
Inside the ruins of the planet once known as Oa, two individuals could be seen molding energy around a green crystal. They were the last remainings Guardians of the universe a pair of Oans by the name of Ganthet and Sayd. Once, they were part of the council of the planet Oa, which was the home of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force that protected the universe. But now, they were the only remaining life in the entire universe, literally as the Living Tribunal had just killed the last of the Black Lanterns.

This should have been good news for the pair of Oans if not for the fact that the actions of the Black lanterns had caused the universe itself to collapse down on itself. If left unchecked, the collapse of this universe was going to cause a chain reaction that would doom countless other universes parallel to it.

In response, the Living Tribunal had arrived in full force, and obliterated the Black lanterns. And now, to prevent the collapse of the other universes, He was going to completely erase the current universe and anything left inside. Strangely, both Ganthet and Sayd accepted their fate, content on meeting the same fate as the rest of their universe.

Even so, they wanted to at least preserve the memory of their universe in one or another. As such, they began pooling their powers towards the construction of one final power ring. The lovers spent the their last days inside the rune, their sole focus being the creation of the ring that would become their legacy. Their gift to another universe in hopes that it won't end us same as their own.

And eventually after arduous work, they stared at the result, a green power ring that had blue engravings on it and a matching power battery. What separated this ring from its predecessors was the fact the ability for its user to utilise both the green energy of willpower and the blue energy of hope. In short, it was a hybrid ring. The hybridisation of this ring also removed one of the most biggest flaws of a normal Blue lantern, their dependence on the willpower enhancing powers of a green lantern to utilise their full powers. The ring also does not require a central battery to function and would only need its power battery to recharge.

"Its time." the fatigued voice of Sayd shattered the silence. Ganthet looked at the face of his lover before nodding. He then used his telepathic abilities to grab both the ring and the power battery before walking out of the ruins with Sayd.

Even from this distance, they could see the pulse of power that was swiftly engulfing their universe courtesy of the Living Tribunal even though it was light years from Oa. Ganthet wasted no more time as he wore the ring in his index finger before opening a pocket dimension. He then threw power battery inside before closing it. Then turned and stared at the ring once more.

"Overseer, initially protocol Valhalla" he said softly and the ring began humming with power and floated off of his finger before a mechanical voice boomed.

[Order confirmed. Initiating multiversal displacement jump in 10...9....8...]

Ganthet felt Sayd grab his free hand and he clenched his hands over Sayd's. The wave was almost on them now but they their work was already done.

[...3...2.....1.....Initiating Multiversal displacement jump]

A wormhole suddenly opened up next to it before the ring floated inside with the worm hole closing behind it.

"We have done all we can." Ganthet spoke somberly before both he and Sayd pulled themselves into one final kiss. Just as the wave reached them.

(This is an idea I have been fiddling with. Please do inform me if this chapter has any errors as it has been a while since I read green lantern, or anything related to DC)