The End Is Near

Energy spun through the room, and the inferno died abruptly. Shirley waited, half expecting another of Jasper's games. She refused to look up, refused to give him the satisfaction of her fear.

"Shirley, get up."

Ethan's soft order seemed more a shout in the heavy silence. She glanced up quickly, elation, relief, and fear tumbling through her.

He leaned against a wall near the doorway, his arms crossed, face impassive. Yet fury and death filled his eyes, and it chilled her soul. It wasn't only Jasper's death she saw in his eyes.

"Go," he said softly, still not looking at her. "Get out and do not come back."

She clung to the door frame and pulled her aching body upwards. The room spun, and she gasped softly, biting back the urge to be sick. She took a deep breath and forced herself to move, slowly edging towards Ethan and safety.