The Use of Vampire's Vision

Bliss had warned her this would happen. She'd said that even Walter couldn't see them—he could only feel their power.It's about twenty feet in front of us .

Its light glowed a gentle gold across the cavern walls, whisking brightness from wall to wall, gleaming brightly off the thin strand of wire stretched taut across the path.

She stopped and yanked Ethan backwards.Trip wire . She pulled her flashlight from her pocket and shined the beam on the wire.

How in the hell did you see that? I couldn't, and I was using my vampire vision.He squatted, intently studying the wire, then the cracked cavern walls on either side.

The flame imp showed me. So they're on our side?

She glanced at the pearl. It was hovering near a slight curve in the tunnel, its shade a green-tinged blue—colors that hinted at sadness. But why were the flame imps sad? Had another of their number died?

Walter's killing them. We're their only hope.