There is Chaos in the City

Ethan, I know you can hear me. If you don't start answering, I'm going to raid that

damn cabin of yours and slap some sense into you.

He smiled reluctantly. Over the last six months, Gwen had been a constant, if distant, companion. She badgered him endlessly, never letting his resolve slip, never letting him give up hope. She'd been his strength in the early days of darkness, when the demon was close to winning control, and he'd just wanted to give up the fight permanently.

He owed her his life, but she still managed to annoy the hell out of him.

A man would be hard-pressed to sleep with you around, Gwen.

If a man wants to sleep when I'm around, he needs to be certified.

The gentle lilt of her mind-voice deepened provocatively. He snorted softly. Gwen was a thin, frail-looking woman, but she certainly didn't look the one hundred and eighty years he knew her to be. And she certainly didn't act it—as her many lovers would no doubt attest.