Fresh Taste Of an Unwoken Mind

He touched his neck. It was swollen and sore and he had no idea why she'd bitten him. Sucked him. It hadn't really hurt at the time, though. Just scared the piss out of him.

Next time it would be better, she'd promised. Next time, you might just get lucky. He didn't want there to be a next time, even if it did mean staying a virgin. He just wanted to go home.

Footsteps echoed across the silence. He edged back against the wall. The door opened and light filled the room, making him blink. The squat stranger was back. Behind him stood Lizzy.

Her eyes looked weird, bright yellow and somehow intense. Like a cat's, he thought, just before it pounces on a mouse.

He swallowed heavily. He didn't want to be her mouse. "What do you want with me?" He sounded like a girl, his voice all high and shrill.

"The time has come to prove your worth, young man." The stranger's voice was as dead as the smell in the air. "Elizabeth, bring him along."