The bastard had to pay


The harsh whisper ran through his mind. He closed his eyes and leaned back in the armchair. He didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, particularly Gwen. Yet she was the one person who might understand. He sighed and silently acknowledged her probe.

Ethan, what have you done?

He smiled grimly. What had he done? Even now, he wasn't entirely sure. He'd risked his life and cheated death, but until Shirley regained consciousness, he wouldn't know if it were all worth it. There could be aftereffects, either from her drowning or his own intervention. There was a very real possibility he might have destroyed the fire he was trying to save.

He raised the beer, taking a long drink. It didn't ease the burning in his throat.


Worry shot through Gwen's mental tones. He sighed again. She'd be out to Aquila in a flash if he didn't start answering. The last thing he needed was a face-to-face confrontation with the old witch.
