The Fateful Climb

I was sitting on the couch, flipping through channels, and then, I briefly hear a news reporter say something about Mount Everest. I go back to the channel. "Yes. Yes... That is confirmed reports of two young men going missing on Mount Everest. A twenty-year-old man, named Damien Adams, and a twenty-two-year-old man, named Joseph Peterson." The news reporter says, as images of my friends' faces appear on the screen. "Rescue teams have been unable to reach them. (Or their bodies, if that is the fate that they have come to.) As it is too dangerous to search the mountain at this moment." The news reporter says. I turn the television off. "I guess I'll have to look for them myself." I say, determined to find my friends.

I was at the airport, waiting for my plane. I had left a note at my house, to tell Alexandria where I went. Suddenly, I hear her voice. "Carter! What are you doing?!" Alexandria says. "I already told you in the note. I'm going to go find our friends. Be them dead or alive." I say, looking slightly up, into her eyes. "But Mount Everest is dangerous! You don't know what could happen! And I don't want you to get hurt, or worse..." Alexandria says. "Alexandria, I have to do this. These are our friends! Plus, I need to learn to man up, and stop being so... shy and nerdy..." I say. "But that's why I love you, Carter." Alexandria says, before hugging me. I hug back. I then realize my plane is about to leave. "I'm sorry, Alexandria. I have to do this. But, before I do...-" I start to say, before softly kissing her lips. "I love you too... Goodbye, for now..." I say, before getting out of her grip, and running to my plane.

I was climbing up Mount Everest. I had always wanted to be somewhere cold. I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances. I start to hear footsteps behind me. I look over my shoulder, and see, what looks to be, another climber. They seemed to be effortlessly climbing. Almost as if it was just a walk in the park for them. "Hey! Mind helping me out? I'm looking for my missing friends, and you seem pretty skilled!" I yell, but they don't respond. They just continue walking towards me. I then notice that I can't take my eyes off of the climber. I start to feel warm, and I want to sit down. However, I realize that something doesn't feel right, and I resist the urge to sit down. Suddenly, I collapse onto the snow. Just then, I felt extremely cold. The climber continues to climb up the mountain. As they got closer to me, I could feel something... hateful. Eventually, the climber gets to me, and forces my gaze into its black goggles. I notice that I still can't look away. What the hell is going on? I thought about calling for help, but no one was going to hear me. As I looked into its goggles, I started to see and "feel" pictures. Somehow, I knew the pictures were trying to tell me something. That something was: "You refused my gift. So, now... I'll give you a new one. Fellow warm-blooded friend." Suddenly, the creature throws me to the side, and I feel tremendous pain all over my body. It was like needles were pricking my entire body. I had regained the ability to scream, so I did. But it didn't help. Then, the bones and skin of my hands and arms felt like they were being stretched. As this was happening, my hair started to fall out. Only one thing was on my mind, as I sat through this pain. And that one thing was: "Alexandria, I should have listened to you." I then black out from the pain.

"I'm sorry, Carter. I wish I could have told you the truth." I say, as I put my palm against a scanner, and the door to my barracks opens. I then walk in. "But that's against Foundation policy." I say, as I sit down on my bed. "I just hope that, somehow... you're okay..." I say, as I put my face in my hands.