack, nothing too thought provoking. It was just a kind of escape from my reality.

After figuring that out I decided to find out who I was so I went back to the washroom and looked into the mirror. I saw a tall good looking man with pitch black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. After looking in the mirror for a while and remembering what the butler called me I had a character in mind but hoped it was not him.

I left the bathroom and walked towards a window, outside I saw multiple banners all having an insignia on them. After I saw them I realized that I was right I was Leon Ford.

A character which was destined to die within a year.

Well, fuck.