CHAPTER 74: Two birds, one stone.

Somewhere to the north of Whitefield.

"Is it ready?"

"Is everything in place?" asked a hugely curious man looking at the huge circle that was just in front of him, drawn carefully by the old man that was still bent in front of him with an openly annoyed expression on his face, tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over again until his face bulged in anger, 

"Not yet," he said again as he continued drawing the circle he had been paid to draw while following the diagrams in the paper he had also been given, after he was promised a lot of money for his family, just in case he died, 

"It has to be drawn carefully or it's one of my family members that would have to do draw it, after I'm killed and used as an example," Kanan thought, not saying another word as h tried to concentrate, ignoring the impatient sounds of pacing that he could hear from the person that was in charge of watching and ensuring that he did the right this.