The Honeymooners

Bliss smiled and patted her husband's hand. "I have only fainted once in the time we have been together. That, too, was caused by something I ate."

Her voice still grated against his nerves. Why? It wasn't exactly harsh on the ears. "How long have you two been married?"

"Three moons," she said. Heat crept across her pale cheeks. "Three months, I mean." Ethan raised an eyebrow. Moons was an interesting phrase to use.

"Moons, months, who cares, huh?" Randy chuckled and clasped wife's hand. His

touch seemed more possessive than gentle. "As long as we're happy, time don't mean a damn."

Ethan had a feeling it was an expression often repeated. Maybe he was trying to convince himself as much as everyone else. "So this is not your honeymoon?"

"Hell, no. But Bliss was feeling poorly, and I thought a holiday might do her some good."