In Over Her Head [RWBY]

Summary: After Kali's divorce, Ilia decides she's going to seduce the older woman and have a fun night turning Kali into putty in her hands (or rather, on her tongue), but Kali has other plans.

Credit: RollingDonut


Ilia rubs her thighs together in anticipation, a slight thrill humming under her skin constantly as she finishes the last leg of her walk to Kali's new house with her stealth suit on and nothing else.

Her plan is ironclad. Kali and Ghira just finalized their divorce recently, having both agreed that they've simply grown apart over the years and split amicably (they're still good friends, getting coffee once a week and checking how the other's doing), which leaves Ilia with a very small window of opportunity here, one that she's just about to dive right through. Through a series of irrelevant circumstances involving old transistor radios, a misprinted map of Remnant and a rubber duck, it's been a while since Ilia's been able to sleep with anyone, and she'd have to be deaf to not hear the old whisperings of how Ghira and Kali's neighbors used to have to wear earplugs every night because the two screwed so often; she's also been privy to rumors of Kali picking up a few girls before the divorce finalized and they were just separated, each one returning to civilization the next day extremely satisfied and with tales of Kali's proficiency and stamina in bed.

The basic idea is for Ilia to confirm the rumors for herself by seducing Kali with her body and rocking both of their worlds; Ilia's legendary libido was a well-kept secret in the White Fang (only Trifa and Deery can speak from experience), and she's done a good job of keeping her reputation confined to those in the know on Menagerie. Plus, Ilia knows she's hot, as vain as that might sound; she's flexible, in phenomenal shape, has a cute face and a well-proportioned body, and she's very aware of the fact that her ass is the envy of Menagerie, so it shouldn't exactly be hard to give Kali a night to remember and have some fun herself. Sleeping with her boss probably isn't the best idea, but Ilia rationalizes it as part of being a good secretary, and Ilia's damn good at her job as Kali's secretary in the New White Fang.

Another part of the rumors she hopes to confirm is that of Kali's anatomy; sources tell her that Kali's well-endowed and knows what she's doing, something that Ilia would like to have a gander at. Trans lesbian, cis lesbian, bi, nonbinary, pan and more, it doesn't really make a difference to Ilia; as long as they identify as female and/or have a vagina, are sexually interested in women, aren't an asshole and are fairly good at having fun in bed then she's down for something casual if they are.

Something tells Ilia that tonight's not going to disappoint her, another delicious shiver of anticipation running down her spine as she arrives outside Kali's door; Kali's under the impression that Ilia's just coming over for evening tea to catch up (and she still will do just that if she shoots her shot and misses), but Ilia's true ambitions are much more… carnal, in nature.

She knocks on the front door of the modest estate; a step down from the Chieftain's manor maybe, but still spacious and indicative of Kali not exactly being in hard times financially (she has plenty of money to donate to homeless shelters and after-school programs, so that's kind of a given).

"Ilia, good evening, it's so good to see you!" Kali greets her, smiling wide as she pulls Ilia into a warm hug. "Please, come in," she insists, stepping out of the doorway to let Ilia enter. She can practically hear her stealth suit unzipping itself as she eyes Kali's gorgeous ass while her back's turned to close the door, but patience is a virtue and all that other garbage, so Ilia will just stick it out for now; besides, all the sexual tension and buildup on Ilia's end are going to just make it that much better if and when she and Kali go at it, sort of like foreplay. If Ilia succeeds she'll have an opportunity to turn Kali to putty in her hands for the rest of the night, so foreplay is something Ilia is very much so looking forward to.

Maybe it's not the healthiest way to deal with things, but Ilia's also trying to do this to get over Blake; she and Yang have been dating since Ruby vaporized that weird Grimm lady with her eyes at Haven and Yang's mom revealed herself to be a double agent for someone named Ozpin (the fact that she started flying to chase down Adam and damn near beat him to death for cutting off her daughter's arm was a shock of the best kind), so a small part of Ilia can pretend Kali is actually Blake while they're going at it and get her rocks off with "Blake" once like she'd always fantasized about in the White Fang and move on. It's kind of stupid, but she's 18; she's still allowed to be stupid one or two more times before it starts to look sad.

They sit down and have some tea, the sweet aroma making Ilia ask Kali where she bought it so she can get some for herself tomorrow. Pleasantries are exchanged, Ilia's move taking longer to be made than she planned when she genuinely enjoys their conversation (she'd never do something like just come over to fuck and not care about what Kali has to say at all, but suffice it to say that their topics of interest aren't the part of this that's been on her mind for the past few days). It's maybe not the best idea, but Ilia can't get enough of this tea, working through at least 3 cups of it, much to Kali's enjoyment. The evening heat is a little more than she anticipated, Ilia having to tug at her stealth suit's collar more than once to release some of the excess warmth. Still, this tea and the engaging conversation are doing a great job of helping to distract her from it.

Eventually, however, Ilia decides that it's now or never, having spent the past 20 minutes slowly and subtly steering the conversation in a particular direction.

"Do you have any plans to put yourself back out there right now?" Ilia asks politely. "Because I know a lot of people would kill to go on a date with you."

Kali blushes faintly, stoking Ilia's fire that much more. "No, I'm not sure I'm quite ready to date again; if the right person comes along I won't turn them away, but I'm not going to really pursue anyone myself for the time being, you know?"

Ilia nods in understanding, internally licking her lips as the moment's practically on top of her. "I get that; I'm not really much for dating myself right now; I'm pretty happy with keeping it to just casual stuff for a while."

Moment of truth, Ilia. Kali's reaction will make or break this; if she doesn't like the idea of casual sex we'll just go back to talking and I'll forget about the whole thing.

To Ilia's utter delight, Kali's blush deepens significantly. "I may have tried a few casual arrangements lately; it gets a little lonely all by myself after being married for 20 years, although nothing's really stuck. They were all wonderful girls, but I just haven't felt that spark that would make me want to keep seeing someone casually; there hasn't been enough chemistry."

Ilia's hand slowly drifts to her zipper and begins toying with it, just like she'll most likely be toying with Kali for the rest of the night (and maybe some more nights after that) once she's shown her what her tongue is capable of.

"It is really tough looking for that connection, isn't it? I had the same problem a few years ago, but…" Ilia slowly unzips her stealth suit and lets it fall to the floor, revealing her lithe, athletic body to Kali, "...I don't think that's going to be an issue tonight," she purrs.

"Oh my…" Kali whispers, unable to hide her interest or take her eyes off of Ilia; all that's left is one final nail in the coffin, so to speak, and Ilia will be getting exactly what she and Kali both need -some seriously great sex.

She prowls around the table to Kali, eyes never once leaving her face and rejoicing in how Kali's eyes roam hungrily over every inch of her. She's glad that Kali's still sitting, or else she'd really have to get on her tiptoes to cover the foot of difference in their heights, which would definitely detract from her sexiness right now. She straddles Kali's waist, pressing her damp slit against Kali's robes and cupping a hand to her cheek, making sure to lean in close enough for her breath to brush across her target's lips as she whispers, "Do you think there's any chemistry here, Kali?"

The older woman inhales sharply, eyes flicking down to Ilia's lips and giving her the greenlight to seal the deal. Lips meet lips, slowly and softly pushing against each other as Kali starts to return her kiss, hands settling themselves on Ilia's waist. When Ilia slips her tongue into Kali's mouth and deepens the kiss, she starts to feel Kali stiffen against her crotch, exactly what Ilia was hoping for hiding just on the other side of those robes and throbbing slightly against her heat.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ilia husks, subtly using her tongue's special surprise just slightly; not enough to give it away, but enough to allow her to deepen the kiss slightly more than should be possible. Kali moans softly in response, following along with Ilia's motions without trying to take charge just like she hoped.

When they finally disconnect a bridge of saliva connects their tongues, Kali's eyes half-lidded in pleasure. This is even easier than I thought; Kali's a bit of a bottom I guess.

"How about we move this to the bedroom?" Ilia suggests, Blake's mom absently nodding in a daze. It's thrilling to know that she's like this because of what Ilia's doing to her, that it's her own skill that's melting this beautiful 40 year old woman with every touch. They stumble their way upstairs, too distracted to really watch where they're going as they continue furiously making out. Kali needs a minute alone to straighten out the mess in her room, some clothes apparently not having found their way into drawers since the move a week ago. Ilia takes this time to freshen up, wetting a cloth down and scrubbing away the slight sheen of sweat that had built up under her stealth suit during their conversation courtesy of the heat.

Once Kali's decided the room is presentable, Ilia picks up right where she left off, guiding Kali inside the bedroom and gently pushing her down on the bed. Kali can't suppress a needy moan as Ilia crawls across the bed towards her, deciding to start ramping up her efforts as she bites Kali's lip, not enough to actually hurt her, but enough to make her gasp. Ilia slips her hands underneath Kali's robe and starts kneading her massive breasts; Kali puts even Yang to shame with how amazing the two pillowy cushions on her chest are, something which Ilia intends to reward by lavishing them in attention tonight.

Her fingers find the tie on the robe and undo it quickly, Kali's robe falling away to present her fit, goddess-like body to Ilia for her viewing pleasure. Everything about Kali is large it seems; her almost 6 foot tall figure, her F cup breasts, not even a bra in her way when the robe is removed ("I wanted to get ready for you while you were freshening up," she explained in between breathless pants in response to Ilia's surprised expression). Her package is no exception, a massive 13 inch pillar of girlmeat and the pendulous grapefruit-sized balls underneath making Ilia glad she's on top tonight.

I don't think I can even fit my hand around that, and each nut is a more than a handful by itself, I can't imagine what those would do to me if Kali were a dom. Good thing I've got the implant, I guess.

Foreplay is first, though, something that Ilia makes sure to drive home for Kali, teasing her neglected pussy with her fingers and lips to warm her up (and shuddering when she feels how much those balls weigh as they rest on the back of her head while she works Kali over) before finally allowing her long, pliant tongue to shoot out to it's full length and start plundering Kali's depths. The MILF in question lets loose a loud moan, giving Ilia a fresh stream of her delicious arousal to lap up. The taste is incredibly sweet, almost addictive even (not very surprising, considering that fruits are a staple of Menagerian cuisine; Ilia herself eats more fruit than any other food group, this sort of side effect just a well-appreciated perk of eating her favorite foods), and Ilia starts ravishing Kali with gusto, feeling her quivering legs land on her back and continue to tremble from Ilia's ministrations.

"Oh, gods, fuck! " Kali squeaks, coming undone for Ilia and dousing her face in that sweet nectar; Ilia also hears the wet splat of an absolutely massive load landing on the bed behind her.

Note to self: pull off before Kali cums when giving head .

Ilia continues her efforts to let Kali ride the wave down, then sets about her next task: prepping Kali's shaft for part of that thing to go inside her. There's no possible chance of her getting all the way to the base when that monster is over a fifth of her size, but if she gets over halfway, Ilia's going to call that a win. She gives Kali's clit a little kiss before sliding out from under her and adjusting her position, making herself comfy on the large bed and smiling as Kali looks at her in wonder.

"You really know how to use that thing," Kali pants, putting a pillow between herself and the headboard so she can lean back comfortably, already aware of what Ilia has planned next.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Kali," Ilia promises in a sultry whisper, wiggling her butt a little to tease her before she starts slathering the rod in front of her, humming happily when she gives the last bits of Kali's load still dribbling out a tentative lick, the flavor just as good as her sex tasted. She drags her tongue from base to tip, then makes a show of coiling it around Kali's length and slowly guiding the head into her mouth. Once it's there she starts to give her prey a thorough tongue bath, sucking hard and bobbing her head until Kali's hand is gently pressing on the back of her head to encourage her, the first throb making itself known, and-

Ilia pulls off and stops entirely, a small sadistic smile making its way to her lips, and she responds to Kali's confused, needy whine by blowing torturous breaths against the tip, just barely avoiding giving Kali anything else for the moment.

"Say please~" Ilia chuckles, kissing Kali as a reward when she doesn't hesitate to respond.

"Please, Ilia, I need it, keep going," she pants, making Ilia feel so powerful for having left this mammoth-cocked amazonian goddess at her mercy with only her mouth and a few fingers.

She nuzzles her face into Kali's over-sized sack, not quite able to pull one of her nuts into her mouth until she wraps her tongue around it and gently tugs it past her lips. Kali hisses in pleasure as Ilia starts to suckle on her prize, still nuzzling into her and inhaling her musk, the intoxicating scent making her head swim.

After giving the other testicle the same lavish treatment Ilia finally decides to finish getting Kali ready for the main event, clamping her lips around her and getting about halfway down before she can't go any further, then surprising herself and sinking one inch further down without too much difficulty. She feels as Kali's load starts surging up her length, Ilia just barely managing to pull off and duck out of the way before she erupts and showers Ilia's back and the mattress in white.

Ilia crawls up her body with a lusty grin, taking another few moments to kiss and suck Kali's nipples, then kissing her and pushing her tongue in again as she starts using her free hand to line the massive prick up with her tiny pussy. She hisses slightly as the head sinks inside her petals, already stretching her out, but plants her hands on Kali's stomach for stability and slowly starts to roll her hips, pushing down and lifting up to gradually work about 4 inches inside of her.

"Just let me do this for you," she breathes, gently brushing Kali's hands off when they try to settle on her hips and pushing some more, finally bottoming out at 7 inches, just on the right side of uncomfortable. She starts bouncing herself up and down Kali's dick a little faster, working up to a respectable pace that has both of them moaning fairly loudly. Bending at the waist a little, Ilia crashes her lips against her lover's and passionately kisses her, doing everything she can to make sure Kali feels as good as possible right now.

It's surprising how long she manages to last, Ilia using her cock to get off about 4 or 5 times before Kali blows her load after almost an hour of Ilia switching between a few amazing positions; Ilia's feeling pretty exhausted by now, but Kali still seems to be in decent condition.

"Here, this'll give you a second wind," Kali says, putting a small pink pill on her tongue and passing it to Ilia in a kiss. I trust Kali, she wouldn't give me anything dangerous. Almost as soon as Ilia's swallowed the pill her body fills with energy once again, leaving her feeling like she could run a marathon.

Is it just me, or does Kali seem a little too prepared? She didn't have to go looking for that pill at all, it was right on hand.

Ilia shrugs it off when she's broken out of her reverie by Kali prodding her entrance, dropping down onto her shaft once more and feeling very pleasantly full with 9 inches inside her; this thing has been molding her pussy to the shape of it for the past hour, leaving her much more capable of handling it than she initially was.

Once Kali's splattered yet another massive load all over the bed instead of inside Ilia, she crawls down and starts dutifully eating Ilia out, her rough tongue scraping gloriously against her walls and starting to send Ilia to heaven. Her hand starts pressing down slightly on the back of Kali's head as Ilia grinds her hips on Kali's face, laying back against the headboard and closing her eyes in rapture. She throws her head back and lets loose a high-pitched moan as Kali finds her weak spot and starts battering it over and over, that beautiful muscle in her mouth doing more for Ilia than any other woman has before.

"Kali, yes, right there!" she wails, gently crinkling Kali's cat ears and receiving the incredible vibrations of Kali's purring into her slit as her reward, completely unable to hold back as she has one of the best orgasms of her life, Kali not letting up on her pussy in the slightest as she continues to service Ilia, the increased sensitivity barely manageable and sending Ilia rocketing up towards her next orgasm.

The woman's grip on her thighs keeps her prize firmly in prime position to devour it, her ministrations driving Ilia wild as she pushes her tongue even deeper into Ilia, filling her up quite nicely; it's not nearly as large as her cock, but Kali's tongue makes up for that by being much more flexible, probing for the rest of Ilia's weak points and finding them without too much difficulty. Ilia grips tight onto Kali's hair as she's brought to paradise, the MILF's plump lips sealing over her clit and kissing it like a lover, pushing Ilia closer to her peak.

Ilia starts to think about Blake while Kali eats her out, not noticing her climax sneaking up on her until it blindsides her and she makes a huge mistake.

"Oh, Blake!!! "

Kali freezes, Ilia still riding her tongue for a few more seconds before she processes whose name she just cried out while she came, whipping her gaze down to Kali and feeling like she's lost control of the situation for the first time since she stepped inside the house.

"Oh, so that's how it is?" Kali drawls, voice taking on an edge that leaves Ilia slightly worried.

"Kali, I'm so sorry, I-" Kali silences her with a slender finger pressed up against her lips, then shrugs her shoulders.

"Well I guess we're getting started now then; I'll make you forget all about Blake tonight, Ilia."

"Huh?" Ilia doesn't have any time to try to puzzle that out before Kali's grip on her hips turns ironclad and possessive, the rough tongue's efforts seemingly doubling in intensity with how sensitive Ilia is after being licked through two consecutive orgasms without any time to rest.

"Oh fuck," she squeaks, weakly trying to escape from Kali's tongue, but the woman adjusts her hands so that they're on Ilia's ass and kneading into it to hold her in place flush against the torturous muscle as it continues to squirm inside her channel. "Kali, wait, hold on, I need a break!" Ilia cries desperately as she starts to get almost painfully overstimulated, but all that does is seem to make Kali grin and start trying even harder. Ilia's cries of protest start to grow weaker and weaker as Kali draws multiple orgasms out of her exhausted pussy, putting to good use the knowledge she gained of Ilia's weak spots while Ilia still thought she was in control, her tongue jumping between every weak spot Ilia has and sucking the energy to resist Kali out of her body.

Ilia tries in vain to escape when Kali finally releases her vicegrip on her hips, but Kali catches her without the slightest trouble and pins her back down to the bed. Ilia's eyes widen as Kali starts to line up her massive cock with Ilia's tiny pussy.

"W-wait, Kali, let's talk about this, okay? I don't think I can take all of that," she pleads, trying to squirm out from under the amazon without any success. Kali starts rubbing her head against the entrance of Ilia's dripping cunt to lube it up, her teasing making Ilia shut her eyes with a whine as her nerves start to go haywire, pleasure signals crashing into each other in complete chaos.

"You think I didn't notice you staring at my ass? Trying to play the dominant and have your fun to make yourself feel better? Well think again!" Kali slams her hips home, dragging Ilia down to her base and causing her vision to white out momentarily as Kali's cock drives all the air out of her lungs.

"You're not one who's been calling the shots tonight, Ilia, you're in my house so you're going to play by my rules. A naughty girl like you needs to be disciplined !" Her thrusts continue to bottom out in Ilia and short-circuit her brain with how good it feels, strong hands rotating her so she's face down and taking it from behind. Ilia starts to get overwhelmed by the pleasure once more and tries to crawl away again, Kali's hand locking around her ankle and dragging her right back before she can make it very far, impaling Ilia's cunt on her fuckpole as soon as she's pinned her with a strong hand pressing down on her upper back.


Ilia yelps in surprise as Kali gives her ass a firm smack that sends shockwaves of pleasure across her body, unconsciously lifting her rear higher to make it easier for Kali to punish her. Kali's absolutely merciless now, plowing Ilia into the bed so good that she's drooling all over the sheets, alternating buttcheeks being slapped so amazingly well as Kali's hips start to clap against hers. Ilia screams through an orgasm without Kali letting up in the slightest, if anything picking up her pace to keep taking advantage of Ilia's increased sensitivity.

"Are you ready, Ilia?" she husks, nipping and licking the shell of her ear. "You're on birth control, right?" The question seems to dispel her aggressive demeanor, holding on tight to her load until Ilia lets her know if it's safe to finish inside; the gesture makes Ilia mentally double take, starting to realize that Kali's been trying to do for Ilia exactly what she was trying to do for Kali in her own special way, taking control and giving her all the pleasure she could want and then some to make them both feel less lonely, if only for one night. Some small part of Ilia doesn't want to leave anymore, wants to stay and let Kali do whatever she wants to Ilia's body, completely manhandle her and make it so that no one else besides Kali could ever satisfy her again.

"I- I- I have the ugh implant!" Ilia groans in between hard thrusts, some distant part of her thrilled at Kali becoming so perfectly rough with her again in an instant.

"Here it comes, Ilia!" she crows, burying her pillar inside Ilia and flooding her insides with amazing heat, the vast excess burbling out with erotic squelches and sounds of suction, her much larger frame leaning on top of Ilia and trapping her in place under Kali until she's ready to pull out.

"You're so tight, pet," Kali declares, scratching behind her ears like one might do for a housepet and receiving a pleased, delirious hum in response. She gets up and goes to a drawer, leaving the small chameleon lying on her bed and panting for breath, Ilia's eyes widening as she sees the sheer amount of sex toys inside. Kali starts to dig through until she finds what she's looking for while Ilia fully comprehends that she's been the prey this whole time, Kali the predator and merely lying in wait until the time was right and Ilia let her guard down.

The display of utter dominance that Kali's been showing Ilia, the way she's demonstrated complete mastery of Ilia's body begins addling her mind and convincing a little bit more of Ilia to stay here under Kali's thrall until she's given permission to do otherwise. Ilia's always thought she was a switch, able to enjoy herself both as top and a bottom, but Kali's quickly changing her mind. Ilia's beginning to realize that she's never really been a top or a bottom in her life up to this point, that she'd just been kidding herself when she thought she was "dominating" Deery, that Trifa hadn't even scratched the surface of what it means to be in control of someone else when she tied Ilia up with her webs and thrust into her for a night that they both enjoyed. Kali knows what it means to be the dominant and is working on engraving the pleasures of submission into Ilia's sense of self.

A mixture of fear and immense arousal bolts through her as Kali withdraws four pairs of handcuffs and looks back at Ilia like she's going to devour her. "We've got a long night ahead of us if we're going to complete your obedience training anytime soon, Ilia."

"O-obedience training?!" Ilia squeaks, a little thrown off by how appealing the idea of Kali disciplining her all night long is; it's not even fully dark out yet, so she may actually be looking at 12 more hours of this deliciously rough treatment if Kali's stamina really is as exceptional as the rumors suggest (Ilia had figured that part had been an exaggeration, no one could possibly last for over 8 hours without pharmacological assistance, but now she's not so certain, leaving her excited and worried in equal measures).

"Well you can't be a good pet if you don't have any training, dear," Kali chuckles. Ilia strongly considers bolting right now, explicitly refusing Kali and not letting this happen, but curiosity gets the better of her and she makes no moves to refuse or escape when she's pulled spread-eagled and handcuffed to each of the four bed posts, now well and truly helpless and at Kali's mercy.

She shudders in anticipation as the last cuff locks into place, waiting expectantly for Kali's touch to return and start unravelling her again. Kali ignores her and walks back over to the drawer, pulling out another set of items that flood Ilia's core with arousal. She checks that none of Ilia's bounds are too tight before tying a blindfold over her eyes and taping a couple of egg vibrators on her small chest.

Ilia writhes in pleasure, Kali torturing her by doing absolutely nothing to her except for dragging that rough tongue over her neck and sucking on it occasionally. The only other thing Kali does to her is lightly drag her carefully filed nails down Ilia's toned stomach, starting in between her petite breasts and descending until she's mere centimeters above Ilia's clit, choosing to torture her and scratch her navel like one might scratch their pet's belly. She pulls her hand away every time Ilia tries to buck her hips up and receive that small bit of needed contact so she can go over the edge again.

A part of Ilia tells her that she can't let this go on any longer, or else she's going to get completely addicted to what Kali's doing to her and never want to leave. Her tongue starts to search for the keys to the handcuffs -whether to run or to ambush her dominator and force her to touch her like she needs to be touched, Ilia's not sure- but Kali grabs it and stops it from moving any further.

"Don't. Move," she commands, her lips practically attached to the underside of her jaw and biting her lightly. When Ilia holds out against the onslaught of pleasure and stays still like she's been told to, she feels one hand start playing with her pussy while the other lovingly pets her hair, fingers carding through Ilia's long auburn tresses and soothing her down to her very soul.

"Good girl."

Ilia's twat clenches hard around Kali's fingers as she moans wantonly, wishing she could see her reactions. The satisfying wave of heat the praise sends through her body momentarily convinces Ilia that she really should stay, her body craving more of Kali's touch and praise; all she has to do is keep obeying her and she'll get all the pleasure and praise she wants.

"Oh, Kali, right there," Ilia squeals when her fingers start rubbing over a particularly sensitive spot, Kali instantly removing her hand and lifting her blindfold for a moment.

"You are to address me as Mistress Kali or Mistress from now on, do you understand, pet?"

"I get it," Ilia sighs, wishing she'd just get back to what they were doing before.

Kali's hand snags her by the chin and forces Ilia to look at her. "You get it, ma'am."

"I get it, ma'am," Ilia rushes to amend, Kali smiling genuinely at her.

"Such a good little pet I've found." She kisses Ilia lovingly, taking her time to play her tongue. "All those other girls would never have made good pets, but you? You're going to be perfect once your training is finished."

Ilia whines in approval as her blindfold is tugged back down, Kali's incredible tongue starting to render her insensate as she laps up Ilia's juices like she's dying of thirst. Ilia is made to taste herself when Kali's tongue enters her mouth again and does as it pleases, moaning when she learns that she tastes incredible, just as good as Kali's pussy had.

With every passing second Ilia falls more and more under Kali's spell, each little lick and suck dismantling her will to leave; she could spend the rest of her life like this, obeying Kali's orders without question and doing everything she can to make sure her mistress is happy. It feels so good to just let Kali make all the decisions, doing as she's told and being lavished in attention as a reward for her good behavior; so much of Ilia's life has been spent feeling so alone, so unwanted, like she's a bad person, but Kali is here with her right now, touching Ilia so sweetly and giving her every ounce of her affection. She wants Ilia, wants her badly and is doing everything she can to make sure Ilia knows it, cooing into her ears and telling her that she's being good; the sudden knowledge that Kali is choosing her over all those other girls when Ilia's never been someone's first choice before, has always been the consolation prize, the feelings that knowledge evokes in Ilia are powerful enough that tears spring to her eyes and start rolling down her cheeks as soon as the blindfold can't absorb them anymore.

Kali freezes the instant she notices the tears, misinterpreting them and removing the blindfold before frantically looking for the key to Ilia's cuffs. "Ilia, no, please don't cry, I'll stop right now; I thought you were enjoying yourself, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Ilia, I never meant to hurt you like this, I didn't realize at first because of the blindfold, just give me a second and I'll have you out of those cuffs and you can leave if that's what you want to do," she pleads, finally finding the key and starting to fumble with the first cuff in her panic. "I'll understand if you want to report this; I can't believe I was so callous that I missed how you're really feeling about it, I'm so sorry. I should have been paying more attention to you and stopped so much sooner. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm truly sorry, Ilia."

"Stop," Ilia croaks, trying to make her meaning clear by shying her wrist away when Kali starts fitting the key into the first cuff; she'd grab her wrist to stop her and make it far more clear, but that's obviously not going to happen in her current position. Kali pauses in confusion, cautiously finding Ilia's eyes. She gasps when she sees Ilia giving her a watery smile, fat tears still rolling down her face.

"It's just-" she starts, trying to find the right words, "I've never been someone's first choice before, and it's kind of a lot is all; you're not hurting me, Kali, I promise I'll say something if I really don't want this. I guess I'm just feeling a little emotional about not being rejected again; ever since Blake chose Yang over me I've been feeling so alone, so this is really overwhelming, but I'm okay. I wouldn't still be here if I wasn't enjoying myself."

"Oh, Ilia," Kali coos, putting the key away and gently brushing away the tears from Ilia's eyes. Ilia leans into her touch as best she can, closing her eyes and simply enjoying Kali's caresses. She feels Kali's lips press on her cheeks, kissing the tear tracks away before she undoes the cuffs on Ilia's wrists from the bedposts to wrap her in an embrace, petting her hair affectionately and cooing honeyed words of reassurance into her ear while Ilia cries her eyes out.

The warmth that floods her at how much Kali cares about her makes Ilia start desperately pressing kisses against her neck, holding on tight and trying to make Kali feel good again. Kali moans, her cock throbbing with need and starting to leak on Ilia's bare stomach as Ilia needily sucks on her pulse. When she presses her lips against Ilia's again the girl starts reciprocating eagerly, opening her mouth for her and joyfully giving her all the access she could want.

Kali starts to suck on her tongue as the burn under Ilia's skin begins to ignite once more and leaves her craving the pleasure Kali's been giving her now more than ever. She bares her neck in earnest when Kali starts nipping at it, delighted squeals and attempts to lift her hips up and grind them against Kali's toned stomach cuing her in that Ilia's ready to resume where they left off.

Ilia stares at Kali with hooded lust and unconcealed glee as she takes hold of the cuffs still locked around Ilia's wrists and reattaches them to the bedposts, leaving her spread eagled once more as Kali enthusiastically returns to the task at hand, tugging Ilia's blindfold back on and removing one of the vibrators on Ilia's nipples to start sucking on her chest, one hand maintaining a gentle but firm and controlling grip on the back of her neck while the other forgets all about the teasing Ilia had been enduring before their interruption and instead starts thrusting three fingers in and out of Ilia's hungry sex, thumb starting to play with her clit and sending her crashing over the edge in minutes.

"Do you like it when I torment your cute little tits, pet?" Kali titters after Ilia arches her back to try and get more contact.


Kali tears the other egg vibe off of her unattended nipple and gives it a rough twist, eliciting a high-pitched whine of pleasure from Ilia.

"Yes, what? "

"Yes ma'am! I love it when you torment my tits!" Ilia wails out, chest heaving against the older woman's lips and fingers, all the breath rushing from her lungs when she bites down on one of Ilia's buds hard enough to sting and getting a satisfied groan in response.

"You're being such a good girl for me, Ilia," she coos when Ilia cums again, withdrawing her slick hand from Ilia's slit and bringing it up to her mouth, humming in delight when her pet's juices hit her tongue. The girl whimpers with need, long tongue blindly searching for Kali's hand. "Would you like a taste too?"

"Yes please, ma'am," she whines, licking her lips as soon as her tongue draws back into her mouth.

"So well-mannered," Kali praises, petting her affectionately for a few moments. "I guess I can give you a reward then." She dips three fingers back into Ilia's snatch and swirls them around until they're completely covered, then hooks them in Ilia's mouth, a pleased sigh escaping her lips when Ilia's lips seal around them, her tongue greedily swiping over every inch as she sucks gently on them until they're spotless, before releasing them with a pop and panting for breath. Kali decides she's been extra-good and repeats the process a few more times before it makes her hungry for more of Ilia's taste, at which point she dives back into Ilia's muff and starts feasting on the helpless girl.

Kali wrings orgasm after orgasm out of her while she's powerless to do anything to stop her, still handcuffed to the bedposts, and only stops when Ilia is a quivering, panting mess whose legs are drenched in her juices. While Kali starts to get some things from the drawer to move onto the next step of Ilia's disciplining, Ilia stares at her curves in awe, so unbelievably happy that she wants nothing more than to pleasure Ilia and make her happy.

"Open your mouth," Kali orders, Ilia doing so without hesitation and feeling Kali's tongue pass multiple pills into hers. "Now swallow." Ilia does so, a combination of energy and unbearable heat beginning to circulate through her veins. "Those little pills are why the tea was so sweet, pet; aphrodisiacs make a fine ingredient, especially when you drink as many cups as you did. I'll have to brew us a fresh pot later in case we get thirsty." Ilia eagerly nods her head in agreement, shivering as Kali ghosts her fingers down her jawline before starting to slowly lick and suck her neck again, mouth languid and in no hurry as she thoroughly goes about her work of leaving Ilia gasping for air and trembling like a leaf.

"Do you like this, Ilia?" she whispers into her ear, doing as any self-respecting dom should and making sure to learn each and every one of her sub's preferences. Ilia can't form words, so she settles for mewling in ecstasy and trying to bare even more of her neck to Kali. "I'll just have to…" she trails off, slowly pressing a few heavy kisses to the new skin that Ilia's offered to her and nipping it to leave her mark, a gush of arousal streaming out of Ilia anew, "...keep doing it then."

Kali envelopes Ilia underneath her and continues to attend to her neck like she wants until Ilia is ready to cum from the slightest contact, mercifully taking off the blindfold so the sensations are the slightest bit weaker. "Is there anything you'd like me to do next, pet? You're being so good, ask for anything you want and I'll give it to you."

The reward is seductive to Ilia, and she knows what she wants to do next, even if she's prohibitively embarrassed by it. "I want you to…" she tries, slipping into unintelligible murmurs and hiding her face in the pillow under her head, entire body flushing the color of a blush.

"It's alright, pet, it's just you and I here; no request is off limits if I'm capable of granting it." Kali gently takes her chin in hand and turns her gaze back up, pressing a kiss to each cheek and staring down at her in adoration. "Tell me what you want, pet, and I'll give it to you."

Ilia musters her nerve and squeaks, "I want to suck on your breasts." Kali still hasn't let go of her chin, so she watches the amused grin overtake Kali's features, can't avoid seeing how she shimmies slightly to send those giant, gorgeous balls of flesh jiggling and hypnotizing Ilia.

"That sounds wonderful, pet."

Finally, Kali uncuffs her and straddles her waist, leaning down with a radiant smile until she's smothering Ilia under her chest, one hand hefting up a globe for Ilia to latch onto and start suckling away needily while she kneads Kali's other breast with her free hand. After ten minutes of allowing Ilia to switch back and forth as she pleases, Kali gets an idea that she thinks her pet will enjoy even more.

Ilia removes her mouth from Kali's teat with a suctioning noise and a wet pop, looking up at Kali in confusion when she scoops the small girl up into her arms and readjusts both of them so that Ilia's head is laying in her lap. She pushes lightly on the back of Ilia's head to prompt her to keep going, cradling the chameleon to her bosom as she gets back to nursing even more hungrily than before.

"There, there, my beautiful little pet," she coos, hand stroking comfortingly down Ilia's hair and causing her to close her eyes and peacefully continue sucking, "Mama's here now, I'm not going to leave my good little girl all alone anymore." She's never tried any sort of mommy play before, but between the gentle swell of arousal that Ilia's been stoking in her and the way Ilia shudders in delight while she whispers to her tells Kali she's definitely going to be revisiting this sometime in the near future.

Ilia looks like she's about to fall asleep right there in the safety of Kali's arms, still softly suckling away on her, so Kali gets ready to give her a little wakeup call and switches the arm stroking Ilia's hair and the one cradling her close, Ilia sleepily switching to her other breast when Kali moves her over and resuming her soft suckling like nothing had happened. She looks so peaceful though that Kali decides to give her a little longer like this, matronly smile never faltering as she watches Ilia actually drift off to sleep in her arms without ceasing her tongue's work, petting the girl's hair and letting her rest for the next 15 minutes. Eventually Kali starts to get restless to keep going with Ilia's obedience training and slips a couple of fingers inside her to wake the girl back up.

"Wake up, Ilia," she whispers sweetly, the girl rousing and staring up at her with nothing but love in her eyes as she finally releases Kali's breast from her pleasant ministrations. "We need to move on with your training dear, and I have something very important to tell you." All traces of sleep disappear from Ilia's eyes and she starts waiting attentively for Kali to speak.

Kali sets Ilia down and backs away with a knowing smirk on her face as she leans back against the headboard with her legs spread.

"I'm going to offer you a choice, Ilia," she purrs, bedroom eyes pinning Ilia in place and melting her as she holds up a collar with a leash attached to it. "You can either refuse my gift and return to your normal life after we have our fill tonight, doing whatever you please and whomever you please, or," she pauses for effect, licking her lips and looking Ilia's body over, "you can give yourself over to me entirely. Surrender your freedom and submit to me as my pet and I'll show you a whole world of pleasures you could never know without me; we'll be partners outside of the house, equals in a romantic relationship, but in here you'll be my property to do with as I please. If I want to fuck you, I'll fuck you; if I want to be licked, you'll lick me; if I want you pregnant, I'll get you pregnant." She starts to play with herself, one hand hefting a massive mammary while the other rubs her pussy. "I can make you feel better than you ever have, Ilia. I'll love you and hold you close always, you'll never have to be alone again; all you have to do is pledge your life to mine as my pet."

Ilia is entranced, the choice not a choice at all; who would ever want their freedom when they could belong to Mistress Kali instead? The idea of her belly swollen with Kali's children makes her gush, and she dives forward into Mistress' embrace, kissing her frantically before strong hands on her shoulders hold her still. It takes a moment, but Ilia realizes that she's forgotten the most essential step of submitting to Mistress. She obediently holds still while the collar marking her as Mistress' property is clicked shut around her neck and seals her fate forever. Now that she officially belongs to Mistress Kali she scrambles down and starts to worship her pussy like it deserves to be worshipped, her juices getting more addictive to Ilia with every drop until they're all she ever wants to drink again. After she's blessed her new pet with her arousal and climaxed on her face, Mistress wraps her ponytail around a fist and drags her back up, ready to test just how obedient her new pet is.

"Give me your tongue," she orders, Ilia quickly sliding it out to its full length of about 2 feet. She grips it gently in hand and guides it down to Ilia's own cunt, stopping just outside of it and letting go so her pet has the final say in whether or not she tries this, not delivering any further instructions for Ilia to follow. She simply watches as a bystander, curious what the outcome will be.

Ilia very clearly hesitates for a few moments, then looks at her new Mistress for approval and puts the entire thing inside herself, instantly doubling over with pleasure and falling onto her side on the bed. After taking some time to regain her composure Ilia starts attacking her task with gusto, muffled moans ringing out as she gets to feel exactly how amazing her tongue is. The whole situation holds a sort of taboo eroticism, and Kali starts jerking herself with one hand and fingering with the other as she watches Ilia drive herself to orgasm and drench her tongue in her own sweet juices, absent-mindedly lapping them all up after she's sprawled out in a daze from the sheer force of her climax.

Once she's recovered Mistress decides that she wants some oral too now, pinning her down to the bed and straddling her face.

"Suck," she commands, Ilia immediately inhaling a nut and starting to give it a tongue bath beyond compare, moaning as she feels her peak approaching again just from sucking on Mistress' balls and inhaling her musk. Mistress Kali pulls her face out of her sack when Ilia creams herself around nothing, looking at her with something more like pride, love and adoration. "You're so much better than I could have ever hoped, Ilia, you're being such a good little slut for me, just like you should be."

Ilia stares at her reverently, wrapping her lips around the shaft and bobbing her head furiously in search of her treat. She chokes and splutters when she forces herself down, only managing to make it halfway down Mistress' rod before she can't go any further. Mistress looks pleased with her as she keeps pulling back and trying again, unfortunately unable to do better than 7 inches for now. When she can't improve at all she lets out a quiet, distressed whine, frustrated that she's not able to do more for Mistress Kali.

"It's okay, pet," Mistress reassures her, scratching her behind the ears to reward her efforts and let her know that she's already doing well by getting that far down, "we have plenty of time to work on training your gag reflex out of you; I'll make sure you get plenty of practice from now on."

Ilia shudders with excitement, arousal starting to drip down onto the bed underneath her. After a few more minutes of trying Mistress dismounts her for a moment, laying back so that Ilia has more room to work with while she's still learning. Once Ilia's made it back down to her limit, however, Mistress grabs her head in both hands and carefully pushes another inch into her mouth, the feeling of her dick pushing into her throat incredibly foreign. She drags her back up for a gulp of air, then brings her down just as far again, trapping Ilia in place by locking her thighs behind her head and forcing her to try and get used to the feeling of it being in her throat.

"Relax your throat and breathe through your nose, pet," Mistress commands gently, stroking her hair when she starts doing so and is able to stay locked in place as Mistress' cocksleeve for as long as she wants. "You're doing wonderfully, pet; I'll have to reward you," she hums thoughtfully. Ilia coils her tongue around Mistress in her mouth and starts stroking even as she continues to bob her head, doing her best to make her feel good and tell her that being her pet is already a reward when her thighs squeeze the littlest bit tighter around Ilia's head and she throbs, her rod pouring its load directly into her stomach. Every inch of her cock that Ilia managed to cram into her mouth is covered in her saliva when she's allowed up for the first time in almost 10 minutes, the fluids dripping enticingly off of it and prompting Ilia to start cleaning Mistress off and swallow down every last bit of cum that's still dribbling out of her cock, the taste exploding against her taste buds and making her light headed.

Mistress pulls her into her chest and buries her face in between her breasts, sighing softly in pleasure as Ilia licks and sucks to her heart's content once again as reward for a job well done. She begins to chuckle softly when Ilia starts attempting to nurse from her chest like last time, desperately searching for a taste of her milk.

"You won't get anything from those, pet, but you can get more from down here," she lightly chides after a few minutes, allowing Ilia a last few licks before removing her from her cleavage. She guides Ilia back down onto her dick, going just as far as last time before pulling back and starting to thrust harder. When Ilia grips her hands on Mistress' ass to make her thrust harder she looks down at her to see that Ilia wants even more; she starts handling Ilia a little rougher for the next few minutes before flooding her mouth with ambrosia, then pulls out and coats Ilia's tiny tits with her last few spurts.

"Leave it," she orders when Ilia goes to clean it off, "I want you to smell like me so the whole world knows who you belong to."

"Oh gods yes," Ilia moans, unable to stop herself from starting to masturbate as she cleans Mistress off again.

Mistress lays her down on her stomach and settles in behind her. "Are you okay with anal, Ilia?" she asks, voice full of concern for her wellbeing. "It's okay to say no if you aren't, it won't make you any less of a wonderful pet."

Ilia shakes her head. "Anything for you, Mistress Kali; I'm your property to do with as you please."

Mistress Kali smiles like the sun at her, then leans down and starts kissing Ilia's asscheeks, kneading them and gradually working her way into the middle of her pet's superlative rear (it really is the best ass on Menagerie). Once she's there she sucks on one of her fingers for a moment to get it slick with spit, then carefully works it in down to the knuckle, slowly drawing it in and out, flexing it slightly on occasion to stretch her pet and make her pliable enough that she can slide a second finger in.

Ilia gasps in surprise as the second finger enters, not having been expecting it like the first one, but she can't deny that it feels really good right now; maybe not amazing at the moment, still some small spots of discomfort, but it feels much better than it had when Mistress started, so she's hoping that it'll get even better when she's a little more used to insertions in her backdoor. A third finger slips in, small spots bursting in front of her eyes as pain and pleasure meld together and make her hiss slightly.

Mistress Kali stops immediately and leans down right next to her ear to check on her, not moving the three fingers still inside her in the slightest.

"Are you doing okay, Ilia? We can stop at any time if you're not, I won't be upset at all. You've already exceeded all of my expectations so far, you've done more than enough to make me the happiest woman on Remnant, we can take a break or stop altogether if you need to."

"No, Mistress, I just need a minute to get used to it and then you can keep moving," Ilia replies, Mistress' even wider smile making the minor discomfort that it'll take to get used to this entirely worth it. Mistress Kali presses kisses to either side of her cheeks and neck while she waits, her free hand slipping under Ilia to tease her breasts. Once Ilia gives her the go ahead she starts moving her fingers again, slower than last time and taking every precaution for Ilia's wellbeing.

"I think you're ready for the next step," she declares when she can piston three well-lubricated fingers in and out of Ilia's backdoor and Ilia only feels pleasure from it. She yelps at the feeling of something rough, warm and wet pushing its way in and looks over her shoulder to see Mistress feasting on her ass. A sly wink is her only response when she catches Ilia looking, continuing to gently probe her until her legs are quaking, a wet patch forming underneath her from how much arousal her slit is leaking.

"Are you ready to try the real thing, Ilia?" she asks, petting her when she responds with a shaky nod. "I'll go as slowly as I can, don't hesitate to tell me if it's too much or you want me to stop, okay?"

"Okay, Mistress," Ilia murmurs, still incredibly nervous for what's coming, but Mistress is showing her so much consideration, and she trusts her implicitly, so she's going to try her best to give her what she wants and make her proud.

Mistress grabs an ankle and drags her over, poking her head into Ilia's ass and waiting until Ilia says it's okay to do anything. They continue the process for the next half hour, pushing one inch in and waiting a few minutes for Ilia to get used to it, then drawing back and getting up to a slow, comfortable rhythm with the amount that Ilia can take, before stopping and pushing another inch in. Mistress' groans of pleasure give Ilia the strength to go on when she starts to feed the 9th inch in, the strange mix of pain and pleasure flowing throughout her as they go.

"Oh my gods, pet," Mistress Kali moans as she starts trying to build up a gentle rhythm at this depth, "you're so tight I can barely even pull out. You're doing absolutely amazing, Ilia, I think this might be the best ass I've ever fucked."

Her praise fills Ilia with warmth, leading her to try something new and bucking back ever so slightly against the thrusts pushing into her. When Ilia starts to feel like she might actually be able to cum from this she starts pushing back a little harder, Mistress' grip on her hips growing a little tighter in her excitement as she starts to get closer to being able to fuck Ilia's ass as she pleases without worrying about harming her. The pressure snaps, and Ilia accidentally bucks back far too hard when she cums right as she pushes, a labored shriek filling the room as she shoves the last 4 inches into herself all at once and without warning, Mistress bottoming out inside her. Stars dance in front of Ilia's eyes as she grits her teeth and weathers the worst of it, unable to hear Mistress at first until she feels the entire beast pulling slowly out of her until she's empty for the first time in 40 minutes. Gentle hands scoop her up into an embrace, her hair being stroked lovingly as kisses are pressed against every inch of her face and apologies are whispered into her ears.

"Just wait right here Ilia, I'll go get you some painkillers and a cushion to sit on," Mistress promises, ready to end their entire night right there to make sure Ilia's not hurt, but Ilia catches her weakly by the wrist as she gets up to go retrieve them.

"That wasn't your fault, Mistress; I accidentally pushed back too hard. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She hangs her head, ashamed that she made Mistress panic like that.

"You don't have anything to apologize for at all, pet, accidents happen. I'm just glad that you don't seem too badly hurt." She pulls Ilia into the crook of her neck and plants kisses on the top of her head, rubbing comforting circles down her back. "We can come back to this some other time if you'd like, but I think we're done trying anal for the night."

Oddly enough, Ilia was really starting to enjoy it before that happened, so she doesn't want it to be over quite yet. "I want to keep trying Mistress," she declares firmly, adjusting her posture to help convey her confidence in her ability to handle it.

"Are you absolutely sure, Ilia? I only want to try this with you if you want it, I don't want you to just be trying to make me happy."

"I'm sure, Mistress; I want to keep trying." Ilia puts her face down on the mattress and lifts her butt up into the air, giving Mistress an enthusiastic wiggle to entice her into allowing Ilia to get this right.

A needy moan escapes her lips when inches start being fed into her again, Ilia bucking back a little gentler this time when she gets to where she'd made it last time; instead of waiting for the whole gentle process like last time, though, Ilia bucks back straight from 9 inches to 11, wiggles her butt again while it's full and starts humping back to work up a decent rhythm, then buries the rest of her Mistress' fuckstick inside her. After a moment she starts to lift her hips and gyrate them, Mistress leaned back on her elbows with her eyes closed in rapture while Ilia does all the work in riding her when she looks back. After Ilia's worked herself up to a quick pace Mistress finally sits up and grabs her hips tight again, pushing her flat into the mattress and drawing all the way out until only the head still remains inside her, then starting to sink inch after inch into Ilia's hungry asshole, the backdoor squeezing her so tight it almost doesn't let her even pull back at all. Once she's worked all of herself into Ilia she begins picking up her pace, plap plap plap! starting to echo throughout the house as Ilia moans loud enough to wake up the neighbors. Mistress silences her by lying prone on top of her back and directing her head to the side so she can capture Ilia's lips and kiss her like she never wants to let her go; and she'll never have to, Ilia surrendered her freedom and her entire life to her Mistress willingly to avoid just that, so the only way Ilia won't be with her is through outside interference. She'll never leave her Mistress and her Mistress will never let her go, the two of them truly ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

"I love you Mistress Kali!!!" Ilia wails as she cums, her Mistress not far behind at all.

"I love you Ilia!!!" she cries, burying herself in Ilia's asshole and dousing her intestines with so much cum that Ilia can taste it in the back of her throat. She locks Ilia into another sloppy kiss, wrestling with her tongue and bruising Ilia's lips with how desperately she kisses them.

Just when Ilia starts to get tired, Mistress feeds her another one of those stamina pills, three of the aphrodisiacs with it and making Ilia's skin feel like a wildfire as heat pools in her core and drives her wild as the night starts to descend into an indistinct haze of pleasure.

Her stamina knows no bounds it seems, Ilia needing another pill for energy at 2 more occasions that night while her stallion of a Mistress never needs any help at all to remain rock-hard and productive the entire time as she continues Ilia's obedience training into the wee hours of the morning, all sorts of toys finding their way into the mix.

They're still going when the sun rises, Ilia now able to take everything her Mistress can give her in both of her lower holes and having committed to memory all of her favorite spots for Ilia's tongue to hit in her pussy. Mistress Kali spent plenty of time asking Ilia about her preferences, in lovemaking style, in toys, in techniques, in positions, everything she could possibly need to know to make sure that she's always able to satisfy her pet.

When Mistress groans and scrubs a hand down her face Ilia sends a concerned glance in her direction; it's definitely not that she's tired, because she's still just as erect as she was when they first started last night, seemingly endless stamina having kept her rock-hard the entire time.

"What's wrong, Mistress?" Ilia asks, coming up behind her where she sits and leaning over the back of the couch to drape her arms of Mistress' shoulders, nestling her face into the crook of her neck and just being .

"I forgot I have a virtual meeting with the Vale Council in 20 minutes; it looks like we'll have to wait to finish training your mouth."

Ilia sighs in disappointment; it might not fully matter to her preference-wise, but it would make Mistress Kali so happy if they didn't have to worry about her gag reflex anymore, so she was feeling rather eager to complete the last of her first night of obedience training. (Mistress Kali had promised a least a few more hours tonight, although they won't be able to go all night like they just did for at least a couple of weeks; it's not a good idea to damage their health just for sex.) She fiddles absently with the leash on her collar; that was just one of the many things they hadn't been able to start working on last night. Mistress Kali's sudden sharp inhale makes her look over in question, easily able to tell she's just had a good idea.

"Do you have any issues with any sorts of play in particular that you'd like to talk about today?" she asks.

Ilia doesn't need much time for her reply. "No Mistress, you can do whatever you like with me; I promised to be a good pet for you, so I'll do whatever you want me to."

To her surprise, Mistress shakes her head like that was an unsatisfactory answer. "I know what I said, but I'm asking you right now, not as a Mistress to her pet but as one lover to another, if there's anything you'd like to be off limits unless you say otherwise? It's okay for you to have boundaries, you'll still be serving me just as well if you do."

Ilia has to take a moment to think this time, but still comes up almost dry. "I guess I'm not really comfortable with watersports or any sort of pain stuff further than spanking; no slapping or candle wax or anything like that, but I can't think of anything else."

Mistress nods dutifully, pulling out a notebook that she's apparently found time to write all of what she's learned about Ilia's preferences in position and demeanor and such; once she's done adding that information ("Writing it down just helps me remember it better," she'd explained) she looks up and smiles again, Ilia's heart skipping a beat from just that.

"I'll keep that in mind, but I'd still be more comfortable if I get your permission first before we ever do anything more," she searches for the correct word, "daring, like group sex or exhibitionism."

If her heart had just skipped a beat, it full on jumps the entire next measure at the idea of secretly having sex with Kali in public; she remembers how thrilling it had been last night just walking over here and knowing that she wasn't wearing anything under her stealth suit, but the thought of eating Kali out in a bathroom stall or getting fucked behind a bush in a public park causes her to start dripping on the floor again, something her Mistress doesn't miss.

"Oh~" she purrs, "did one of those sound interesting to you?"

"E-exhibitionism, Mistress," she mumbles, looking away with an embarrassed flush.

"Would you like it if I added a rule to what's expected of you at home, then?"

"What kind of rule?" (Ilia has started forgetting the ma'am or mistress after some of these, but Kali can't help but let her adorable little pet get away with it most of the time.)

"If you don't want to accept this rule, that's perfectly okay," Mistress prefaces like always, intent on making sure that, while Ilia is the submissive in this relationship, she knows she's an equal member to Kali in this and has the right to veto anything she's truly not comfortable with; she's submitted herself entirely to Kali, but the privilege of Ilia's submission and trust is not something she ever intends to abuse to get what she wants or pressure her into situations that won't be enjoyable to her as well. "The rule is that you would no longer be permitted to wear clothes inside the house unless we have company over; when we're home, you're open and available for easy access any time I'm in the mood."

Well fuck if that isn't an offer Ilia will take without hesitation; it's one of those things she never would have thought to try on her own, but now that the idea's in her head it seems completely irresistible to at least give it a try. Mistress told her to speak up about concerns, though, so she should ask at least this one question before they start agreeing on any rules of their relationship.

"Would any potential rules be able to be re-negotiated in the future, or are they set in stone once I accept them?"

Mistress looks very pleasantly surprised by her response, that look shifting over to pride in her pet for not being one of those submissives who tries to force themselves to act how they think their owner wants them to act; a good dom doesn't make someone act kinky if they aren't, they explore and try new things to draw out the parts of their sub that the sub didn't know were there and nurture them to their full potential. Ilia doesn't feel like she's been forced to change, rather she awakened something inside herself that was always there and just lying dormant, waiting for someone to treat it properly.

"Any rule you accept is always allowed to be changed, whether that means making the rule more lax, or doing away with it entirely, or," she gets a glint in her eye that sends a delicious shiver down her spine, "being made even stricter if you don't think they go far enough." That's the look that Ilia knows means she's about to try something new that she's going to get hooked on.

That's all the information Ilia needs. "Then I accept, and I don't think I'll ever change my mind about this rule," she affirms confidently, making Mistress lick her lips in anticipation.

"Very well," she says simply, adding the first official house rule to the record. "Strip," she growls authoritatively, Ilia hastily shucking off the oversized t-shirt of Mistress' that she'd put on when they decided to take a breather about half an hour ago, the early morning slightly chilly without Mistress' body heat pressed on top of her like she's gotten used to.

Once Ilia's completely naked again, Mistress Kali sends a bolt of excitement right into her chest when she grabs a firm hold of Ilia's leash for the first time since her collar had been put on when she gave herself to Mistress last night, giving a small tug that's just strong enough to pull her slightly towards Mistress, not needing to do more when she closes the rest of the distance and nestles into her side, receiving a pat on the head for good behavior.

"Would you be okay with doing your training while I have my meeting?" she asks, causing Ilia to look up at her in confusion. In lieu of a verbal response, Mistress nods her head over towards her desk for doing any work from home. Ilia gets her gist after a moment, spying how there's plenty of space for her underneath the desk.

She nods enthusiastically, Mistress letting go of her leash with an amused chuckle as she beelines for the desk and makes herself comfortable on her knees underneath it. Mistress grabs a throw pillow off the couch and gives it to Ilia before walking off to her (now their) bedroom to get dressed for her meeting (they'd already agreed on the most logical solution of Ilia moving into Kali's house, effective immediately; it's not like Ilia has much of her own anyways, just a few bags of clothes, a couple photos of her parents from when she was a kid and Lightning Lash, and she doesn't really hold any particular fondness for her crappy apartment, so the arrangement benefits them both in spades). Ilia quickly readjusts so she's kneeling on the soft cushion, vastly more comfortable than she'd been a moment ago.

Mistress returns, dressed professionally and looking beautiful as always, and settles down into her chair, starting to log in to her computer and get her video call going. When she makes no move to remove anything so Ilia can continue her training, she tugs gently on her pantleg to silently get her attention in case the meeting's already starting. Mistress looks down and spies her confusion, smiling softly and gesturing for Ilia to do it herself.

Ilia sets to work at once, quietly undoing her fly and snaking her hand in to start fishing around for Mistress' cock. Once she's found it she smirks and shoots her tongue into the opening, coiling tight around it and pulling it out into the open air. Ilia takes a moment to nuzzle the half-erect pole and inhale her musk to get herself going, dropping one hand down to her own slit and starting to touch herself. Just to tease Mistress she slips her tongue into her slit and wriggles it around for a moment, Mistress barely suppressing her gasp and looking indignantly down at Ilia; she's not angry at Ilia, more at herself for not having expected her insatiable little pet might pull a trick like that.

Ilia grins at her before snaring her length with her tongue and pulling herself down onto it, quickly working on trying to loosen up her throat so she can get farther than last time. Kali quickly realizes that she should have told Ilia to be quiet as well, gesturing for her to do so as she explains, "No, I'm sorry Councilman, just a bit of static on my end; it seems like my connection is a little spotty today."

Ilia starts making as little noise as possible, only the quietest of moans and the occasional exhale through her nose escaping her, more than enough that she's no longer interrupting Kali's work and receiving a small scratch behind the ear as encouragement for a job well done.

All she wants is more; more praise, more affection, more of the happy smile she brings to Kali's face and Kali brings to hers. Ilia pushes herself a little harder, forcing her throat to relax and sliding the 9th inch inside. She can't stay there very long, having to pull off or else risk triggering her gag reflex and coughing loud enough to be heard by the council members, but she makes up for that by going again and again and again. The little twitches Kali's face is making tell her that she's doing well enough for Kali to be having to work to hold back from moaning and spur Ilia on even further. She takes a few practice tries without Kali in her mouth to figure out how to open her throat for Kali and keep it that way without choking, then gets into position again, ready to rock Kali's fucking world.

She gently bobs a manageable amount at first to build up a rhythm, starting to go deeper and deeper on every thrust until suddenly she's kissing Kali's pubic bone, the entire Goliath lodging inside her. Kali's pupils dilate when she looks down at the sudden change in sensation and finds that her pet has cracked the code, now effortlessly gliding up and down the entire length and staring into her eyes with a smoldering fire and self-satisfaction behind them.

"Is something wrong, Ms. Belladonna?" a councilperson asks, Kali snapping her head back up to the video call and hooking Ilia's neck in the crux of her knee, one leg tucked behind Ilia's head and then under her leg to lock Ilia in place with Mistress hilted in her mouth, remembering to breathe through her nose so she can stay here as long as she's told to, massaging her lips against Mistress's base and rippling the muscles in her throat to milk her dry.

"N-n-no," Kali stammers, trying not to lose her composure and desperately restraining the urge to let loose a filthy moan, "I just s-seem to have knocked over my glass of water is all," she starts collecting herself now that Ilia can't move and throw any curveballs her way, "the whole thing got over the floor, I just need to wipe it up, I'll be back in a few moments."

She releases her leglock and allows Ilia to finally dislodge the massive pillar in her throat, ducking under the desk and kissing her lover furiously. "I'm so proud of you pet," she whispers into Ilia's ear, stroking her cheek in appreciation of how hard her pet is working to make her happy. "Since you've been such a good girl, we can do whatever you'd like after this," she promises, knowing she only has a dozen or so seconds before her absence starts to become conspicuously long. One last kiss is pressed to Ilia's lips, Kali's tongue sneaking inside for a moment, then Kali grabs her tits and gives them a rough twist that makes Ilia have to bite down on her lip to not audibly yelp in surprise. "And that's for being a little brat at the start of the meeting," she grumbles, finally giving Ilia her due for the trick she pulled before sitting back up in her seat. "Thank you for waiting," she offers politely, the meeting resuming without further incident.

Ilia starts tugging at Mistress's pants, and Mistress heaves an amused sigh before lifting her butt off the seat just long enough for Ilia to drag her pants off of her and leave her naked from the waist down. First she's going to finish taking care of Kali's rod, then she'll tend to her pussy again and make her feel as good as possible.

Sliding back down the entire pole, Ilia starts dragging her head up and down the length, pulling off occasionally to give her sack some attention, then diving back down and teasing her balls with the hand not steadying her against Kali's thigh. She feels the telltale throbbing and gets ready to gulp down what she's given, but she forgot something important; if you tease someone for too long, they build up more than usual and cum hard when they finally get off.

There's not even the slightest of chances that she can keep up with the deluge of cum that floods her mouth and starts sliding down her throat, cheeks bulging in a frantic effort not to spill anything. She can't hold it in, the excess slopping down her front like a bubbling fountain and covering the cushion underneath her as Kali seemingly drains her balls into Ilia in one go. Once the flood has finally stopped, Ilia grimaces at the large pool of cum underneath her and the line of it covering her entire front, but still dutifully goes about cleaning her Mistress off first, gathering up the leftover spit and cum and throat slime from her training onto her tongue and swallowing it down to dispose of it. Knowing that she can't do anything about it right now with Mistress' meeting going on but still feeling bad about making a mess, Ilia starts gently lapping at her slit to say she's sorry, doing just enough to provide a pleasant warmth to Kali's body as she wraps things up.

Once she's closed her video call, Mistress looks down at her with a mixture of emotions, eyes roaming over how messy her pet is right now, having stayed kneeling in the puddle of cum underneath her because she hadn't been given permission to get out from under the desk. Instead of being upset or disappointed in Ilia, however, Mistress just helps her stand up, her knees stiff after having spent almost an hour down there.

"Grab a few of those towels and we'll get this cleaned up in no time, pet," she orders gently, getting down on her knees beside Ilia as they scrub up the mess together.

Once they're done with the floor Ilia's about to wipe her front down, but Mistress Kali stops her. "I think you look kind of sexy all messed up like this," she drawls, nipping Ilia's earlobe and taking her by the hand to lead her back up to the bedroom. Once they're inside they try what Ilia wants to as her reward for finishing day one of obedience training; it's a little different than Ilia's used to, scissoring with a massive dick getting in the way, but they both enjoy themselves immensely nonetheless, then Kali makes love to her again and finally reaches the limits of her stamina, going soft inside of Ilia but making no effort to pull out as they cuddle on the bed, both ready to take a good long nap to recover from all the exertion of the past day.

"I think that was the best sex I've ever had, Ilia," Kali praises, giving Ilia a loving kiss and holding her close so she can nuzzle into her owner's side as she pleases.

"Mmmm, thank you Mistress," Ilia murmurs as she interlaces their fingers and presses a tiny kiss against their joined hands, already starting to fall asleep with a content smile on her lips, finally feeling like she's found someone who truly wants her in every sense of the word.

"I love you, Ilia," she whispers, her smile pressed gently up against the shell of Ilia's ear.

" you too, Kali…" She trails off as her eyes drift closed and she falls asleep, safe and sound in the arms of the woman she loves.