A Sexual Desire

The lie tasted bitter on his tongue. But it was better she think him incapable of love. It would make things easier when he walked away.

"I'm not asking for anything more than one night, Ethan." Her gaze searched his for a moment. "I don't want anything more."

Maybe she didn't, he thought, studying the dark auburn highlights in her hair. But could he hold her in his arms, make love to her, then simply walk away?

"Making love will strengthen the link between us, Shirley," he said softly. "Can you risk that, when you fear the link almost as much as you fear the vampire?"

She glanced up sharply. "I don't fear you."

He smiled grimly. "No. You fear the darkness in me—the vampire. But I am not two beings, and you cannot fear one without fearing the other."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't care about the technicalities, Ethan. I just want—"