A lost lover boy.

McKenzie  nodded, his gaze not wavering from Shirley's. There was a warning in his brown eyes—don't say anything to upset his sister any further. "What else?"

"She was there with a green-eyed, blond-haired man. They were lovers. He drove a white convertible with Wyoming plates, and he had lots of money."

Tina frowned. "I never saw anyone fitting that description." "He only visited at night," Shirley said softly.

McKenzie  continued to stare. Whether he'd caught the implication or not, she couldn't say. She'd always found him a little hard to read.

"But I would have seen him if he'd come to our house. Annabel lived with me, you see. She couldn't have gotten anyone in without—"

McKenzie  lightly squeezed his sister's shoulder again, silencing her. "Did you see him well enough to work up a sketch?"

Shirley nodded. Not that it would do much good—not if Annabel's lover had been a vampire. "I can come done to the station later today, if you like."