Faunus Jaune's Fuck Frenzy ( 1 ) [RWBY]

Summary: As a rare Lion Faunus Jaune Arc is capable of many great feats, some of which include a rare yet powerful Mating Frenzy which happened earlier than expected resulting in him being kept in a cell away from everyone else. Unfortunately Pyrrha breaks him free without fully knowing the truth, resulting in a riled up mating frenzy brought on by Jaune's newly awakened need to breed. Weiss, Glynda, Blake, and Yang all get roped into the madness, right after Pyrrha.

Credit: AzureGigacyber


In the usual world of Remnant there are Huntsman Academies, Huntsmen, Human and Faunus, but every other generation or so there is a rare breed of Faunus that stands above others. Namely a Lion Faunus within the Arc Family lineage, one whose genetic traits dominate the process of breeding and conception. Once their heat period starts a male Lion Faunus of said bloodline will go 'primal' and arouse the allure of any susceptible female they come in contact with for the intended purpose of mating. Pheromones air from their body arousing the marked target into a blindly euphoric state in which they become utterly submissive sexually to the Lion Faunus. Their endorphins go wild as aphrodisiac is laced into their body, once conception starts the primary breeder is put into a feral state where his physical attributes become enhanced. Limitless stamina, extremely high sperm count with greatly enhanced virility that ensures pregnancy one hundred percent. When the first drop of seed hits the woman's vaginal muscles she goes into a state of ovulation ensuring that it happens while feeling mind-bending ecstasy erupt through her body. The process doesn't stop there, however, as long as the male is active and still 'hungry' he will continue to lure in and dominate other females with the intent of procreation. This will continued until his frenzied state is over, and wouldn't you know it….Jaune Arc just happens to be one of them undergoing the process right now.


"Uuuggh, I can feel it starting. I can really feel it taking over my mind and body, it's like being possessed by a perverted ghost or something.I never thought this would happen to me so soon, why didn't it wait until I was in my twenties like Mom and Dad said it would?" Jaune Arc whimpered to himself as he knelt restrained within a holding cell somewhere in the world.

His wrists were bound in handcuffs attached to chains, his legs and his torso were bound behind a steel restraint, he was breathing raggedly and wearing only his basic clothing of the usual Pumpkin Pete hoodie and simple blue jeans. His socks were the only things on his feet right now and his face appeared rather winded judging by how hard he was breathing. He looked down and saw his erection forming up from within his pants showing him that he was indeed entering the primal state of his Faunus Heat season. It was something he was warned about before, but assumed he had more time until it happened. His fluffy tufted ears twitched like crazy from within his golden mop of hair, his lion tail lashed about enthusiastically as he felt his thoughts fade away to be replaced with a thick fog of lust addling his mind.

Jaune Arc sighed to himself, he dreaded being a Lion Faunus for one particular reason; he was one of the rarest breeds of Lion Faunus in the entire world. His kind happened to be masters of breeding and procreation, once their heat periods begin later in life they would be insatiable beasts looking for susceptable woman to mate with and breed leaving a slew of children in their wake. Normally it was supposed to happen in their mid-20s to early 30s, but Jaune drew the short straw and had it happen to him much earlier than he was anticipating. During his second semester at Beacon no less and with his friend circle consisting of many beautiful attractive girls that his instincts would no doubt make him hunt.

"I'm just glad Professor Ozpin prepared for this ahead of time, guess I'm not the only Lion Faunus of my kind that entered Beacon Academy, still…..what did he mean when he mentioned something about a 'Nursery' to Miss Goodwitch earlier?" Jaune pondered to himself regretting his physiology and counting the number of minutes passing him by. He hoped it would be over soon since there was no one around for him to become stimulated by. Once his senses picked up a female scent he'd no doubt go crazy and air his aphrodisiac pheromones around the area pushing whoever was in into a sexual frenzy only for him.

This was the ultimate Alpha Male fantasy of the Lion Faunus breed in which he belonged; to claim and conqueror strong mates and father many children/cubs with various women. Although he was turned on by the idea Jaune had no desire to ruin anyone's lives with preemptive motherhood,

He didn't regret that he's made so many wonderful friends since coming here, although he did regret coming off like a dork when it came to courting Weiss. She had shot him down plenty of times fast enough, and though it diminished his spirit just a little bit he was happy to be best friends with Ruby. He couldn't imagine making advances on her or her teammates anymore, but it didn't help that Yang was a sexy, beautiful, big-breasted flirt that liked to tease him. The thought of her bust made his pants feel even tighter down below his waist. Jaune struggled to contain his urges till he thought of his other female friends, namely Nora and Pyrrha Nikos. He was glad they opted to keep him restrained somewhere on campus, but Ozpin told them they couldn't go near him while he was like this. ANd Jaune understood why, it was because they were like all the other female huntresses at this school. Beautiful, curvaceous, sexy, strong, and confident. Alpha Lion Faunus like him found those traits to be prime breeding categories in which to select someone.

"Okay, let's try to think of something else now. No more thoughts about women, or else I might go feral and break from these chains, but that's unlikely, right?" He said to himself chuckling sadly until his ears picked up something from a nearby distance.

"Jaune! Are you here?"

'Shit! Pyrrha! No! Don't come any closer to me!' He thought in panic trying to speak those thoughts out and warn her away, but his body didn't want to let him. His enhanced Faunus physiology sensed a virile female coming closer to his location, this made Jaune panic even more because he knew what would come of it if she was in range.

Prying open a set of doors using her polarity Pyrrha Nikos came into the picture, Jaune's eyes widened in mortified terror as the sun behind her lovely frame made her out to be a beautiful redheaded goddess. Her green eyes shimmered with joy upon seeing him and the girl wasted no time in rushing over to the object of her affection being restrained by chains inside of a cell.

"Jaune! There you are! Oh I'm so happy to see you're alright. When Professor Ozpin told me you had been put in a cell I immediately rushed off to find you." Pyrrha explained as she used her polarity to bend open the bars and the chains holding him down.

Jaune screamed inside of his head at her yelling that her folly will screw her over, literally, but his voice died off in his throat as he felt the feral state of lust occupy his mind. Thus, his body relaxed the pheromones into the air within the range of the loving redhead.

'Noooo! Pyrrha...I….I…..want….to breed with you.' Jaune's mind became altered putting him in his feral faunus mode once his instincts kicked in.

"What's this feeling I'm having, Jaune? I feel lightheaded and...ooooh….sensitive down there!" Pyrrha moaned out bucking her thighs and reaching her hand down between her legs to cup her mound underneath her skirt. She was huffing hotly now and doubling over onto her knees while Jaune stood up from his place with hands undoing his pants.

Her cheeks ignited in a hard blush once she realized what he was doing, she wanted to protest his actions, but found that she couldn't even voice those thoughts of restraint. If anything, she became even more aroused by the sight of Jaune unbuckling his pants.

"Jaune….?" Pyrrha huffed as she saw his jeans becoming undone revealing his Pumpkin Pete boxers, she snorted a laugh until 'that' came out of the opening. Her jaw dropped and her eyes sparkled with wanton lust as the pheromones filled her body up with desire.

Jaune's thirteen inch member stood proudly above her face like a glorious golden pillar ripe for worship, Pyrrha felt her lips quench with thirst and her loins light up with desire. She became hornier than she ever was before and found that her body felt more sensitive to everything around her. Her eyes noticed a strangely feral look on Jaune's face, one that spoke of confidence and dominance as he stared at her a certain way. She'd be lying if she said she didn't like this all new confident Jaune wearing his large penis out in the open.

"Pyrrha…." He growled almost in an animalistic fashion and leaned down to cup her face into his surprisingly strong hands. In the back of Pyrrha's mind she felt happiness run through her body now that Jaune was eying her like an object of desire. She dreamed of this moment, cherishes the warmth of his presence and felt the stirring sensation of arousal coursing through her body tell her she was ready to make love to him.

"Jaune…." She cooed absentmindedly until his face reached hers resulting in a fierce surprise kiss! Her eyes shot wide open in wonder the moment she felt them, Pyrrha then closed her eyes and started kissing him back resulting in an open-mouth exchange showing their tongues curling against each other.

"Hhmmhhh!~" She mewled in happiness feeling the lust built up in her body guide her sexual instincts. Jaune was as forceful as he was gentle when he started swirling his tongue inside of her mouth tasting the redheaded woman before him. Pyrrha was happy beyond belief right now and the pheromones flowing inside of her made her body shake with a frenzied lust. She started pulling on his shirt until her hands wend under it to feel up his chiseled body underneath. Jaune mewled back into her mouth as their tongues rolled over each other in languid embrace.

They suddenly broke off from each other leaving a gooey trail of saliva bridging from Pyrrha's lips to Jaune's, the former had a dazed face on her mug. Jaune's had a more hungry one on his.

"Pyrrha...I...I can't control myself right now. I n-need to have you!" Jaune declared feeling his sense of rationality and primal Faunus lust go to war with each other. His hands reached her corset and pulled it open in a rough manner! The strings tore off and buttons flew everywhere as the tight-fitting piece of leather ripped open revealing Pyrrha's supple D-cup sized breasts.

"Aah~! Jaune, you animal!~" She purred out excitedly feeling the mood kill any sense of restraint she might've had otherwise. Jaune salivated when looking at the sight of her large melon-sized breasts , he wanted pinch those delicious pink nipples of hers between his lips, but the urge to breed the woman was stronger than his need of foreplay.

Gently nudging Pyrrha onto her back his hands reached her sash and hip skirt next, Pyrrha simply lifted up her legs into the air quickly undoing her pauldrons and letting all of her clothing fall onto the floor. All that was left covering her legs were her tight-fitting dark stockings, she giggled in whimsical delight as she felt Jaune pull up her skirt and remove her sash. Her dark red underwear was shown to him next, with a tug of his fingers he ripped up that piece of clothing from her body exposing her dripping cunt to him in full glory.

Pyrrha let out a shriek of surprise and grabbed the back of her legs prying them wide open and happily spreading herself in submission for love. Her heart was racing a mile a minute right now, she partly believed this to be a dream it actuality, and she knew she was going to enjoy it to the fullest whether it was or not.

'Pyrrha…' He growled in thought feeling his member throb and twitch readily as he looked into her pussy seeing her moist velvet cavern throb with excitement. Jaune felt the primal urge to breed occupy his mind entirely as he stood up on his knees and placed his thighs on top of her legs keeping them suspended in the air. It was an obvious Mating Press position he was ensnaring her in, and it was fitting that he was going to take her like this with the intent of procreation.

"Jaune…! Huff...huff….take me! I'm all yours, my darling! I love you more than anything in the world!" Pyrrha blurted out in happiness holding out her arms and inviting him to embrace. Jaune's sense of restraint, what was left of it, went right out the window of the cell room he was in along with a scent of his pheromones.

He quickly pulled up his hoodie revealing his bare chest suddenly becoming more muscular than any body builder she'd ever seen.

'My word! I know he's been training intensely for the past few weeks but I'd never guess he'd gotten…..so big!' Pyrrha thought just now noticing how heavily muscled Jaune suddenly became. Once his heat period started his body undergoes a metamorphosis of a sort. He'd become extremely built in terms of muscle shape and he'd have limitless stamina to boot. Additionally he will produce massive amounts of semen set to the highest level of potency possible to ensure impregnation, once that sperm touched a woman's insides a pregnancy was guaranteed regardless of contraceptives or safe days.

Jaune got on top of Pyrrha now, he slumped his body down onto her frame making her legs kick up in the air to the point they hovered over his shoulders. His member guided itself into her drooling quim spearing her opening and making her shudder sharply in sensation of the coming intrusion.

"Ahhh!~ Yess! Take my virginity, it's all yours! Everything I am is yours, Jaune!" She cried out in happiness as she felt his monstrous length burrow wetly into her pussy spreading out her walls and making Pyrrha clench her arms tightly around his shoulders in reaction.

A loud squelching sound resulted and Jaune's balls soon smacked the cleft of her nether region as he buried himself inside of the redheaded goddess. Pyrrha kept her mouth agape in silent euphoria feeling his member spread out her inner walls after he took her virginity. Pyrrha squealed with delight and felt dizzy with euphoria as she felt him fill her up to capacity and press his cockhead into her cervix. She may not have had a hymen for him to deflower, what with being an esteemed athlete after all, but she rejoiced all the same now that Jaune took her innocence. She was his, he loved her, he wanted to be with her and possibly fill her up with his seed! She'd gladly take everything, even if it gets hre pregnant. She craved Arc that much!

"Oooaaaahhh!~" She squealed out in euphoria feeling her walls shudder as an orgasm ripped through her body. Her walls squelched and gushed vaginal fluids all over his beefy length as he let his animal side drive him into a frenzy. Jaune held her shoulders and began pumping himself up and down into Pyrrha's upturned body. A loud plethora of skin-slapping sounds ensued and Jaune's body was the cause of all of it, he bottomed out of Pyrrha's pussy with utmost intensity right now. The girls legs dangled and swayed into the air as they hung spread apart in a Mating Press arrangement.

She clung onto his back for dear life moaning in hot breaths as she felt his magnificently large appendage saw in and out of her tight cunt. Her walls throbbed and her insides squeezed down around him as she felt it knock on the entrance of her womb. These sensations drove Pyrrha crazy with euphoria causing her to constantly cry out in primal ecstasy as she was being bred.

"Aaah aaha aah aaah aahhnn!~ Ooohh yess, Jaune! Yess! Pound meee!~" She hollered out wearing a delirious smile on her face as her body jiggled to each intensified thrust.

Jaune grunted and huffed in primal lust-filled heat as he fucked the redhead beauty like no tomorrow. His thick heavily bloated balls slapped against her ass spanking her while he rutted into her pussy like an animal. Each time it drove in he could feel her walls coiling around his throbbing length, the slick tightness of her vaginal cavity egged him on to continue breeding her even after he'd succumb to climax. Judging by how good it felt to fucking Pyrrha like this he'd say that time was coming soon.

"Uunh unh unuh unuh unuh unuaaahhhh!~" Jaune growled loudly like a beast after feeling her cum a second time on his length. Pyrrha whimpered in ecstasy as she felt the rush of orgasm rip through her body a second time in a row, her toes wiggled and her walls clenched tightly on Jaune's thundering meat. The pleasure she was feeling was almost too intense to bear, but she loved it.

Trembling with ecstasy the copulation continued for some time more with Pyrrha howling out Jaune's name as he bottomed out of her for another hour. She grunted and huffed in constant ecstasy relishing the feel of his member plunging into the entrance of her womb. She didn't know that once his seed enters her body she'll be destined for pregnancy, but right now her mind was too addled with lust and sexual stimulation to care. The only thing on her mind was passion and feeling Jaune mate with her like in her wildest fantasies.

"Ggrrghhh! I'm cumming, Pyrrha. I'm cumming!" Jaune announced in a feral growl and roared like a beastly lion before plunging his hips straight into Pyrrha's pelvis one last time before feeling his orgasm erupt!

"Gyyyyaaaaahhhh! Ooohhh yesss! Haaaahhh!~" Pyrrha wailed out feeling utterly dominated and wracked with mindless bliss. Her body shuddered with an intense climax all it's own as she felt Jaune's mammoth member push all the way inside of her womb before setting off! His balls tightened and thick rivets of extremely potent seed surged from his length to pour into her unprotected depths.

Pyrrha's toes wiggled and her body thrashed about with intense climax, she was rippling with ecstasy as she felt her walls milk her lover's length for everything he had on him. Luckily for her Jaune had reserves that could go on for days, maybe weeks depending on his Heat period.

Loud pumping noises ensued as bloat after bloat of enriched highly potent sperm entered her body! Her womb filled up with the substance making Pyrrha cum again in the middle of insemination, it felt just that good for her to want to do that again. She sputtered about and felt her stomach inflate with his seed as it pumped generous amounts inside. Jaune grunted with every rutting motion of his pelvis scraping hers. The redheaded champion intuitively felt legions of his little swarmers dominating one of her eggs and relentlessly penetrating the membrane in the process, one made significant contact beginning the process of fertilization with absolute certainty.

Pyrrha was going to become a mother, a broodmother with Jaune as the Alpha Faunus Male father of her children.

"Oooohh! Aaahh…..!~ Uuaaahhh…...I Love you, darling.~" Pyrrha cooed feeling completely submissive to him as he pumped a few more times into her throbbing pussy before settling down.

Once the high wore off a small semblance of his rationality came back, Jaune realized what he had done now and felt there was no going back. Pyrrha was going to have his child, not feeling the dread or despair bother him he quickly picked her up with her clothes and carried her out of the cell. The stench of his pheromones followed with some of it getting whiffed by a certain Black Cat Faunus nearby.

"Pyrrha….we're going to our dorm room now, because I'm…..feeling the need for round two." Jaune purred into her face seeing her smile peacefully at him and nod eagerly.


Meanwhile, outside of the cell just a few yards away from the dorm building Blake Belladonna noticed something was up. Walking next to her was Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long, both of whom were wondering why she suddenly stopped.

*Sniff sniff*

Blake whiffed the eye and as soon as she did Jaune's pheromones entered her body making her feeling weak in the knees.

"Oohhh! What….what...is this? Mmnnhh!" Blake whimpered out loudly causing the teammates some concern.

"Blake? What's the matter?" Yang asked in concern as she bent down to pick her up off her knees, Weiss did the same with the other side of her and both girl noticed her bow twitching madly as a depraved smile crossed her face.

"I….must have it! Nnggghh! The scent is driving me crazy, I need to find out whose pheromones those were. I'm coming!" Blake howled out completely surprising both girls as she broke off from their arms and made a mad dash into the dorm building behind them.

Yang and Weiss looked positively stumped as they stood there with confused faces wondering what they should do next.

"I'll…..I'll follow her and see what this is about. Maybe it's something fish-related knowing her." Yang guessed and Weiss nodded before she left after her friend.

"And I'll just call Goodwitch to come and check this out, right behind you, Yang." Weiss said to the blonde as she hurried after teammate into the building.

The girls rushed into the dormitory building and when they did they saw Blake skidding to a halt in front of Team JNPR's door. Yang and Weiss had caught up with her and noticed a very feral look on her face as she prepared to kick the door open.

"Blake! Don't-" Yang called out to her but all three of them were halted b the loud moans coming from the other side of it.

"Hhhhhhh! Oooh yesss! Jaune! Yes! Aaaaaahhh!~"

Weiss and Yang both blushed redder than Ruby's hood with Blake halted in mid-action of kicking the door down. Her ears perked up again and the scent filled her nostrils once more driving her crazy with frenzied lust. She tensed up and resumed her action by kicking the door to JNPR's door open much to the shocked faces of Yang and Weiss.

'Is she insane!?' Weiss wondered until she picked up the scroll hearing Goodwitch calling her back. "Yes, Miss Goodwitch, we need you come over to our dorm room quickly to see…..something weird."

Weiss trailed off as all three pairs of eyes saw the mesmerizing sight of Pyrrha Nikos on her hands and knees completely naked with a heavily muscular Jaune behind her plowing his hips into her doggystyle.

Yang felt the color drain from her face while Blake simply rushed into the dorm room just in time to see him slamming himself into Pyrrha's body from behind with a groan.

"Mmnnggh!~" Jaune growled loudly within his throat as he felt the surge of semen rush out of his cock once again to fill up Pyrrha's already full insides.

"Uuaaahhhh! Yesss! Yesss!~ Oooohh yess, Jaune!" Pyrrha hollered as he pressed her head down into the bed surface keeping her rear turned up, his waist smacked into her skin several more times depositing another generous deluge of seed into her depths. Pyrrha writhed and undulated along the bed writhing in ecstasy as she came once again, the cum pumping inside of her pooled together until a collective amount piled on creating a stomach bulge.

'Oh god, I can even hear it! Just what is this?! And why….am I feeling drawn into it?' Yang wondered as she and Weiss enter the room just in time to see Jaune, in a surprisingly masculine buff body, pull out of Pyrrha. A splash of semen gushed out of her opening and oozed out like a slow syrupy river while she stayed unconscious wearing a goofy face.

Blake purred and felt her cat ears twitch like crazy underneath her bow as she saw her, she turned to Jaune and saw him eyeing them next with an equally feral grin on his face. Yang and Weiss stiffened up when seeing his large cock hang like a pole after pulling out of Pyrrha, they soon felt the pheromones slowly enter their bodies making them susceptible the same way Pyrrha was, but Blake struck fist and tackled him into the wall behind!

"Blake?...Y-you should know that I'm-" Jaune tried to warn her before his instincts kicked back in, but Blake cut him off with a very distressed hungry look on her face.

"It's my turn, Jaune! I need it! Your pheromones have been driving me crazy since I whiffed them outside, I have even entered my heat period now thanks to that and need you inside me! Please, mate with me already!" She wailed out desperately with a flustered face as she gripped Jaune's neck into her hands.

Hearing that snapped Jaune's focus back into thoughts of mating, his animal side took over like it did with Pyrrha. He saw that Blake was breathing heavily with wanton lust and saw him smirk back before leaning in to kiss her on the lips.

"Mmhhhh.~" Blake moaned loudly with soothing bliss as she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Jaune's neck. The boy couldn't think properly anymore at this point, his body was moving on pure mating instinct now. Since Blake offered herself to him, being a fellow Faunus must've meant she was far more receptive to his pheromones, he felt the indulgence of taking enter his mind.

Even with Yang and Weiss watching in stunned and confused stupor.

"Hmmmm!~ Haaahh…..more!" Blake hummed in a wet gasp after breaking off from his lips. Jaune grabbed a handful of her outfit tearing open her shirt revealing her ample C-cup breasts!

Yang and Weiss both became flustered at seeing what was going on, Weiss thinking on her feet quickly closed the door behind them so that they could watch in peace without anyone else getting involved. When she turned back she saw the most peculiar sight of Blake stripping out of her clothing entirely and positioning herself against the wall wiggling her wide ample booty at a feral Jaune.

"Holy cow, just….just look at his thing, Weiss! I mean...unnggh...I mean it's just so….mnngghh what's going on with me? I feel like I'm getting off on this too much!" Yang crumbled to her knees now rubbing cupping her breasts into her hands while Jaune stood up and got behind Blake's body. Weiss looked admirably at his muscular form and felt the pheromones flow into her body making her hornier than she's ever been while looking at it. She, like Yang, fell to their knees feeling the aphrodisiac-laced pheromones wrack their bodies with growing sexual desire.

"Uunnggh! Yang….I'm feeling something alright! Mmnnggh! Why is everything so sensitive right now?" Weiss asked in a whimpering voice until both of them were interrupted by the sound of Blake mewling out like a cat in heat.

"Nyaaaaahh!~ Ooohh Jaune!~" Blake cried out in ecstasy making both of them turn their heads to see Jaune pushing his gargantuan dick into her slimy folds. A loud wet squelching sound erupted as they saw Blake's tight-looking pussy spread itself apart to wrap around his meat.

"Mmnnhh!~" Jaune groaned primitively and pushed himself all the way inside making Blake shudder intensively with mind-bending pleasure. Each of her weak spots were getting ticked off by the intrusion of his penis. He walls opened up welcoming him inside of her cervix as everything else squeezed down on him.

Blake's eyes started rolling up into her sockets while her lips opened up a wide oval silently moaning in blinding pleasure. She was breathing hotly now and wiggling her hips into his waist as she felt his member stirring up her insides sensationally. Jaune let out a hearty groan and settled his hands around her waist keeping her hilt-deep as he began pumping himself into her quim. Soft smacks of skin started resounding making Blake's body bounce back and forth repeatedly as she humped the surface of the wall. Her breasts jiggled and bounced against the surface as her hair tousled about with every movement of Jaune's heavy thrusts.

"Aaahh ahhh….aaahh…..aaaahhhh! Jaaauune!~" Blake hollered out in bliss feeling utmost nirvana from the sensation of his member pushing into her cervix. He started going faster and faster letting his primal lust carry him as he rutted into Blake's pussy like an animal ready to breed, ironic that he was literally just that.

The sounds of coitus grew louder and Weiss,along with Yang, grew hornier as they shed their clothing becoming as naked as Blake and Pyrrha. The skin-slapping noises were heavy and Blake's started moaning even louder as she felt her cunt get thoroughly fucked by Jaune's beastly dick.

"NNngghh! Uunmp ummp ump ump ummphh! Oohhh yeah!~" Jaune grunted out relishing the feeling of her walls coiling tightly around his length. Blake's buttocks squished and bounced ravenously against his waist making loud slapping noises as he gradually intensified his pace. He was bottoming out of her with heavy lust savoring the feeling of her pussy wrapping tightly around him.

Blake bounced back and forth between his body and the wall moaning incoherently as she experienced mind-bending Nirvana. Jaune was in charge now, she was hers, her mate. Her Prime Alpha Male, such relationships existed between Faunus of varying types, if one was dominant then the other would be submissive like it was in the animal kingdom. Blake may have been a Faunus herself, but she never compared herself to animals until now. She was gladly becoming Jaune's bitch as her mating season just started, with him being selected as her breeder.

She started rocking her body against his waist more and more slapping her cheeks rapidly against his skin. He kept a firm grip on her hips pulling her onto him over and over again making her walls throb with stimulation. She ground her hips tightly against his waist feeling her walls throb as he pounded her pussy nicely with gingerly strokes, his large thick balls slapped into her thighs steadily hitting them faster as Jaune was now savagely pummeling Blake's cunt.

The loud squelching noises became louder and louder with Blake's howls of ecstasy matching them, soon the whole room stank with sex and sexual moaning. Weiss and Yang were both masturbating themselves to the sight as they knelt naked on the floor like animals ready for breeding. Weiss doubled over with both hands between her legs, she had her fingers constantly driving into her quim to the noise of Blake being bred. Yang was much the same except she sat back on her ass with one hand in the middle of her legs. She had only her ring and middle fingers from her right plunging voraciously into her quim. She sucked on the other pair of fingers from her left after having withdrew it from her pussy. Apparently she having those go in tandem tasting her own juices while watching Blake get fucked.

"Aaah aaah aaah aaah aaah aah ah ah ah aah!~" Blake hollered out with eyes closed and cheeks flushing red. Her body rocked and swayed to the sensation of her Alpha Mate bottoming out of her. This continued on for several more minutes with Jaune picking up the pace as she approached her fifth orgasm. She was huffing hard now, panting like she was running for her life. Blake's body glistened with sweat and reeked of Jaune's stench as he mated with her.

She soon pulled herself back allowing her naked backside to press into his allowing him to reach down and grab her legs. Blake let out a breathy squeal of excitement as she was lift up off the ground with legs spread wide. Weiss and Yang got a clear view of his member sawing in and out of her cunt with relentless pacing. His balls dangled and bounced in front of them mesmerizing the girls even further while he continued fucking Blake raw. Jaune grunted coarsely and turned his head to the side engaging Blake in an open-mouthed tongue sucking lip-lock.

"Mmhmm! Hhmmmm!~" Blake whimpered in excitement as she tasted him on her lips, his cock steadily pumped into her even faster making her bounce more wildly on it with legs dangling about. Blake reached her arms behind herself wrapping them around his neck and moaning into his mouth as he voraciously shoved his dick into her deepest parts.

The aphrodisiac-laced pheromones within all of their bodies excited them even more as the intimacy in the room continued. Pyrrha was still unconscious with her ass hanging up in the air, Blake was panting hotly as her tongue was getting sucked into Jaune's hungry mouth and his cock plowing into her hungry snatch. Yang and Weiss watched with mesmerized faces enjoying the sight of Blake getting bred like the horny animal she is. Her body bounced on top of Jaune's thundering length several more times before she felt her seventh climax hit her like a brick wall making her cum and loudly wail in ecstasy!

"Aaaaagghhhh!~" She screeched out and tossed back her head while her body shuddered heavily in an orgasmic rush. Her walls squeezed sporadically down on Jaune's meat coaxing him into cumming at the same time as her, he bucked his pelvis upward into her body showing the other two girls the sight of his balls bloating with release.

Blake felt her mind leave her body the moment her walls felt the thick flood of potent seed splash into her uterus. Her eyes went wide open and her body shivered with ecstasy as she felt the thick pump of sperm enter her body! She bit down on her lower lip with eyes rolling back into her eye sockets, Jaune growled like an animal and held her hips close to his waist while his member pumped viscous amounts of sperm straight into her uterus.

"Nnyaaaahhh!~ Haaaahhh!~ Jaune….I...you....you're going to make me a mommy I can feel it!" She hollered out deliriously knowing that two Faunus during mating season resulted in instant fertilization. She felt his little swimmers racing to one of her unprotected eggs, Blake's face screwed up into a smile as she felt 'it' happen right then and there. Her legs bucked inwardly succumbing to another orgasm as she felt herself becoming impregnated with Jaune Arc's seed.

"Oohhh….nyyaahhh….!~" She breathed out with a wide delirious smile and slumped down against the wall passing out due to the intensity of the raucous breeding she just endured.

"Mnnggh, more….I need more…." Jaune growled with his pupils dilated into slits. He slowly pulled out of Blake's gaping snatch revealing a thick reservoir of sperm pooled inside of it. Like syrup it dripped out of her as she slumped onto her face resting on the bed with her ass turned up breathing rapidly.

Jaune stood up and turned to the two other girls in the room, Weiss and Yang, and smiled as he senses their bodies ripening up for copulation. He could feel them becoming greatly aroused just by being in his presence, he knew his pheromones made them both hornier than ever because of it's range. Seeing Weiss and Yang there on their knees half-naked with breasts and body parts showing made Jaune smile as he loomed over them.

"Come here, both of you, starting with you….Yang. I always thought you were a looker, those hips and those…..breasts. I..gggrh….need you." Jaune cooed feeling his primal lust completely take over him.

"S-sure, show me what you got, big boy.~" Yang purred feeling the pheromones inside her system drive her more wild by the second. She was teeming with lust right and her mind solely focused on spreading herself in submission for Jaune, regardless of whether or not she'll come out pregnant in this. Part of her suspected she would and had no problem whatsoever letting it happen. She got up to her feet and began removing the rest of her clothing while Weiss eyed Jaune's long lubricated member with fascination.

Pulling off her little brown jacket, to her top, to everything else below Yang stripped her body free of her cumbersome outfit revealing her naked body to him. Soon she was wearing nothing but her birthday suit revealing a voluptuous curvy figure that was well developed for a teenager. She was as big as Pyrrha with her DD cup sized breasts, if only slightly, and her nipples were of the puffy variety making Jauner quench with hunger and a desire to feed on them. Her hips were nicely wide with a slim narrow waist accentuating her bombshell figure nicely, whereas Yang was a babe Pyrrha was a goddess. Both beautiful women had different types, but ultimately perfect in proportions and sexual appeal. That included Weiss, whom Jaune turned to next seeing her standing up to her feet pulling off her clothing as well. She was petite, cute, and graceful, Jaune watched with glee as her nude slender frame came into picture. From her bare exposed legs to her deliciously petite waist and hips, her breasts were perhaps growing into Cs at the moment, but she was still a dainty angel he grew really hard for. Weiss was nicely balanced and athletic with her elegant small figure, almost like a literal angel in his opinion. that was still growing her features in. The more primal part of Jaune's brain raged with lust at the two of them, none trace thoughts of hesitation or rationality was left in his mind. He just had the dominating urge to breed the two girls in front of him like he did with Blake and Pyrrha.

Wasting no more time he reached for Yang and pulled her by the wrists making her giggle flirtatiously in excitement, Jaune pulled her close to his body and leaned down to latch his lips onto her mouth engaging her in a fierce tongue-swathing lip-lock.

"Hhmmhhh!~" Yang purred happily and closed her eyes melting into the embrace. She reached up around his head rubbing her hands through his hair as she tasted his domineering tongue spiraling inside of her throat. Weiss watched with growing arousal as they openly swapped tongues in languid erotic motion.

"Mmnngh! Oooh why can't that be me? Uunngh!~" Weiss said to herself reaching down her body with a pair of hands to begin masturbating to the scene. The pheromones of profound lust kept her mind addled with it as she watched Jaune and Yang make out passionately for a few more minutes.

After tonguing her mouth for several minutes Jaune removed himself from Yang's face leaving it dazed and blushing heavily with happiness displayed on it. He then threw her onto the bed behind him, likely his own, and got on top of the blonde woman herself. Yang giggled seductively as she felt her legs being pulled apart spreading wide open exposing her moist pussy to his hungry eyes. Jaune licked his lips perversely when he saw her moist labia below a small fuzz patch of dark golden hair. Yang did him a solid and reached down to spread open her lips showing him her insides as he hovered his fully erect member above her vaginal opening.

'Breed! Breed! Breed! Oh I can't wait till those breasts start producing milk!' Jaune's mind raced with lust-bound thoughts as he grabbed his member and lined it up with her pussy preparing to take her in Mating Press position.

Yang's heart raced with excitement as she saw his tall muscular form roll onto her body, her legs bent back hovering above her shoulders and wide apart as she felt the sinking feeling of his member intrude on her depths. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes hissing as she felt her labia get spread apart welcoming the engorged cockhead of Jaune's meat pushing inside of her. Her breathing escalated and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close as her vaginal muscles stretched out to welcome Jaune's throbbing manhood. With a loud squelching sound and a coarse grunt and moan from the man himself Jaune embedded half his length into Yang's tight juicy pussy.

"Aaaahhhh!~ Ooohh yyeaahhh!~" She cried out as she felt what should be her hymen go away with the sudden forceful intrusion of Jaune's meat plowing all the way into her body! Yang's legs dangled in the air with toes curling up, she tossed back her head and came once she felt the entirety of Jaune's penis plow through her insides , past her cervix, and into the walls of her womb. This made her climax callowing her body to shudder with unbridled ecstasy!

"Mmnnngghh! Aaahh! Ooohh, Jauney-boy, start fucking me like you mean it!" She breathed out in a delirious fashion making him smile evilly as he drew back his hips and slammed them back inside her waist beginning his tantric fucking of the beautiful blonde girl.

"Mnngh! Ooh Yang.~ Unf unf unf unf unf ggrraaaghh!~" Jaune growled and grunted as he began slamming his pelvis into her upturned body with glee. His waist would hit her bottom smacking his large bloated balls into her buttocks while his legs kept hers up high into the air dangling.

"Aaahh aaahh aaahh aaahhaan! Oooohhh Jaune!~" Yang cried out as he passionately fucked her with powerful rutting motions of his hips. In and out his large dick blurred wetly into her quim spreading out her walls and penetrating deep inside of her body making her writhe in ecstasy.

The beed started shaking and Jaune's powerful form started bottoming out of her even faster, to the point where his balls began spanking Yang's ass with hard fast slaps of skin. She grunted and huffed in sexual bliss even more and held onto his broad shoulders tightly. Weiss watched as her legs dangled back and forth in the air with Yang tossing back her head and crying out in ecstasy once again, the Heiress saw the amazing sight of the party girls folds gushing all over Jaune's thick arm-length meat. She came hard around it squeezing that thing tightly between the folds of her vaginal muscles. Weiss bit down on her bottom lip mewling to herself as she fingered her insides more feverishly, she saw Jaune resume his paced fucking without slowing down for Yang's recovery. The blonde girl wailed loudly in ecstasy as he began pounding into her again, he held nothing back and grunted like an animal as his cock feverishly drilled into Yang's tightening snatch!

"Aaah aah ah aah ah aha aah aahh!~ Jaune….! You're an animal!~" She cried out deliriously as she felt his thick bloated balls slapping rapidly against her upturned ass. Her cheeks became red with every strike and jiggled with every hard push of his meat into her pussy. Jaune savored the warm tightness of her cunt coiling around him as he felt his balls churning with an oncoming expulsion. Yang's body started writhing and shaking with yet another impending climax, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck pulling him down onto her waiting lips so they could engage in another round of open-mouth tongue sucking. She moaned loudly into Jaune's face feeling his tongue swirl dominantly over her own making her willfully submissive to him.

He groaned and huffed like a beast hunting its prey, Jaune smashed his pelvis feverishly into Yang's body with hard tremor-inducing thrusts. This continued on for at least another twenty five minutes with Yang screaming her head off in ecstasy whenever her lips weren't glued to Jaune's. Weiss had doubled over on the floor keeping her right hand fingers dipping into her wetness determined to bring her off as she waited her turn. Hearing Yang's moans were torture for her since she wanted the D'Arc as badly if not more so now. Panting with sweat glistening on her face Weiss jabbed her middle finger deep into her quim one last time before succumbing to climax. At the same time Yang's body undulated wildly in sexual relief feeling her orgasm hit her like a tsunami as she came hard with Jaune cumming with her.

He plowed hard into the girl's rump one final time before tossing back his head and roaring. His tail wagged about wildly as his balls bloated with discharge, Yang bit down on her bottom lip mewling loudly behind her sealed mouth in euphoria. Her vaginal muscles clenched down furiously on Jaune's meat gushing and squeezing him in a desperate bid to get milk, luckily for her that came in spades. Jaune's nutsack bloated like a balloon, his member was wedged deep inside of her womb ready to seed. A gushing torrent of sperm flowed into Yang's pussy immediately making her writhe in ecstasy as he filled her up, she moaned and cried out in blissful nirvana feeling Jaune's sperm flow into her with ease and seek out a vulnerable egg.

"Uunngghh! Aaagghhh!~" He roared out as he smashed his pelvis into her waist with ball sack throbbing. Thick splashes of cum pumped voraciously into her body over and over again until she felt her womb fill up to capacity.

"Yess! Uaagghhh!" Yang cried out shaking with a thunderous climax as he felt his little swimmers seek out one of her eggs beginning fertilization. 'I'm….I'm going to become a mother!~'

She realized this with a smile on her face as her body throbbed and writhed all over the bed surface wracking with nonstop orgasm. Weiss looked up to see the sight of his balls throbbing as they pumped nearly a gallon load of sperm into the blonde party girl. He ground into her some more wiggling his hips to make sure each blob of sperm made it inside of her cementing her destiny as a broodmother of his children.

Once he was done he pulled out of Yang's body letting her legs fall to the sides helplessly like she were a ragdoll. Cum oozed out of her gaping snatch like a top-less syrup bottle, and to Weiss's surprise she saw that Jaune was still harder than a rock. His member was still erect and he got up from his bed to walk over to her.

She felt her breath beginning to air out of her lungs excitedly for she knew her turn was next now, hastily undoing her ponytail and letting her hair fall free Weiss prettied herself for Jaune. Something she never thought she'd do until today.

"Come here, Snow Angel. I'm not done with my Heat Cycle yet.~" Jaune purred and leaned down to pick her up bridal style making her blush madly.

"J-Jaune…." She cooed relishing the feel of his firm muscles and loving his sexually appealing confidence. He had her wrapped around his finger right now, Jaune leaned down into her face to pull her lips into a fierce open-mouthed kiss, one that Weiss returned with great fervor. She closed her eyes and mewled happily into the lip-lock as she ran her hands through his hair like Yang and done. Their tongues meshed wetly in languid splendor with Jaune dominating the dainty princess with ease, this excited her even more now as he carried her over to Pyrrha's bed.

Gently nudging the redhead aside Jaune placed Weiss down onto all fours, she knew what position this was and smirked coyly at him from over her shoulder. She wiggled her cute exposed rump to him enticing the man to put his cock in her already.

"Come and get it, Arc.~ I know this has to be a dream come true for you. It certainly is for me.~" Weiss purred excitingly Jaune's nerves as he got on both knees and guided his surprisingly erect length over to her exposed tight-looking cunt. Weiss bit down on her lip in excitement and braced herself to feel the immense length going inside of her body.

Once the head of his member touched her moist lips she shuddered openly in a sigh of elation, then she clenched them again once she felt it push into her opening spreading her out.

"Aaaaa…..!" She whimpered in slight pain for she felt her folds spreading wide open to wrap tightly around his length. Jaune grinned feeling his animal instincts take hold making him push in inch after inch filling her up steadily while seeing shake to the sensation. 'He's so...big! Aaggghh! It's like it's splitting me apart!'

"Unnggh, there there, Snow Angel. It feels intense at first, but don't worry you'll learn to love it." Jaune whispered to her bending himself downward to breathe seductively into her ear. He saw Weiss shudder pleasantly and turn her head to meet his in a sweet embrace. Their lips met together in a gentle passionate exchange, Jaune closed his eyes and tasted Weiss at long last, feeling her tongue eagerly dabble against his sensually as they exchange breathes.

He pushed more of his length into her tight slippery quim making her mewl inside of his lips, she felt like cumming already as her walls spread out to welcome the thick intruder into her.

"Hmmhhh!~" Weiss purred as they languidly swapped spit in a passionate embrace. Weiss suckled on his lips eagerly letting the pheromones make half the decision and the other half being of her own accord. She could say she was rather superficial when it come to preferences, and seeing Jaune's beefy body along with feeling the amazing sensation of his member made her choose him and only him the same way Pyrrha did. She loves him.

"Mmmh mmh mmh mh mhh mhhh!" She grunted between their lips as their bodies started heaving together on coital activity. Jaune's pelvis drew back then meshed with her ass making her cheeks jiggle while he fucked her. Weiss as purring loudly inside of his throat feeling the mind-breaking sensations of his entire dick stir up her insides. He started accelerating his pace making her bob back and forth along the bed surface completely forgetting that she called Goodwitch to come earlier.


Hurrying along the pathway to the student dorm room Glynda Goodwitch made her way to the location Weiss Schnee called her to. She was delayed drastically earlier when Port accidentally released a live Beringel on campus to better 'train' the students. Rubbing her temple in stress Glynda wondered what other headache awaited her today.

'Peter….! You're going to owe me big for making me deal with that thing you unleashed as part of your inane training method. In any case, now it's this problem; Jaune Arc has broken from his cage and is likely searching for women to inseminate. I was so distracted with Port's mess earlier. I hope I'm not too late.' Glynda said to herself as she arrived outside of Team RWBY's dorm room noticing that the Team JNPR dorm's door looked slightly damaged.

Taking a deep breath she flashed her ID card allowing her entry and looked to see the petrifying sight before her emerald jade eyes.

Blake Belladonna slumped against the wall with her ass high in the air oozing what was obviously man-cream from her gaping womanhood. Just a little up ahead was Yang Xiao Long laying on her back with legs spread wide open, her snatch mirrored Blake's completely with sperm spilling out of it. Glynda covered her mouth and scanned her eyes to the right of the room seeing Pyrrha Nikos in bed naked with cum painted all over her body and inside of it. She saw the same seeping trail of seed oozing from her quim. Hearing panting noises she looked to see the fourth victim of Jaune's bestial Heat Season moaning loudly in coarse ragged breaths.

"Haah aaah aah aaah aaahhhh!~ Oooh Arc!~" Weiss Schnee hollered out as her body rocked back and forth to the thrusts of Jaune's hips slamming into her from behind. She was on her hands and knees with hair down and sweat glistening along her perfect light-skin, her buttocks repeatedly smashed into his waist with the ever constant penetrations of his massive length pushing into her tight pussy.

Glynda dropped her riding crop when she came within range of the pheromones Jaune was airing, seeing Weiss Schnee rock back and forth along the bed moaning with exhilaration made her forget that one simple thing about his Heat Season. She had already fallen victim to it.

'What….what is this? Why am I feeling s-so sensitive….? Unnngh!" Glynda groaned out loudly before falling to her knees touching herself. Her hands were on her own breasts massaging them in circles while Weiss continued slamming herself back and forth on his appendage.

"Aaah aahh aannn! Ravage me more, Jaune! Fuck me!~" Weiss screeched out wearing a delirious smile on her lovely face. Her hair was sexily strewn about around her shoulders and splayed across her forehead as she felt Jaune's meat pummel the walls of her womb in coital ecstasy.

Jaune himself multi-tasked between fucking Weiss ravenously and eying Glynda with growing hunger, he watched as the esteemed educator ripped open her shirt exposing her luscious E cup sized breasts before him. Her lacy violet brasserie was immediately undone with a flick of her wrist causing her nipples to be exposed in full glory. Jaune salivated at the sight of them and coincidentally felt Weiss's tight snatch beginning to convulse in yet another intense orgasm wrought by ecstasy.

"Uunngh! Uunnghh aaaahhhh!~" Weiss cried out in euphoria and tossed her head back as her body started shivering with climax. Her lithe petite frame shook with intensity as her walls violently convulsed on his meat, Jaune clenched his teeth and felt the amazing suction of her cunt milk his member for everything it was worth leading to his own inevitable ejaculation.

He grunted and slammed his pelvis into her ample heart-shaped buttocks several more times before cumming, drawing his length back he slammed it right into her Weiss's tight snatch for the final thrust creating a protrusion of his member showing through her stomach. She screeched out in ecstasy as she felt the thick bulges of semen surge through his length to pour out into young fertile babymaker! Weiss shuddered in ecstasy yet again and ground her ass against Jaune's waist savoring the feeling of his throbbing member pumping her full of baby batter. She had a purely delirious smile on her face as she felt him come again and again inside her womb, thoughts on his little swimmers racing to one of her eggs played out in her mind making her tremble with delight.

'I'm going to be a mommy. I'm going to be a mommy with a Faunus stud no less! Ooohh I can't wait to show my Dad this and see how angry it makes him. Arc was always the one for me and this was the wake up call I needed to see it.' Weiss thought to herself feeling her eggs become fertilized already. She felt Jaune lean over her backside spooning her as he brought his face closer to hers with the obvious intent of sucking her lips again. She opened them up happily and felt his tongue burrow into her mouth shortly before she closed them around it.

Weiss closed her eyes and mewled blissfully in contentment as she and Arc swapped spit with tongues meshing together in languid embrace. She hummed and slobbered all over his mouth tasting him as he swirled his tongue around her own in a bout of dominance once more. Weiss's form started bouncing back and forth more frantically as their pace intensified, jaune was now passionately fucking her like a dog in heat making her salivate and drool while wearing a delirious sexed out face.

"Oooohaahh! Yess! Unngh fuck me some more, Jaune! Aaaahhh!~" She came again causing her muscles to wring his member dry as he pumped another thick discharge of sperm into her already full womb! Glynda watched with a mixed expression on her face, on one hand she was turned on by the showing and on the other she was mortified that Jaune was in his beast state mating with the students.

She saw Weiss's goofy face smiling happily with mouth gaping wide in euphoria, her eyes rolled up into her sockets while her tongue rolled out of her jaw. Her smaller form bounced and swayed constantly in nonstop coital bliss with Jaune pumping more and more seed into her depths ensuring her pregnancy. She clenched her fists down on the blanket riding out the rest of her climax as Jaune filled her up, Glynda was breathing faster as she worked her hands all over her large pendulous breasts, her fingers squeezed her nipples in between each other as she watched the breeding take place. SHe knew there was no doubt that Weiss was now pregnant with Jaune's seed, Ozpin had told her of the effects his breed's Heat Cycle entail. It meant no woman was safe from his charms and the effects of the aphrodisiac pheromones he aired.

Grunting a few more times he pulled out of Weiss's now prostrated body. She laid like Blake with her head against the bed surface wearing a goofy starstruck smile while her ass stayed up in the air oozing globs of sperm from her gaping cunt. Jaune huffed like a bull and wagged his lion tail around as he approached Glynda Goodwitch.

"Your turn, ma'am." He huffed and Glynda couldn't resist standing up with hands tugging on all of her clothing. Jaune was impatient right now and reached for her pulling her into his strong arms and inhaling her lips using his.

"Mmhhhhh!" Glynda moaned back as she felt the breathe get sucked out of her throat, Jaune's lips suckled on her mouth gingerly making out with her in unabated passion. She closed her eyes and swallowed the tongue that had been pushing into her mouth tasting it, those appendages swirled together with Jaune's exerting dominance over the mewling teacher. It had been sometime since she was in this kind of situation, now she relished the feeling Jaune had over her body.

Glynda Goodwitch was a woman with great needs left unfulfilled by her stressful busy life, since the pheromones put her into a lustful state her mind decided on relinquishing any willpower she had left surrendering to the seduction. She wrapped her arms around Jaune's backside pulling themselves together in a heated embrace.

Jaune's hands reached down her body tearing apart her clothing and stripping her naked. Her skirt and corset had been torn to shreds along with her lacy violet lingerie, the woman was in peak perfection as she remained in only a garter belt with a pair of silky dark stockings covering her long legs. Jaune reigned his head back to look at Glynda's body, she was in peak perfection alright, similar to Pyrrha's figure actually. Slim waist, wide hips, and generous breast that had been so wrongfully covered up by that corset. Her skin was nicely conditioned, lightly toned like Weiss with a healthy hue coating it, she was perfection. Jaune didn't care what her age was, she would bear his children like the rest. The primal part of his mind said so.

Glynda wore a flushed face when smiling seductively at him, she reached for the op of her bun undoing it and letting her hair fall free making her look like another goddess. Jaune licked hips lips and grabbed his rigid member he lifted the woman up into his arms. Her feet left the ground leading to her legs wrapping around his sides readily while she gripped his shoulders. She looked into his eyes breathing heavily with excitement as he guided his member into her dripping pair of vaginal folds.

With a slump and a loud squelching noise Jaune pushed his member inside of her body filling up her pussy completely and making her shake with overstimulation.

"Uuuaaahhh! Aaahh…..! Oohhhh yesss!~" She cried out with eyes shut and head hanging back panting in loud breaths. Her chest started heaving in front of him tempting him to lean his head down and sucked one of her large tits into his mouth.

Jaune actually did so, he craned downward taking Glynda's right nipple into his lips sucking on it gingerly like a baby while he penetrated her depths. Her walls spread open swallowing up his large penis as it bypassed her cervix and pierced into her womb like it did the other girls. Glynda hollered loudly as she felt go all the way inside. Her walls tingled with sensation as they tried to squeeze around Jaune's massive length.

'Uungghh! I can feel it throbbing inside of me! This boy's appendage is as big as a horse! Mnngghh!' Glynda thought with face red and mouth huffing constantly. Her pussy squelched tightly on Jaune's member as he settled his pelvis against her waist, her legs instantly came up to lock around his backside pulling him in even deeper if that were possible.

The woman was in a flux of sensations, she felt a bit of pain at having her insides stretched out so badly, but on the other hand she felt amazing euphoria all around. Jaune's length touched nearly every G spot she had inside her pussy making her mind melt into sexually charged mush as he held his hands around her butocks. His fingers squeezed the cheeks of her ass making her mewl even more as he lifted his head from her chest.

They both stared into each other's eyes with prima lust radiating from his and submissiveness from hers. Glynda felt weak, she felt helpless in his arms, in the arms of a big strong breeder about to impregnate her like he did four of her students.

"Huff..huff….kiss me!" Glynda begged feeling the lust burn through her system making her forget her reasons for coming here.

"Yes, Professor Goodwitch." Jaune purred in a husky lust-filled tone as he leaned down to swallow up her lips once again in a fierce tongue-swathing lip-lock. Glynda closed her eyes happily and ran one of her hands along his head pulling him closer . Their tongues meshed languidly into each other with Jaune's once again dominating her like the Alpha Male he was.

His pelvis ground against her waist stirring up her insides gingerly for a moment until he started drawing himself back a few inches to start slamming into her. Glynda's butt cheeks smacked against his waist titillating her body, Jaune was just getting started. He began rowing his pelvis back and forth into her at a gingerly pace making her frame writhe along his bulky one, he held her close making her moan inside his mouth as they started fucking right there.

Jaune held her up keeping her lifted in his arms with legs wrapped tightly around his waist, smacks of skin started erupting loudly from within the room stirring the other girls awake from their slumber. Pyrrha rose up first and smiled serenely at the sight of her Alpha Male breeding Miss Goodwitch, Weiss stirred next to her barely cognisant as she watched with half-lidded eyes. Blake and Yang both got up groggily to watch the spectacle as well, and all four students saw miss Goodwitch howling deliriously in pleasure as Jaune began a jackhammer pace!

"Ooaaaaahhh!~ Hhaaahhhh!~" She hollered out once their lips broke off. Glynda's mouth stayed wide open gasping in constant euphoria as she felt Jaune's meat push into her dripping snatch constantly. She hopped and bounced on top of him relishing the sensations of his penetrating thrusts, her toes curled up along his buttocks and her pelvis ground deeper into his waist taking him as deep as possible.

"Uuhh uuh uh uh uh uh uuaaahhh!" She breathed out with eyes closed in ecstasy, her naked frame heaved and wriggled along his taller one as he bottomed out of her with glee. The girls watched as his member slid in and out of her quim making her bounce with every thrust, it was a sight to behold indeed.

Hours passed and Jaune continued bottoming out of Glynda Goodwitch's tight pussy making her mewl like a bitch in heat, eventually they shifted their positions to be on the floor where he took her in a Mating Press like he did with Pyrrha. Her legs shot up in the air dangling helplessly as he pinned her thighs back using his strong muscled legs. The girls got a clear view of her his member plunging in and out of her cunt like no tomorrow, complete with balls slapping voraciously into her buttocks as she moaned loudly.

"Haaahh ahhh aaahhnnn!~" Glynda was a screamer, she held onto his neck as he bottomed out of her ruthlessly. His frame shifted and heaved against her smaller one making her writhe while wearing a sexed out expression on her face. She was barely cognisant and her mind melted in a miasma of pure ecstasy as Jaune pummeled her quim with powerful strokes.

Nothing but pure animal lust brewed within Jaune's core as he pressed himself into his teacher over and over again. The tight spongy suction sensation of her pussy wrapping around his meat was steadily pushing him over the edge for good. She was about to cum for the tenth time in a row since they began and he was finally going to blow his last load for the day. Her cervix squeezed around his length tightly as he pushed into her several more times before halting, he felt Glynda's body suddenly go into orgasmic spasm making her undulated along the floor in spastic coitus! She arched her chest forward screeching out to the high heavens as she felt her walls gush around Jaune's length coaxing him into cumming inside of her. He growled like a beast and slammed his pelvis into her body one last time before doing just that, a primal roar followed and thick globs of sperm shot out of his member to flow into her womb!

Glynda gasped in pure ecstasy as she felt the gooey warmth enter her body, her eyes shot wide open and her legs straightened out from the sides of his body twitching like crazy. Pump after pump of extremely potent sperm drowned out her depths making her shudder in constant climax as she felt her eggs become attacked by Jaune's virile sperm. She knew what this would make her, her intuition told her she was actually going to become a mother to her student's child. Glynda felt she should be furious at this, maybe even expel the boy for doing this to her, but for the life her she couldn't be angry. No, if anything she felt relieved, happy that he was impregnating her and simultaneously making the older woman crave the virile young student.

Jaune huffed and grunted some more as his member throbbed repeatedly inside her depths making sure her womb was filled to capacity. For a full solid minute he came inside her filling her to the point of overflow, eventually he finished cumming inside of her pulled out of Glynda's twitching body. Jaune slumped back onto his bum with his member now softened yet still large, his pupils shifted back into their original circular versions signifying that his frenzied state has now subsided.

"Huff...huf….huff...wha….did I….really just do all that?" He asked himself coming out of the haze of lust just in time to see Pyrrha,Blake, Weiss, and Yang all crawl up to him with loving smiles on their blushing faces. This made Jaune's mug straighten out in deadpan stupor. 'Oh…..crap. I really did it, well mom always said she wanted grandkids somewhere down the line.

Just then Glynda got up as well wearing the same face as the girls as she crawled towards him with an eager look on her face.

"Mister Arc...if you're going to take responsibility for this, then I'll be happy to make you my husband. Technically 'our' husband, just so long as you continue treating the mothers of your children in an affectionate supporting manner. Starting with another round.~" Glynda mused as she crawled up to him with all four other girls crowding around a seeming nervous Jaune.

"W-wait….let's talk about….this?" Jaune trailed off when he noticed his erection standing up again. 'Oh boner, not now.'

The stifling sensation of his primal side came back in full force making his pupils dilate and his nostrils huff. His mind was a haze of lust now as he found the five females in front of him ready to be fucked all over again with round two.